Collaboration In Patient Education

Collaboration In Patient Education

In 300 words and 2 references

1. How has the patient’s control over his own health care changed?

In 300 words and 2 references

2. What part does negotiation play in patient education?

Valuable Member Infographic

Valuable Member Infographic


You are assigned to discuss your professional identity with your peers on the unit during a meeting and have decided to present the attributes using an infographic. The goal is to encourage all nurses to examine attributes and identify their professional identity to improve professionalism in the healthcare setting. As a nurse leader, you want your infographic to include the attributes that have guided your growth within the profession. As a leader of the unit, you work to grow the nurses on the unit and want to encourage them to identify their professional identity as the leaders to focus on succession planning. Your goal is to develop your infographic and share with other nurses to encourage them to examine the attributes to grow within the profession.


Create an infographic that includes the attributes you believe support your professional identity. Include the following:

community health services

Structure And Economics Of Community Health Services

  1. Click and read the Case Study below and post answers.
  2. Answers must:
    • Be 100 words or more
    • Use the stand English grammar and spelling
    • References are cited (if necessary)
    • APA Format

Many factors and events have influenced the current structure, function, and financing of community health services. Understanding this background gives the community health nurse a stronger base for planning for the health of the population. A group of student nurses have been requested to present a 1 hour in service to the local health department on the structure and economics of community health services as part of the community health nursing course requirements. The presentation has to include information about a variety of topics.

  1. What are the key historical events and philosophical developments that have led to today’s health services delivery systems?
  2. What are the differences between the functions of public versus private sector health care agencies?
  3. What are the three core functions of public health as they apply to health service delivery?
  4. There are several trends and issues that have influenced community health care financing and delivery that are important in understanding health care economics and helping to improve community health. What are some of these trends and issues?
  5. In what important ways has the changing nature of health care financing adversely affected community health nursing and its practice?

Health Nursing

Global Public Health Nursing:

Population Health Around the Globe

Community health nurses work with populations that vary from country to country, and to serve them appropriately requires an understanding of the ways in which the context in which they are located interacts with their health status and health histories. Student nurses are spending a month in Africa reviewing global health and international community health nursing.

  1. The student nurses are required to examine the population in Africa to assess the kinds of health conditions the population experiences. What is the context and framework for delivering community-based nursing within the context of international community health nursing?
  2. The student nurses are examining the population to assess the kinds of health conditions the African population experience. The international community health nurses suggest using the three eras and the three P’s as helpful guides in this assessment. What are the three eras and the three P’s that the student nurses need to consider?
  3. What major international, national, regional, and local organizational structures and organizations affect the ways in which community health nursing is practiced?

Case Study

Case Study

Aging in Place

Aging in Place

  1. Click and read the Case Study below and post answers.
  2. Answers must:
    • Be 100 words or more
    • Use the stand English grammar and spelling
    • References are cited (if necessary)
    • APA Format

Older Adults: Aging in Place

Older adults are changing dramatically. The numbers and types of home care services, for example, are mushrooming. Community health nurses must keep abreast of new developments, programs, regulations, and social and economic forces, along with their potential impacts on the provision of health services. More importantly, community health nurses need to be proactive, designing interventions that maximize nursing’s resources and provide the greatest benefit to clients. Many of the older population’s health problems can be prevented and their health promoted.

  1. What is one of the most important preventive measures that the community health nurse can assist with the older population at the senior center to prevent health problems and promote the individual’s health?
  2. The role of the community health nurse as a teacher is an important one. What education can be completed to prevent health problems in this population?
  3. Community health nurses face a serious challenge in addressing the needs of the growing and aging population. What are the most common health problems of older adults?


NUR 4636 – DB 2.5b

Answers must:

Be 100 words or more

Use the stand English grammar and spelling

References are cited (if necessary)

APA Format

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is a Change Agent How do you envision yourself as an Agent of Change?
    • 2.Before you answer the question above, consider the various roles we have already studied, the population that you served, your area of expertise in your practice, and your own unique talents.



Discuss the sequence of inflammation as it pertains to a systemic infection. Describe and provide examples of how the body responds to an infection, from when the body recognizes the antigen to when the body experiences full-blown sepsis. The response must be at least 350 words, and remember to use APA references and citations in this response.



You are caring for a patient with c-diff as part of your workload assignment. Discuss what c-diff is and how it is transmitted (how you can get it)?



In your responses, compare and contrast the nursing role of your cultures/populations with that of your peers.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.