Relevance Of Advertising Industry

Relevance Of Advertising Industry

Relevance has always been the challenge of the advertising industry. Summarize Kristi Roger’s assessment of the advertising industry in her Ted Talk. Considering her hypothesis and results, what are some implications for marketing managers as they seek to improve the ROI of marketing expenditures on all forms of marketing communications? How could these ideas affect your decisions within the Conscious Capitalism simulation or your future endeavors?

technological disasters

technological disasters

We have already discussed weather related natural disasters and bioterrorism, and now we will focus on other types of disasters. For this week’s discussion, you are asked to research a technological or human induced disaster.

(This not the same as in Weeks 3 and 4 where you might have discussed hostage situations, mass shootings, multiple-vehicle or mass transit accidents with multiple critical injuries, bioterrorism, and disease outbreaks.) Here you want to look at situations such as radiological, nuclear accidents, technological disasters (electromagnetic pulse), and hazardous material spills.

In your post, provide the name of the incident you have chosen, and support your answers with evidence/examples. Please provide a working link and a citation for your source(s).

Select 2 of the items below to discuss:

  1. At what point does a technological or man made event become labeled a disaster?
  2. Name and explain the impact categories associated with your disaster.
  3. How well do you think the United States is prepared for a disaster like the one you selected?
  4. Discuss the factors that can influence the effects a disaster may have on a community or region.
  5. What nursing interventions would be a priority for these victims?
  6. What community resources should be provided to the victims for follow up needs?


Support your answer with evidence from scholarly sources.

challenges affecting human service organizations

challenges affecting human service organizations

What do you think are the key challenges affecting human service organizations today? How well are our organizations and professions adapting to a dynamic environment?


Please make sure your post includes references and citations in APA Style.

Leading and Changing Organizations

Leading and Changing Organizations

Think of a leader of a human service organization whom you have seen in action.  What did that leader do that was effective or ineffective?  What might have made that leader more effective?


Please make sure your post includes references and citations in APA Style

Evaluating Human Service Programs

Evaluating Human Service Programs

If you were a program director or administrator, please discuss what steps would you take to build evaluation into ongoing processes?


Please make sure your post includes references and citations in APA Style.

developmental disabilities

Designing and Using Information Systems

Think about an organization that serves individuals with developmental disabilities, what kind of information would decision makers need in order to plan, implement, monitor, and improve programs?


Please make sure your post includes references and citations in APA Style.

Program Goals

Managing Finances to Meet Program Goals

To what degree is it possible for an agency to maintain its commitment to a central mission when funding patterns change and new types of activities are supported?  How would you deal with a situation in which you could get funding only if you changed the basic focus of your agency’s programs?


Please make sure your post includes references and citations in APA Style.

Supervisory Relationships

Supervisory Relationships

How would you describe the approach that you, yourself, would take if you were in a supervisory position? What do you see as the most important characteristics of an effective supervisory relationship?


Please make sure your post includes references and citations in APA Style.

Creating Organizational Designs

Creating Organizational Designs

Consider a large human service organization with which you are familiar.  What would you see as the best way to departmentalize it–by function, program, process, geography, client, or use of matrix design?  What factors would you take into account in making this decision?


Please include peer-reviewed sources in your post. Your post must be in APA Style.