Duties of citizenship

Duties of citizenship

Step One: In a document of at least 400 words, list and contrast the duties of citizenship discussed in our assigned reading articles this week. Give examples where Americans are, or are not, fulfilling the role(s) of engaged citizenship, as defined by the authors of the assigned articles.

Consider how the authors describe engaged citizenship and briefly offer your thoughts on the reasons people are or are not engaged, citizens.

Step Two: Find or create, and share a photograph which depicts Americans fulfilling (or not fulfilling) one of the duties of citizenship discussed in our assigned readings.


In an analysis of at least 200 words, make connections between the expectations of engaged citizenship discussed in the readings and the photograph.

Corporate values

Corporate values

1. Companies often project their corporate values on their suppliers through a supplier code of conduct or similarly named requirements. Writing these requirements can be arduous and require the input of multiple stakeholders. What is the supplier code of conduct for home depot? If you were asked to create a supplier code of conduct for home depot, discuss how you would assemble a team or committee to write it. How would the committee work? Who would be included on the committee?

2. In your opinion, what is one of the most pressing and significant concerns facing communities today that a business might have a responsibility to consider? Why do you think so and what is the responsibility of the business?


Answers must be at least 8 sentences per question. No plagiarism, use references if needed

Thesis statement

Thesis statement

One full-page outline including term paper title, thesis statement, and outline of subtopics that will be covered.


3 references supporting paper research

must be able to find relevant cases to support the topic

topic: how to avoid falling victim to a cybercrime

Cloud Computing

 Cloud Computing

The discussion questions this week are from Chapter’s 6 & 7 (Jamsa, 2013). Each chapter 4 topics and use only 50-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer.

Chapter 6 topics:
1. Define and describe a SAN.
2. Define and describe NAS.
3. List the pros and cons of cloud-based data storage.
4. List the pros and cons of a cloud-based database.
Chapter 7 topics:
1. Define collaboration.
2. Define and describe cloud-based collaboration.
3. The CIO of Ace Accounting Services suggests that the company can save considerable money using VoIP for phone calls. Define and describe VoIP. Then present three companies that provide VoIP offerings. Compare and contrast each company’s offering. Also, discuss whether or not you agree with the CIO and justify why.
4. List the questions one should consider when evaluating a cloud-based collaborative solution.


Please write 2-3 pages with no plagiarism and need this document.

HIV/AIDS situation

Epidemic of HIV/AIDS situation

Investigate the HIV/AIDS situation among key populations in Fiji . Is the epidemic generalized? Which key populations that account for the highest proportion of those living with HIV, such as men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWID) or commercial sex workers (CSW)?

Discuss 3-4 major findings regarding which key populations are most at risk and why.

Then, check the status of laws regarding LGBTQ+ people in your country. Are the laws protecting or discriminating against the LGBTQ+ community? Comment on these in your post.

Here are some sources to help you:

https://www.avert.org/professionals/hiv-around-world (Links to an external site.)

https://www.unaids.org/en/regionscountries/countries (Links to an external site.)





Complete the three tables using recent, scientific information on Fiji.
• You need to use at least 3 different references for each table. Suggested references are found in the document with the blank tables. References should not be more than 8 years old.
• Please type your answers.
• Under the “data” column, write the corresponding health information. Make sure to indicate if this is a %, a real #, a fraction, etc.
• Under the “year” column, report the year of the data (not necessarily the year of the reference.)
• Under the “source” column, include the source of the data, such as UNAIDS, WHO, UNICEF, etc. with the website URL. I should be able to easily find which source goes to which data.

Students will be graded on:
o Completeness of table
o Accuracy of information reported
o Use of most up-to-date information available
o Proper use and citation of references


To complete the tables, students are encouraged to review the recommended global health websites below. You can also use other sources, as long as they are credible, up-to-date and scientific.

CIA World Factbook https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/

Demographic and Health Surveys (excellent country reports available)

Gapminder http://www.gapminder.org/data/

Population Reference Bureau http://www.prb.org

Sustainable Development Goals: http://www.sdgindex.org/assets/files/2018/01%20SDGS%20GLOBAL%20EDITION%20WEB%20V9%20180718.pdf (country profiles found in Chapter 4)

The Tobacco Atlas https://tobaccoatlas.org/

UNICEF State of the World’s Children (highlights different topics each year) http://unicef.org/sowc

UN Countdown to 2030: Material, Newborn, and Child Survival http://profiles.countdown2030.org/#/ds/AFG

UNDP Migration Data

UNDP Human Development Index http://hdr.undp.org/en/countries

World Bank
http://data.worldbank.org/indicator (Development indicators)
https://data.worldbank.org/country (country reports)

World Health Organization
https://www.who.int/countries/en/ (country reports)
http://www.who.int/whosis/en/ (Statistical database)
https://www.who.int/nmh/publications/ncd-profiles-2018/en/ (NCDs)

NAME _________________________________ COUNTRY ___________________________________

Table 1. Demographic, economic indicators and major burden of disease

PART 1: YOUR COUNTRY Data Year Source
Example: Population living below $1.90/day (%) 5.6% 2017 www.who.int/countryreportsouthafrica
Total population
Population living in urban areas (%)
Life expectancy at birth (yrs)
Human Development Index
Index Score
Gender Development Index
World Freedom Index ranking
Total adult literacy (%)
Ranked low, middle or high income?
GNI per capita ($)
% of total budget spent on health
Total expenditure on health per capita
Gini coefficient
Population living below $1.90/day (%)
Homicide rate (per 100,000 people)
Top 3 diseases (in terms of deaths)
% deaths due to non-communicable diseases
HIV prevalence (%)

NAME _________________________________ COUNTRY ___________________________________

Table 2. Non-Communicable Diseases, the Environment, Nutrition, Maternal

Indicator Data Year Source
Current Daily Tobacco Smoking prevalence (%)
Alcohol consumption per capita (liters)
Obesity (%) (or overweight if can’t find)
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (tons)
Population using safely managed sanitation
–Rural %
–Urban %
Population using basic water source
–Rural %
–Urban %
Total fertility rate
Antenatal coverage, at least once (%)
Antenatal coverage, at least four times (%)
Skilled attendant at birth (%)
Contraceptive prevalence (%)
Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births)
Adolescent (15-19 years) birth rate
Unmet need for family planning (%)
Child marriage (%)
Infant mortality rate (per….ADD INFO)
Child mortality rate (per…ADD INFO)
Children breastfed (describe more here)
Children underweight (%)
Children wasted (%)
Children stunted (%)

Nursing Reflection

Nursing Reflection

Florence Nightingale was a leader in nursing whose writings led to the foundation of many of our current nursing philosophies and theoretical models. Although there have been significant changes in our society and health care since her era, one can identify evidence of her writings and practice in current nursing practice.
For this assignment, read “Nightingale’s Environmental Theory” published by Margaret Hegge in Nursing Science Quarterly 26(3), 211-219. The article can be accessed on the D’Youville College Library website. In this article, Dr. Hegge describes the environmental theory from Nightingale’s experiences. In your writing, please address the following topics:

Introduction to the main topic of the paper.(Begin with “The purpose of this paper is to…..” and then discuss the main points of the paper)
Describe Nightingale’s Theory.
Explain the current (actual or potential) environmental problem faced by patients or communities. Be sure that the problem is within the past 5 years and show the impact of the environment on the health problem. Discuss political influences, policy issues, and legal influences on the problem. Examples of current environmental problems include: Covid 19, Flint Water Crisis, Air pollution etc.
Compare and contrast one other discipline (e.g., PT, OT, Pharmacy, Social Work, Nutrition etc.) with nursing in examining the problem.
Discuss stakeholders and resources involved in examining the problem
Discuss outcomes. How will you measure the success of the solutions you propose?.


  •  The general directions for submitting assignment:
    Use subheadings for each topic following the grading rubric.
    The paper should be detailed with evidence.
    APA format should be used including a title page, and references. You will lose credit if you do not follow APA format. See the APA documents for how to format the title page
    To access the article for the assignment, go to the D’Youville College Library website (click to access). (Links to an external site.)Once there, in Spartan Search:
    Type “Nightingale’s Environmental Theory Hegge.”
    Click “Full Text.”
    Under “Tools” in the right column, click “Article as PDF.”

Strategic Plan 

Creating a Strategic Plan 

Create a Strategic Plan for a healthcare company that you are reasonably familiar with or one in which there is significant public information available.


Your organization MUST have a healthcare focus.

Include the following components in your strategic plan:

  1. An Executive Summary (this component follows the coversheet and is contained on a page alone)
  2. A brief description of the organization/system
  3. Overview of the mission, vision, and values
  4. An environmental analysis:
    1. SWOT Analysis
    2. Market trends
    3. Population served
    4. Target customers
    5. Competitor analysis
    6. Driving forces
    7. Technology changes
  5. Regulatory changes
  6. Strategic goals and objectives
  7. Key performance/quality indicators
  8. Strategic priorities/programs (at least three)
  9. An Appendix (which should include graphs/tables, forecasted volumes, etc.)

Your plan must be formatted per APA guidelines. 

You have the autonomy to choose ANY company/organization that you would like. However, you are going to want to select a company/organization/system you will be able to gather enough information about to write your paper.


Some companies/organizations do not share some information and it may be difficult for you to write your paper. You may write your paper using your current organization/company.  This is often the most feasible option for students since they have a background in the organization/company in which they work and they have access to individuals within that organization/company that can provide them with helpful information.

Competencies Assessed:

  1. Leadership
    1. Leading Change (C)
  2. Communication and Relationship Management
    1. Communication Skills and Engagement (C)
  3. Health and Healthcare Environment
    1. Health Systems and Organizations (C)
  4. Business
    1. General Management (C)
    2. Strategic Planning and Marketing (C)


Bacterial Morphology

Bacterial Morphology and Staining Techniques

A.  Write a lab report about the “Bacterial Morphology and Staining Techniques” lab kit experiment in which you do the following:

1.  Explain how the differences in cell wall structures of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria cause them to stain differently with the Gram stain.


The explanation from part A1 belongs in the introduction section of the lab report.

2.  Describe the purpose of each of the four basic steps of Gram staining.


The description from part A2 belongs in the materials and methods section of the lab report.
3.  Describe the images of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli provided at the web links below, including the color and morphology of each organism.

a.  Identify each organism from part A3 as either gram-positive or gram-negative.


These images are accessible through the Escherichia coli Gram Stain Image and Stapylococcus epidermidis Gram Stain Image web links below.


The description from part A3 and the identification from part A3a belong in the results section of the lab report.
4.  Discuss how the structure of gram-negative bacteria contributes to their ability to cause disease.


The discussion from part A4 belongs in the discussion section of the lab report.

Bacteria Staining Techniques https://access.wgu.edu/ASP3/aap/content/bacterial_morphology_and_staining_techniques.pdf

Ecoli Gram Stain https://web5.wgu.edu/aap/content/escherichia_coli.jpg

Staph Gram Stain https://web5.wgu.edu/aap/content/staphylococcus_epidermidis.jpg

Integration And Self Reflection

Integration And Self Reflection

In this writing assignment, you will reflect on your journey toward cultural competence
Reflect on the future of cultural competence in the nursing profession.
Propose one major individual-level strategy whereby cultural competence can be integrated into nursing care.
Propose one major workplace or systems-level strategy involving multiple individuals and/or professions to integrate cultural competence into nursing care
Justify the reasons for selecting the chosen recommendations. Use the highest-level of evidence in scholarly resources to explain your justifications
Describe two significant moments in your professional life that relate to cultural learning. Discuss specific actions you will take from here forward to enhance your cultural competence.

Reflect on the future of cultural competence in the nursing profession.
Propose one major individual-level strategy whereby cultural competence can be integrated into nursing care.
Propose one major workplace or systems-level strategy involving multiple individuals and/or professions to integrate cultural competence into nursing care
Justify the reasons for selecting the chosen recommendations. Use the highest-level of evidence in scholarly resources to explain your justifications
Describe two significant moments in your professional life that relate to cultural learning. Discuss specific actions you will take from here forward to enhance your cultural competence.