professional associations in nursing

Importance of professional associations in nursing

Examine the importance of professional associations in nursing, Describe the organization and its significance to nurses in the specialty area. Include its purpose, mission, and vision. Describe the overall benefits, or “perks,” of being a member.

  1. Explain why it is important for a nurse in this specialty field to network. Discuss how this organization creates networking opportunities for nurses.
  2. Discuss how the organization keeps its members informed of health care changes and changes to practice that affect the specialty area.
  3.  Discuss opportunities for continuing education and professional development.


It should be plagiarism free

economic democracy

Democratic countries

Building on your literature review, you are required to produce a draft of your research paper. You should find at least two further piece of academic literature, one of which may (but does not have to) be a reading from the fall term if it is relevant to your topic.

The following list consists of research questions of which you are to choose one for your research project in the winter term. Choose one and do not change it once you have stared to work on it.

1) In which respects does democracy require equality, and in which ways does capitalism undermine this equality?

2) Why is the rule of law important in democratic countries and how is the rule of law support the functioning of a capitalist economy?

3) Using an example of your choice, describe a country in the contemporary world which is “state capitalist”, and explain why it answers too that description. What are the strengths and weaknesses of state capitalism in the country you choose?

4) What is economic democracy, and is it both feasible and desirable?

5) In which ways do corporations influence government, and is corporate influence a good thing?

6) Capitalism requires that individuals are free. In which sense(s) are individuals in a capitalist society free and in which sense(s) unfree?

7) Using an example, provide evidence that corporate power and lobbying has influenced the policies or laws of a country. Has corporate power and lobbying subverted democracy in the example you choose?

8) Assess the effects of the legal case, Citizens United versus Federal Elections Commission, which came before the U.S. Supreme Court in 2010, on U.S. democracy.

9) Should non-elected officials and experts rather than elected politicians be allowed to make political decisions? Use one example of a public policy to illustrate your answer.

10) Karl Marx holds that the division of labour in society is anarchic, while the division of labour in manufacturing is despotic. Explain what he means by this.


The draft should not exceed 2000 words in length and its structure should be as follows:

(i) Title page: this page will have your name, student number and the title of the research paper.

(ii) Abstract: an abstract is a short summary of the whole paper. The best thing is to look at some examples from journal articles. Book chapters sometimes have abstracts, too (see, e.g., the abstract from the chapter of Tom Malleson’s book which we read in week 11 of the fall term). An abstract should not exceed 100 words. Given that the abstract is a summary of your paper, it will be the last thing you write – after you know what you have written in your paper.

(iii) Introduction: the introduction also summarises the paper though it should be a bit longer than the abstract. In the introduction, you tell the reader what to expect from the paper. Your introduction should mention the broad topic of the paper and tell the reader why it is an important topic. It is essential that the introduction contain a roadmap of the paper, i.e. a step-by-step description of how the paper proceeds. The roadmap should contain a clear statement of the thesis of your paper. A thesis represents your opinion on the question of your research paper. Like the abstract, you can only write an introduction when you know the structure of your paper, so an introduction can only be completed at the end of the research and writing process.

(iv) Main body of paper: you should write the main part of your essay with a thesis in mind. Your paper stands or falls with your ability to justify your thesis. To justify your thesis, you require arguments in support of it. Arguments in favour of your thesis rest on evidence which comes in many forms. You may, but do not have to, divide the main body of your paper into sections.

(v) Conclusion: your concluding section recapitulates your thesis and summarises the steps of the paper which led to the justification of your conclusion. Sometimes research papers end the concluding section by mentioning further avenues of research which can be undertaken on your topic but which your paper did not accomplish.

(vi) References: as with the literature review, you should list the sources (alphabetically by author’s surname) with the full bibliographic information.



Final Reflection

Write a reflection about your journey in this course. In your reflection, give a detailed explanation about how you intend to start your data collection process {once you get the green light from IRB [if you do not have it already]}.


Include the when, who, what, and how you intend to start this process.It is essential to have this game plan as a roadmap to keep you on task as you continue your work.

social responsibility strategy

HR practices

Discuss how HR practices guide a company to meet its social responsibility strategy.
ExDiscuss how HR practices guide a company to meet its social responsibility strategy.
Explain the responsibility of HR leadership in relation to establishing and adhering to ethical policies and practices for employees.plain the responsibility of HR leadership in relation to establishing and adhering to ethical policies and practices for employees.

testing process

Testing plan

1.) Describe your testing plan and explain why this plan is the best approach to ensuring the project requirements are met.

2.) Discuss the importance of selecting appropriate partners for the testing process and explain how these individuals are chosen for your project.

Natural disaster

Natural disaster

Select a major organization that was located with a major natural disaster area, such as the Hurricane Katrina disaster area.  Research their experiences and prepare a report detailing the unexpected challenges the organization encountered in returning their operations to normal.


Give suggestions on what might be added to the organization’s contingency plan to mitigate those unexpected challenges.

Resistance to change

Resistance to change

Resistance to change is a normal everyday aspect in the workplace.  Note what happens to the organizational climate when this resistance occurs and any tactics to reduce negative connotations when dealing with change.


Word Count: 300
additional Scholarly source
Strict APA 7 format

Older revisions of iOS

Older revisions of iOS

Because Windows Phone 7 was launched three and a half years after the iPhone, it has benefited from the lessons learned by older revisions of iOS.  The latest generation of mobile devices are portable enough to carry at all times, connected to voice and data networks, and contextually aware by using sensors and networks to preemptively complete tasks.  Many of today’s mobile applications are personalized, and are not useful if they can only access the data on the phone.  For a user to get, for example, sports scores, retrieve stock quotes, or perform accounting work, the mobile device needs to communicate with one or more servers, starting with the Window servers.

To participate in the Discussion, respond to the Discussion prompt . Then, read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. Finally, respond to at least two classmates  in one or more of the following ways:


  • Complete the Week #5 Discussion .
  • You must apply and use the basic citation styles of APA.
  • Do not claim credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of others.
  • Use in-text citation and list the reference of your supporting source following APA’s style and formatting
  • Do not copy and paste information or concepts from the Internet and claim that is your work.  It will be considered Plagiarism and you will receive a zero for your work.
  • Use this link to access the Discussion Board



risk and investigative forensics

Broad context of risk and investigative forensics

The readings this week discusses broad context of risk and investigative forensics. Part of risk management is to understand when things go wrong, we need to be able to investigate and report our findings to management. Using this research, or other research you have uncovered discuss in detail how risk and investigate techniques could work to help the organization. ERM helps to protect an organization before an attack, where as forensics investigate technique will help us after an attack – so lets discus both this week.


Word Count: 300
additional Scholarly source

Importance of the liberal arts

Importance of the liberal arts


Write a post of 1 to 2 paragraphs.

  1. discuss the importance of the liberal arts in your own words.
  2. Considering what was mentioned in the articles, share one way that liberal arts fit into your life or your educational pursuits.
  3. What impact do you think the liberal arts have on ensuring continued innovation?



The resources for this module discuss the various ways that the information age has changed the way we seek out and process information. The objective of this assignment is to reflect on information literacy and how it impacts your life.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Explain the importance of developing information literacy skills.
  2. How have your information literacy skills changed as a result of the resources in this module?
  3. Choose the sources that were the most impactful to you from all resources you covered in this module.
  4. How might having strong information literacy skills impact your academic or professional career?


Budgeting is a tool used by management for performing the functions of planning, coordinating, and controlling operations of a businessOur textbook, Managing Accounting Concepts, describes 2 main types of budgeting: static budgets and flexible budgets.


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Differentiate between the 2 types of budgets.
  • Provide an example of the type of business or company that would benefit from using a flexible budget.
  • Provide support for your business selection and include the advantage for using a flexible budget over a static budget.