Ethics in the HR profession

Ethics in the HR profession

The Director of Human Resources at Green Branch Coffee was impressed with the first part of your executive report on ethics in the HR profession. She would like you to create a policy for employee use of technology because new sources of social media and more advanced electronic devices are regularly being introduced into the market. The newly designed policy will be part of a revision of the Employee Policy Manual. Green Branch Coffee wants to prevent another leak of customer data, and all locations will be closed for an entire day to train team members on the policy in an attempt to demonstrate Green Branch’s commitment to fairness and justice.

create an Employee Use of Technology Policy that addresses the following:

  • Refraining from workplace commentary on social media
  • Maintaining a professional image
  • What can be shared and what cannot be shared on social media
  • Harassment
  • Customer privacy and IT security


In 500 words

Crime And Justice

Theories Of Crime And Justice

The documentary link:

Short Response 1: In 1971, Philip Zimbardo’s The Stanford Prison Experiment demonstrated the power of the situation and the interaction between social interaction and social structure. After viewing the documentary, if you had been a guard, do you think you would have been more likely to go along with the other guards or would you have resisted or spoken up about treating the prisoners the way you would have wanted to be treated if the roles had been reversed? How could this experiment help someone to understand criminal behavior?


The response should be no less than 500 words in length and must reference specific parts of the documentary as support for your analysis. Failure to meet these requirements will result in a “0”.

Operations Management

Operations Management Course Integration

Imagine you are running a business. How could you apply the operations management lessons from strategic capacity planning to your small business.


  • Use sound operations management principals.
  • Write a post of at least 350 words backing your ideas with sited references.



Listen to this podcast on Trader Joes food market answer these questions

  1. What did they do that was unique?
  2. Why did they do it? (original target market)
  3. How can they expand?
  4. Visit Trader Joe’s website  What appeals to you?


in about 250 words.

Amazons leadership principle

Amazons leadership principle

Listen to the podcast above and answer these questions with an answer of about 75 words for each, you can go as long as you need.

1. Can Amazon’s leadership principles work in your current or a past organization? Explain.

2. What does customer obsession mean to you?

3. How can “Stubborn on vision and flexible on details” be applied in your organization?

4. Describe the new product development process at your current or a past organization. And comment on two other students Introduction to build rapport. Remember to include the student’s name in your comment and ask questions.


the link to podcast :

book website:

Encryption Technology

latest advances in encryption technologies

What are some of the latest advances in encryption technologies?


Conduct some independent research on encryption using scholarly or practitioner resources, then write a two pages paper that describes at least two new advances in encryption technology.


  • Prepare a summary of issues related to Encryption Technology.
  • Consider and discuss:
    • the impact of encryption on organizations and society
    • regulations/laws/standards related to encryption
    • limitations and issues
    • Be sure to give attribution to your sources.

The context of American history

The context of American history

What do you think freedom means in the context of American history?


  • Do write at least 250 words
  • Don’t write more than 500 words
  • Do use your own words — I want to know what you have to say!
  • Don’t look anything up. There are no right or wrong answers to this question. Your grade for this assignment is based on completing the assignment and making connections.
  • Do focus on the past and what you know about it
  • Don’t focus on present debates around freedom

Neuropsychological disorder

Neuropsychological disorder

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please review your completed Week 1 Written Assignment, and the assignment instructions for the Week 2 Annotated Bibliography, Week 3 Annotated Outline and the Week 5 Final Project. This assignment will focus on the research and scholarly sources for your Final Project, again using the same neuropsychological disorder you selected as your focus for the Week 1 Written Assignment already completed.  At this time, please look for additional resources to help you discuss your selected neuropsychological disorder (this is the same as the disorder you wrote about in the Week 1 assignment). With the exception of the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013), you may cite and reference course materials such as the textbook, required or recommended reading, or multimedia, but these will not fulfill the source requirement.

For this assignment, be sure to complete and submit the Annotated Bibliography Template (Links to an external site.) to Waypoint.

Complete the following:

The Final Project Annotated Bibliography

  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • University name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.).



LAN Wiring

LAN Wiring

Should the building code be modified to include wiring new homes with LAN cable? If not, what are some alternatives for homeowners? If yes, explain the cost benefit.


Post your rationale, then review at least two posts from your classmates. Review and reflect on their own ideas. Do you agree, disagree? Why?