Entries by Linus

Week 5 Museum paper

ART CLASS   Week 5 Museum paper Instructions Art Museum Assignment Course Objective(s):  CO-1: Identify major works of Western and Non-Western art from the Neo-Lithic to the Post-Modern periods. CO-2: Identify major artists and their time periods in Western and Non-Western art. CO-3: Interpret art terminology in relationship to works of art. CO-4: Describe major […]

Deficit Spending During the Great Recession

Week 4: Assignment 1 – Deficit Spending Instructions Assignment 1 Instruction Week 4: Assignment 1 – Deficit Spending Instructions Assignment 1: Deficit Spending During the Great Recession, like any other economic downturns, as unemployment rises, aggregate income declines causing a major decline in tax collections. On the other hand, with the rise in unemployment, spending […]

case study on Stem Cells 

Read the following case study on Stem Cells and answer the posted questions. Think about and describe your point of view on this bioethical topic and identify any biblical reference that helped shape your perspective. Embryonic Stem Cells Standing in the voting booth, Raina hesitated. It was November 2, 2004, and she had to make her final […]


rationalist   Descartes was a rationalist.  This means that he believed some knowledge ultimately comes from reason, pure thought.  Recall that he believed all knowledge was based on the basic idea that God is not a deceiver, and thus whatever he believes “clearly and distinctly” must be true.   On the other side of this […]

Computer Forensics

Computer Forensics Computer Forensics is a fast growing and ever changing field of study. Describe the qualities and skill-set to be looked for in an Incident Response Team. Discuss the future trends and directions that you see computer forensics headed. Using the Online Library, find an article, case study, or publication about your favorite topic […]

Acute Healthcare Systems in the United States

Acute Healthcare Systems in the United States This project will help explain how health care particularly acute setting is delivered in the United States, what costs are involved, and how the concepts of value and quality influence health care delivery. This project also focuses on the health system delivery issues and how one can help […]

Six Keys to Leading Positive Change by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Discussion 2: Leading Positive Change   In this Discussion, you will reflect on the video Six Keys to Leading Positive Change by Rosabeth Moss Kanter. Consider the impact of the changes you are attempting to implement and how the video may help you achieve success. Of the six keys Kanter discusses, which do you believe […]

Cyber Security

Cyber Security Instructions Answer the following questions: 1. What would be effective results of a security investment for a small business and how does it compare to larger corporations? Should it include important concepts from governmental and public/private sectors? 2. Should external stakeholders been involved in the decision-making process of risk management plans? Explain how […]

The Teaching Girls Bravery

reflective journal style essay 1. The Teaching Girls Bravery video was assigned for you to watch the first week of class.  If you need to review it please go back to module 1. The assignment Is to write a reflective journal style essay.  In this essay you need to write a minimum of 800 words […]