Entries by Linus

Gynecologic Health

Gynecologic Health Select a patient that you examined as a nurse practitioner student during the last three weeks of clinical on OB/GYN Issue. With this patient in mind, address the following in a SOAP Note 1 OR 2 PAGES : Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding her personal and medical history? Objective: What […]

Communication And Culture Asignment

Communication And Culture Asignment The assignment must have top, bottom, left, and right margins of one inch and be 1-2 pages in length. Times New Roman font that is 12 points. Double spaced. Section headers (Student name documented in the header). Each paragraph must have at least three sentences. The reference article must be less […]

Transforming Nursing And Healthcare Through Technology

Transforming Nursing And Healthcare Through Technology As a professional nurse, you are expected to apply your expertise to patient care. On occasion, you will also be expected to share that expertise. With evolving technology and continuous changes to regulations designed to keep up these changes, there is usually a need to share information and expertise […]

Burn Victim Assessment

Multidimensional Care IV discuss the following: The staff are following the Parkland Formula for fluid resuscitation. The client arrived at 0200 and was admitted at 0400. She weighs 110 pounds. Calculate her fluid requirement, using the Parkland formula. Explain the time intervals and amounts for each. The client was sleeping when the fire started and […]


  GENITALIA ASSESSMENT Review the Episodic note case study your instructor provides you for this week’s Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your Episodic note case study. Based on the Episodic note case study: Review this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the insights they provide about the case study. Refer […]

Assessing and Treating Patients With Impulsivity, Compulsivity, and Addiction

Assessing and Treating Patients With Impulsivity, Compulsivity, and Addiction Assignment 1: Assessing and Treating Patients With Impulsivity, Compulsivity, and Addiction Impulsivity, compulsivity, and addiction are challenging disorders for patients across the life span. Impulsivity is the inclination to act upon sudden urges or desires without considering potential consequences; patients often describe impulsivity as living in […]


Postpartum Case Study 128 – Postpartum Read the scenario and answer all questions Scenario: T.N. delivered a healthy male infant 2 hours ago. She had a midline episiotomy. This is her sixth pregnancy. Before this delivery, she was G6, T4, P0, A1, L4. She had an epidural block for her labor and delivery. She is […]

Maternalchildclinical_conceptmap_careplanPostpartum Hemorrhage

Maternalchildclinical_conceptmap_careplanPostpartum Hemorrhage REMEMBER THAT THE EXPECTED OUTCOMES MUST BE MEASURABLE.  THE INTERVENTIONS ARE WHAT YOU DO TO ASSURE THE OUTCOME AND THE CLIENT’S RESPONSE IS SPECIFICALLY HER RESPONSE.                                                     PLAN OF CARE:                                                                                             Use your top two priorities NANDA NURSING DIAGNOSIS use NANDA definition Expected outcomes of care (Goals)          Interventions       Patient response        Goal […]

Telephonic Nursing

Telephonic Nursing Discussion Question Based on your research, what conclusions have you been able to draw related to your final presentation topic? ( Telephonic Nursing ) Please describe your final presentation topic and the conclusions you have drawn from the literature you have researched. Are practice changes recommended for your current practice? Why or why not? […]

developing a project scope

developing a project scope In 750-1,000 words, address the following: Identify the steps in developing a project scope. Evaluate the importance of the stakeholder’s understanding of in and out of project scope. Create the steps for how to identify high-level deliverables and key milestones. Identify the steps to create the completion criteria. Report the success criteria […]