Entries by bella mso


SOCIOLOGY ARTICLES ARTICLE 1 The marginalized “model” minority: An empirical examination of the racial triangulation of Asian Americans Xu and Lee argue that with demographic changes in Asian and Hispanic populations in the U.S., a multidimensional racial triangulation theory is a more useful analysis of Asians in the U.S. than the more traditional black–white binary […]


Political Of course more engagement in discussion is welcome, and watch for my occasional contributions aimed at clarifying the material in the chapter. Note 200-300 words is a good length for a post, but I’m more interested in informed engagement with the material. Here are a few review questions from the reading to get us […]


Political Of course more engagement in discussion is welcome, and watch for my occasional contributions aimed at clarifying the material in the chapter. Note 200-300 words is a good length for a post, but I’m more interested in informed engagement with the material. Here are a few review questions from the reading to get us […]

Assess Project Management Strategies

Assess Project Management Strategies 1.Visit the Project Management Institute (PMI) website. Review the PMI membership benefits and discuss the two benefits most relevant to your current career or career goals. Review the PMI certification offerings and discuss which of the eight you are most interested in pursuing. Include discussion of how obtaining this certification is […]

Why Change Programs Don’t Produce Change

Why Change Programs Don’t Produce Change Introduction to the Lesson with the author’s summary: Faced with changing markets and tougher competition, more and more companies realize that to compete effectively they must transform how they function. But while senior managers understand the necessity of change, they often misunderstand what it takes to bring it about. […]

Why Change Programs Don’t Produce Change

Why Change Programs Don’t Produce Change Introduction to the Lesson with the author’s summary: Faced with changing markets and tougher competition, more and more companies realize that to compete effectively they must transform how they function. But while senior managers understand the necessity of change, they often misunderstand what it takes to bring it about. […]

Juvenile Court System 

Juvenile Court System Find an online news article involving any kind of juvenile case that you want to discuss. Based on what you have learned so far in this course, address the following: Summarize the article Present your analysis of the case Describe why you agree or disagree with what is reported about in the […]

Parole Approved

Parole Approved Using the case study’s on pages 297 & 298 (at the end of chapter 11), select one of the case studies. Make a parole decision, approve or deny.  If approved, what special conditions would you impose and why? Why do you think they are ready for parole?  What would you say to the […]

CSI to NYPD Blue

CSI to NYPD Blue From CSI to NYPD Blue, America has been captivated by police dramas. In addition, we have reality TV shows such as Cops which capture real police officers at work. Discuss what you consider to be the real reality for police work, incorporating your review of the assigned readings. Note Do the […]