Develop A Pamphlet

Develop A Pamphlet

Imagine that you are tasked to create a 1-page pamphlet for use at a university’s health services center to educate college students on sexual assault or intimate partner/domestic violence prevention (or intervention).

Please include the following:

  1. Area of focus: sexual assault or domestic/intimate partner violence
  2. At least 3 current statistics (within the last 5-7 years) on topics such as scope, prevalence, comorbidity, demographics at risk, etc.).
  3. At least one sexual or gender minority data piece must be included.
  4. Include at least 3 community-based resources.  One must be nationally available.  The others can be local to your current setting.
  5. At least 2 scholarly sources must be cited in-text on the pamphlet (and a reference list included on the bottom). Please use APA for all citations.

 Paper Requirements

  • Maximum 1 page submission
  • A minimum of 2 peer-reviewed articles cited in-text and referenced on the pamphlet.
  • APA style.