Entries by Linus

disasters that occur on our planet

disasters that occur on our planet Geo 4 Final Paper Rubric Length: There is no required paper length or word count. Paper and font size: 8 ½” x 11” 12” font double space. Due     5/15/2024 Subject Matter In the first discussion I asked you about the place you most wish to live. Over this […]

Fake It Till You Make It

Fake It Till You Make It Fake It Till You Make It: Accomplish Anything You Want by Acting “As If” By Patrik Edblad You must be the person you have never had the courage to be. Gradually, you will discover that you are that person, but until you can see this clearly, you must pretend […]

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse SHORT RESPONSE NO MORE THAN TWO SENTENCES  https://youtu.be/b6Dte96WdqM   Assessment /Recovery of Substance Abuse, Dependence and Addictions: By the end of this section, you will be able to:     ü  Describe psychoactive substances by category. ü  Describe their actions on the brain and body including mechanisms of tolerance, dependence, withdrawal, cravings, and other physical […]

CSX Transportation

CSX Transportation CSX Transportation: you will be researching and learning more about the company you have chosen. Your report should cover the following points. Your submission should be approximately 2 pages long and use at least two credible resources. Research and review the website of the company you chose for most of the information below: […]

Business & Finance Fin 4604- Country Risk Report Assignment

Business & Finance Fin 4604- Country Risk Report Assignment Directions: In this assignment, you will create a project which includes the following:  Collect information on a developing country  Evaluate the main risks affecting FDI in the country  Summarize the information and provide a recommendation Instructions Prepare a risk analysis of a country of your choice, […]

a journal worksheet regarding purchasing a new home.

a journal worksheet regarding purchasing a new home. This week you will complete your first course activity, a journal worksheet regarding purchasing a new home. Below are the specifics of the loan you will acquire for your property:   Down Payment Required (List %): 15% Number of Points at Closing 2 points Mortgage Time Frame […]

steps taken in Autopsy to create the forensic system case file

steps taken in Autopsy to create the forensic system case file   Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentatiINTRODUCTIONIn today’s digital world, most fraud can be tracked electronically. In this task, you will use Basis Technology’s Autopsy application to […]


Trademark 1. Should dissatisfied consumers have the right to establish gripe sties that use the trademark of the offending company in the domain name? How likely is it that consumers will be confused as to the “origin, sponsorship, or approval” of the gripe site by the offending company? Whether or not you think that confusion […]

early childhood education

early childhood education Overview: You will analyze the three videos located in the Readings and Resources for this assignment to gain insight into best practices in early childhood education by responding to reflection questions. Watch the videos and respond to the reflection questions. Refer to the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric. View […]

Reaganomics and Neoliberalism

Reaganomics and Neoliberalism 1. Give a brief description of Reaganomics and Neoliberalism. 2. How does the neoliberal world view in the 1980s reflect that of the economic elite during the Gilded Age of the 1880s? Where does social darwinism fall in this discussion? 3. Given the content of the second video, where do you fall […]