Policy Politics In Healthcare

Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease

1.Describe the stages of chronic kidney disease, and summarize the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment.

2.Discuss common causes of acute pyelonephritis, and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment.

Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas.

Acute kidney injury

Acute kidney injury

Summarize acute kidney injury (AKI), include the RIFLE criteria for acute renal dysfunction/failure, and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment

Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas.

treatment of cystic fibrosis


Discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment of cystic fibrosis.  Discuss the potential impact of gene therapy on CF and the ethical dimensions in treating this life-limiting disease.

Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas.

Journal Entry

Journal Entry (B)






Assignment: Journal Entry

Critical reflection of your growth and development during your practicum experience in a clinical setting has the benefit of helping you to identify opportunities for improvement in your clinical skills, while also recognizing your strengths and successes.

Use this Journal to reflect on your clinical strengths and opportunities for improvement, the progress you made, and what insights you will carry forward into your next practicum

To Prepare

· Refer to the “Advanced Nursing Practice Competencies and Guidelines” found in the Week 1 Learning Resources, and consider the quality measures or indicators advanced nursing practice nurses must possess in your specialty of interest.

· Refer to your “Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form” you submitted in Week 1, and consider your strengths and opportunities for improvement.

· Refer to your Patient Log in Meditrek, and consider the patient activities you have experienced in your practicum experience. Reflect on your observations and experiences.

In 450–500 words, address the following:

Learning From Experiences

· Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience.

· Reflect on the three (3) most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each?

· What did you learn from this experience?

· What resources did you have available?

· What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients?

· What new skills are you learning?

· What would you do differently?

· How are you managing patient flow and volume?

Communicating and Feedback

· Reflect on how you might improve your skills and knowledge and how to communicate those efforts to your Preceptor.

· Answer the questions: How am I doing? What is missing?

· Reflect on the formal and informal feedback you received from your Preceptor.



1. Describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment of asthma (include the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program guidelines).
2. Describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment of tuberculosis or pneumonia.

Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas.

Nursing Theory 

Nursing Theory

Week 7

Sally, a nurse for community mental health is caring for 3 clients today. First, she meets Sam. Sam has been admitted to a psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of psychosis and schizophrenia. Sally provides Sam with appropriate interventions to help stabilize his condition, monitors his compliance with medication and conducts therapy sessions.

1. Sally is using what level of prevention according to the Neuman Systems Model?

2. Give a few examples of nursing actions using Tertiary preventions as interventions. APA format, minimum of 150 words, and 2 APA references.

Hospital Statistics

Hospital Statistics


Compare these 3 hospitals : University hospital and medical center

Westside regional and medical center

Plantation General

This website allows people to compare the results seen at different hospitals across things such as patient experience and timely and effective care. Visit the website and compare the hospitals in your local area. What statistics stand out to you? Do you believe that these statistics should/could play a role in patient care?

Use at least 1 scholarly article

Fine Vs Gross Motor Skill

Fine Vs Gross Motor Skill

Pages: 1 page with at least 2 references with citations.

Topic: Fine vs. gross motor skills in a pediatric patient, with examples of each skill; at least 3-4 skills for each fine and gross. And explain parallel play; include age, pros, cons, and and examples.