Evidence-based practice in important in nursing

Evidence-based practice in important in nursing

week5 discussion 2

Evidence-based practice is extremely important in nursing. Throughout your master’s program, you will complete research on various topics. Knowing how to construct a strong problem statement and complete a critical analysis of the available information to write a literature review is essential. This week, you will write a problem statement and perform a literature review in preparation for your ethical issues debate presentation. ( Pro (Support) for Legalized Medical Cannabis Nationally)

Share your problem statement in this discussion so that you can review each other’s work and provide peer-to-peer feedback. Also, describe what you think are the most important learning takeaways from the literature review resources you reviewed.

Follow the instructions in the bullets below to direct you where to find resources on problem statements and literature reviews:

· Go to the Student Resources page.

· Click on Writing Resources.

· Click on Research and Writing.

· Click on Writing Strategies.

· Then view:

· Writing a Problem Statement

· What is a Literature Review

· Conducting a Literature Review

Compose at least 2-3 paragraphs all in APA format with proper references

use links provided with account info below




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Change is inevitable

Evaluating And Sustaining Change

Change is inevitable. There is no getting around it, but that does not mean change always has to be negative. Society often places a negative connotation to change, but what if the change is for the best? What if change is what sustains growth and encourages improvement?

In nursing practice, change is unavoidable. How should change be evaluated, maintained, and sustained in nursing practice? What role does leadership have in change management? Consider the role of change management in nursing, and reflect on how change management may differ from change leadership.



Directions:  Freud’s theory during early childhood: stage 2 (anal stage) versus freud’s theory the oral stage. Explain what each stage is and give examples of a child.

Must be at least a page and a half with 2 references

Healthcare Strategic Management And Planning

Healthcare Strategic Management And Planning

Organizational Structure

Organizational structure can have a major impact on the delivery of safe patient care and the overall satisfaction of nursing staff.

Analyze the organizational structure of your health care facility and the nursing division/service from the perspective of the business of delivering quality patient care and assuring staff satisfaction.  Discuss how the organizational structure either supports or does not support nursing leadership and management and how that can affect quality safe patient care and nursing staff.  Submit a 4-5 page summary of your analysis, with 3 citations from 3 scholarly references, written in APA format.

physical growth rate

Response Post

As a toddler’s physical growth rate slows as they develop physical, cognitive, and emotional skills that help them become more independent. Much of the toddler’s behavior is a replication of what they see and hear (Hisley, 2015). They love to imitate the people around them and learn through repetition. A toddler typically likes order and frequently respond with difficulty to any disruption in routine. The level of response is associated to the temperament of the child (Hisley, 2015). Some toddlers may revolt with temper tantrums while others will calmly transition into an experience. Regardless of temperament, most children at this stage respond positively to predictable routines. The toddler’s taste buds are evolving and changing. It is important to make sure they get the appropriate nutrition needed and keep them well hydrated. Barriers can be resolved by allowing the toddler to self-feed and use a cup at mealtimes. Other options might also include allowing the child to make food choices, provide finger foods, and provide two to three healthy snacks per day (Hisley, 2015).

One of the most important self-hygiene tasks that toddler needs to understand is hand washing. They should be taught in an understandable way how germs are spread, and how hand washing kills germs. They should also understand how and when to wash their hands and encourage them to practice this skill often (Oswalt et. al, n.d.). Toddlers need plenty of exercise to keep their bodies and minds healthy and happy. Daily physical activity is essential for building strong bones and muscles as well as strengthening hearts and lungs. Exercise also helps to improve their gross motor skills, including running, kicking, throwing, and swinging (Oswalt et. al, n.d.). Regular physical activity can greatly decrease children’s risk of becoming obese and developing associated health problems and can also promote better sleep.

A healthy diet and physical activity are not the only thing that will help a child continue to grow and develop physically, mentally, and socially (Oswalt et. al, n.d.). They also need adequate amounts of sleep to allow their bodies time to recharge however, getting them to want to go to sleep is not always an easy task. A well-planned bedtime routine can help prepare the child mentally and physically to move from their active, exciting daytime adventures to quiet, nighttime sleep (Oswalt et. al, n.d.). Consistency is the most important part of a planned bedtime routine.

Health Informatics

Health Informatics

Reflect on your involvement with the implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) in the clinical setting (either as a practicing nurse or as a student in the clinical setting).

If you have not used an EHR, think about how you might implement an EHR in your practice setting. Answer the questions in Step 2 using this hypothetical EHR system.

Step 2 Address the following topics


Nur1172 Module4

Create an outline of your project (1 page). The outline should only contain topic headings and a brief description of what it will cover. .

Required paragraph topics include but are not limited to: the role nutrition plays in the prevention of the disease, etiology, progression, treatment, recommended diets, nursing assessment, nursing interventions, client education, and adherence. Please use library resources to find out more about Nursing Assessment, Interventions, and Client Education

Nurse Practioner program

Master Degree Nurse Practioner program

This is a Master Degree Nurse Practioner program minimum of 350 words with at least 2 peer review reference in 7 the edition apa style.  Please do not use international references.

As an AGACNP, what health system measures would you put into place to assure addictive behaviors are identified and the risk of opioid dependency is mitigated? As you think of health system measures that could be implored to mitigate opiate dependency, discuss current legislations and policies, how policies and programs affect patient care, and opioid dependency when the patient requires more than the recommended dosage of an opioid. Support your answer with two or three peer-reviewed resources.