Memory Technologies 

Memory Technologies

Details on the Individual Research Paper:

1. Length and Style: The body of an analytic research paper should be at least 10 pages in length (but not more than 12 pages) and typed using the APA Guide. Student projects distill fundamental issues, discuss the various available solutions, discuss the benefits and limitations of the available solutions, and provide a new solution and justification. Student papers must state a thesis, and based on the research, attempt to prove or disprove that thesis. An adequate literature search will include a few books and journal articles (or other relevant documents). A search of Internet documentation is required. Students should develop a conclusion which synthesizes the literature in such a way as to demonstrate new knowledge.

Guidelines for the format of the paper are as follows:

  • The paper should be 10-12 pages of text in length. (This minimum and maximum length should not include the title page, separate figures and tables, or the list of references);
  • The paper should include a one-paragraph abstract, an introduction, and a conclusion – think as if you were writing for a professional journal;
  • The paper should use the APA (7th Edition) format.



Should a counselor remain value-objective about controversial issues presented by a client (such as abortion, suicide, adultery, drug use, domestic violence, child abuse)?
Consider the information above and Chapter 3 of the textbook.


Use APA levels of headings and write a 1,000-1,250-word essay

addressing the following:

1. Analyze the ethical implications of a counselor expressing their values to a client.
2. Identify actions a counselor might take when confronted with clients they find difficult to treat due to differences in values/beliefs regarding one or more of the following issues: abortion, suicide, adultery, drug use, domestic violence, child abuse
3. Name some of the legislation and/or government policies related to substance abuse counseling
4. Identify factors that might lead a counselor to ethically refer a client to another counselor once they have already been established as a client (not at intake).
5. Identify some unethical reasons to refer a client to another counselor once they have already been established as a client (not at intake).
6. Describe steps a counselor should take if referral is not an option because of insurance issues, geographical/travel issues, other agencies are full, because their values are different but it’s unethical to refer, etc.).
7. Be sure to use the AACC, NAADAC or applicable codes of ethics as guidelines when constructing your essay.
8. Include three additional scholarly resources in your essay in addition to the course textbook


Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Lopes Write. A link to the Lopes Write technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:
MS Addiction Counseling; MS Christian Counseling of Substance Abuse and Addictive Disorders
2.3: Analyze ethical issues in the practice of professional counseling.

This assignment meets the following NASAC Standards:

20) Understand the addiction professional’s obligation to adhere to generally accepted ethical and behavioral standards of conduct in the helping relationship.
21) Understand the importance of ongoing supervision and continuing education in the delivery of client services.
35) Seek appropriate supervision and consultation.
66) Demonstrate respect and nonjudgmental attitudes toward the client in all contacts with other professionals or agencies.
116) Demonstrate ethical behaviors by adhering to established professional codes of ethics that define the professional context within which the counselor works, in order to maintain professional standards and safeguard the client.
120) Utilize a range of supervisory options to process personal feelings and concerns about clients.
121) Conduct culturally appropriate self-evaluations of professional performance, applying ethical, legal, and professional standards to enhance self-awareness and performance.
122) Obtain appropriate continuing professional education.
123) Assess and participate in regular supervision and consultation sessions.
124) Develop and utilize strategies to maintain physical and mental health.


potential employers

potential employers

Investigate and discuss 2-3 potential employers of students in your field.  Are all profiles similar?  Do you notice some differences

Search on social media for comments about these employers and its products and services.  What is the public’s perception?

socially responsible investing

socially responsible investing

Chapter 10

Explain briefly what you understand “socially responsible investing” to be. (See pages 176-177.)

Then, thinking about your personal values and concerns you may have about the state of the world, what types of companies would you want to invest in? What sorts of companies would you avoid? In other words, if you had money to invest in stocks or mutual funds, how would you invest in a way that would reflect your values?

Chapter 11

On pages 186-187, Gonick and Kasser talk about a different way to measure the well-being and success of a country that looks at happiness rather than Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Explain what you understand about this idea. Then write about how you think it would transform life in the U.S. if we were to change the focus of our efforts, time, and energy in this way.


Six Sigma

Six Sigma

develop a real-world application paper on Six Sigma. Select a company that you work for now or have worked for in the past, or a company in your community of which you have sufficient knowledge. Show how the selected technique/concept would be applied to that particular business in its strategic allocation of financial resources.


Your paper must be in current APA format and must include references from at least 8 peer-reviewed journal article

paper must be at least 5 pages, not including the title page and reference page.

InfoTech Mobile

InfoTech Mobile


Word Count: 300additional Scholarly source
Strict APA 7 format

Leadership Assessment

Leadership Assessment

Final Project:

Earlier in the course, you were asked to informally evaluate your leadership skills and qualities. In this Final Project, you use formal assessment tools to identify your areas of strength and areas in which you need further development. You may use the results of this self-assessment to develop a plan to gain the skills and experiences that will help you move toward achieving your short- and long-term professional goals and objectives.

Using the assessment tools provided in Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, conduct a self-assessment of your own leadership characteristics, style, and skills. Complete at least four assessment tools for this self-assessment. In addition, select one tool to give to a colleague or supervisor so he or she can assess your leadership skills.

Final Project (2–4 pages in APA format)

Evaluate your current leadership characteristics, style, and skills based on the assessment tools you and your colleague/supervisor completed. Be sure to:

Potential Community Health Interventions

Potential Community Health Interventions

Select one of the specific health improvement needs that you identified in the first assignment. Conduct research on the specific problem and describe two possible approaches to address the problem in your community. One approach may be the same one that you identified in your Unit 3 assignment, or you can select two new approaches. Each must be evidence-based. One strategy must be based on a treatment model and the other, a wellness model.

  • Treatment models provide care to patients who exhibit a problem.
  • Wellness models take proactive steps to prevent development of a problem.


Be sure to differentiate between these two models explicitly.

You may wish to research how other communities are addressing the need and locate national data. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Web site (linked in Resources) may be a good place to start.

Write an eight-page outline that includes the following:

  • Restate the specific health improvement need that you are researching.
  • Identify the salient characteristics of the affected community.
  • Assess how social determinants affect individuals relative to the specific health need.
  • Assess how other factors may impact the health need.
  • Present two approaches to address the identified problem.
    • Describe an evidence-based treatment model to address the health need.
    • Describe an evidence-based wellness model to prevent future development of the health problem.
    • Be explicit in your descriptions, pointing out the identifying characteristics of each model. How can you tell whether the model belongs in the treatment model or the wellness model?
    • Assess the advantages and disadvantages of each model.

Assignment Requirements

  • Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. It should be clear and well organized, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax.
  • APA: Comply with current edition APA style and format guidelines, including citations and reference page.
  • Length: 8 pages plus title page and references.
  • Font and size: Times New Roman, 12 points.



Potential Community Health Interventions Scoring Guide

Due Date: Unit 5

Percentage of Course Grade: 20%.

Assess how social determinants affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem.


Does not identify examples of social determinants that affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem. Identifies examples of social determinants that affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem. Assesses how social determinants affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem. Develops and applies cogent, explicit criteria to assess how social determinants affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem.
Assess an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need.


Does not identify an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need. Identifies an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need. Assesses an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need. Develops and applies cogent, explicit criteria to assess an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need.
Assess an evidence-based wellness model for preventing development of a future health problem.


Does not describe any ways in which an evidence-based wellness model may prevent development of a future health problem. Describes ways in which an evidence-based wellness model may prevent development of a future health problem. Assesses an evidence-based wellness model for preventing development of a future health problem. Develops and applies cogent, explicit criteria to assess an evidence-based wellness model for preventing development of a future health problem.
Write clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, syntax, and good organization.


Does not write clearly, and there are errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, and organization. Writes clearly overall, but there are some errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, or organization. Writes clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, syntax, and good organization. Writes concisely with excellent clarity and organization, with no errors in spelling, grammar or syntax, and employing critical or analytical reasoning as needed.
Apply proper APA formatting and style.


Does not apply proper APA formatting and style. Applies APA formatting and style inconsistently and with significant errors. Applies proper APA formatting and style with minor errors. Applies proper APA formatting and style consistently.


Potential Community Health Interventions

Potential Community Health Interventions

Select one of the specific health improvement needs that you identified in the first assignment. Conduct research on the specific problem and describe two possible approaches to address the problem in your community. One approach may be the same one that you identified in your Unit 3 assignment, or you can select two new approaches. Each must be evidence-based. One strategy must be based on a treatment model and the other, a wellness model.

  • Treatment models provide care to patients who exhibit a problem.
  • Wellness models take proactive steps to prevent development of a problem.


Be sure to differentiate between these two models explicitly.

You may wish to research how other communities are addressing the need and locate national data. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Web site (linked in Resources) may be a good place to start.

Write an eight-page outline that includes the following:

  • Restate the specific health improvement need that you are researching.
  • Identify the salient characteristics of the affected community.
  • Assess how social determinants affect individuals relative to the specific health need.
  • Assess how other factors may impact the health need.
  • Present two approaches to address the identified problem.
    • Describe an evidence-based treatment model to address the health need.
    • Describe an evidence-based wellness model to prevent future development of the health problem.
    • Be explicit in your descriptions, pointing out the identifying characteristics of each model. How can you tell whether the model belongs in the treatment model or the wellness model?
    • Assess the advantages and disadvantages of each model.

Assignment Requirements

  • Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. It should be clear and well organized, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax.
  • APA: Comply with current edition APA style and format guidelines, including citations and reference page.
  • Length: 8 pages plus title page and references.
  • Font and size: Times New Roman, 12 points.



Potential Community Health Interventions Scoring Guide

Due Date: Unit 5

Percentage of Course Grade: 20%.

Assess how social determinants affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem.


Does not identify examples of social determinants that affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem. Identifies examples of social determinants that affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem. Assesses how social determinants affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem. Develops and applies cogent, explicit criteria to assess how social determinants affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem.
Assess an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need.


Does not identify an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need. Identifies an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need. Assesses an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need. Develops and applies cogent, explicit criteria to assess an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need.
Assess an evidence-based wellness model for preventing development of a future health problem.


Does not describe any ways in which an evidence-based wellness model may prevent development of a future health problem. Describes ways in which an evidence-based wellness model may prevent development of a future health problem. Assesses an evidence-based wellness model for preventing development of a future health problem. Develops and applies cogent, explicit criteria to assess an evidence-based wellness model for preventing development of a future health problem.
Write clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, syntax, and good organization.


Does not write clearly, and there are errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, and organization. Writes clearly overall, but there are some errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, or organization. Writes clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, syntax, and good organization. Writes concisely with excellent clarity and organization, with no errors in spelling, grammar or syntax, and employing critical or analytical reasoning as needed.
Apply proper APA formatting and style.


Does not apply proper APA formatting and style. Applies APA formatting and style inconsistently and with significant errors. Applies proper APA formatting and style with minor errors. Applies proper APA formatting and style consistently.