Criminal Organization Legislation

Assignment: Criminal Organization Legislation

Combating gangs and organized crime groups is a daunting task for a variety of reasons, one of which is the lack of cooperation from witnesses in criminal investigations. Witnesses are often hesitant to testify against gang members and organized crime figures because they fear that they or their family will be harmed. With little help from witnesses, the criminal justice system tends to rely heavily on legislation created through local, state, and federal bodies. For example, legislation such as the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute and even the U.S. Patriot Act is designed to target existing gangs and organized crime groups, levying hefty sentences on those convicted. Other legislation is designed to deter crimes committed by gangs and organized crime groups by targeting core issues that contribute to the development and proliferation of these groups.


For this Assignment, assume you have been asked to moderate an upcoming political debate between two candidates concerning crime. One area of concern, and a topic that will be addressed in the debate, is the sufficiency of current legislation to address gang and organized crime violence.


To prepare:

Select one gang or organized crime statute at the federal, state, or local level and research it.


Submit a 500- to 750-word paper that addresses the following:

Write an introductory statement that reviews the statute and summarizes its intent.

Prepare three questions toward the supporting side of the statute and three questions toward the opposing side of the statute.

Respond to one question from the supporting side of the statute and one question from the opposing side of the statute.

Based on your responses, what conclusions can you draw about the efficacy of legislation related to combating criminal organizations?

Reflect on Miller and colleagues’ research on new graduate preparedness in working with electronic medical records


Reflect on Miller and colleagues’ research on new graduate preparedness in working with electronic medical records (EMR). What challenges and benefits do you anticipate, or have you experienced, when interfacing with the EMR? What strategies can you implement to ensure that you have a smooth transition in your documentation while using the EMR?

· Respond in one well-developed paragraph.

· Cite Miller and colleagues’ research/references in proper APA Style.

· Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.

· Submit as an attachment in the assignment area.


NURS_498L – Knowledge Assignment Rubric

NURS_498L – Knowledge Assignment Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
4 pts

Highly Proficient

Content is clearly written, thorough, and organized effectively. The paper includes all criteria required in assignment.

3.4 pts

Mostly Meeting Expectations

Content is mostly clear, thorough, and organized effectively. Some points are well supported. The paper includes all criteria required in assignment.

3.04 pts


Content is somewhat clear, but may not be thorough, or organized ineffectively. Main points may not be well supported. Includes all criteria required in assignment.

2.6 pts


Content is generally unclear, not thorough, and organized ineffectively. Main points are not well supported. The paper does not include all criteria required in assignment.

0 pts


Content is disconnected and unorganized. The paper does not include any criteria required in assignment.


4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity and Coherence
1 pts

Highly Proficient

Sentences are well constructed throughout the paper with no oversights, omissions, or inaccuracies. Writing flows smoothly from one idea to another. Transitions are seamless and link the writer’s points consistently. The assignment is written without spelling or grammatical errors.

0.85 pts

Mostly Meeting Expectations

Sentences are structured to communicate ideas clearly with one or two oversights, omissions, or inaccuracies. Writing flows from one idea to another with one or two exceptions. Transitions between paragraphs make the writer’s points easy to follow. The paper contains one to two spelling or grammatical errors.

0.76 pts


Sentence structure and the writing is not clear and may distract the reader, with three to five oversights, omissions, or inaccuracies. Writing flows from one idea to another with one or two exceptions. Transitions between paragraphs may not link the writer’s points. The paper contains three to four spelling or grammatical errors.

0.65 pts


Sentence structure and writing is not clear and distracts the reader with more than five oversights, omissions, or inaccuracies. Transitions are limited and do not link the writer’s points. The paper contains five to six spelling or grammatical errors.

0 pts


The paper contains poor sentence structure, and sentences do not make sense. The paper lacks clarity. There are no transitions, which makes ideas difficult to follow or understand. The paper contains more than six spelling or grammatical errors.


1 pts
Total Points: 5



Hearing & Eye Age-Related Diseases

Hearing & Eye Age-Related Diseases

Ethical Dilemma On Confused Patient

Ethical Dilemma On Confused Patient


Search minimum of a scholarly nursing journals or national newspaper for peer review articles or scholarly nursing journal article about health care involving ethical dilemma in nursing. Must be referenced in your paper. Ethical dilemma is consent from Confused patient for medical procedure of angiogram

  • The paper addresses the following, of What is the ethical dilemma? How does the dilemma affect nursing? What are the main moral issues raised in the situation? Discuss two bioethical principals as they relate to the ethical dilemma. Based on personal, group, and societal moralities, identifies a value of your own personal morality. Describe that value’s relationship with the morality of a group or society you are currently living.
  • The paper cites at least 8 references, two of which may be the course text, to support the paper’s position.


  • The paper is 7 pages in length. Not including title page and reference page
  • The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
  • The conclusion is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.


  • The paper—including the title page, reference page, tables, and any appendixes—is consistent with APA 6th edition guidelines as directed by the facilitator. The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and space.
  • Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.
  • Evidence of critical thinking, synthesis, analysis throughout the paper.

consequences of short staffing in a hospital

Journal #2

What are the consequences of short staffing in a hospital. How can management help reduce the number of patient to nurse ratio, also explain how over working can negatively effect the nurse in their daily life.



Scenario: You have just mentored a group of medical-surgical nurses on your unit through an EBP project aimed at addressing Hospital Associated Pressure Injury Rates, and your results were astounding! You want to disseminate your results quickly to let the world know of your team’s successes. The nurses know the results need to be disseminated internally, but are torn between submitting an abstract for a state-level organization, a national conference, or submit a manuscript to a journal for publication

  • Describe your next steps to disseminate this evidence internally.
  • Discuss how a masters prepared nurse would determine the best place to disseminate this information outside of the organization (externally).

reference: 2 peer reviewed articles with 5 yrs.

kidney injury

Week 13/2

Assessment Description

Answer both of the following questions. Support your answer with two or three peer-reviewed resources.

  1. Differentiate acute renal insufficiency versus acute kidney injury (AKI). Explain the diagnosis, etiology, and treatment for both. Describe the types of AKI including prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal etiologies. Include diagnostic criteria for each etiology.
  2. Define chronic kidney disease, including stages, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Explain the indications for dialysis as well as the differences in the forms of dialysis (Intermittent hemodialysis, CRRT, peritoneal dialysis).

Genetics/Human Project

Genetics/Human Project

350 words needed always for discussions.  1.   Research a genetic disorder of your choice. Pick any of the 3,000 – 5,000 genetic disorders. Discuss what the disorder is, the symptoms, and how it affects an individual.  2. Also, what is the Human Genome Project, and its goals? 3. What is your thoughts on “genetic engineering” of genetic disorders.  Add your own thoughts into the discussion as well. A good site is  You need at least 350 words,  and always two references listed. 4.  Would you possibly have genetic engineering/splicing done if it was “safe”  related to your child having a major genetic disorder?  Answer all 4 of the questions please.  Should be interesting.

calcium abnormalities


Cat 1

Chapters 240 and 241 in your Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine text detail several electrolyte abnormalities. After completing your assigned readings, answer the following questions;

1. How is serum calcium regulated?

1. What body system dysfunctions would cause calcium abnormalities?

2. The GI tract, kidneys, and skeletal system are integral in regulating calcium.

2. What are potential causes of hypercalcemia? How can you differentiate the cause of hypercalcemia in your patient?

3. How is hypercalcemia diagnosed and managed?

4. What are potential causes of hypocalcemia?

5. What are potential causes of potassium and magnesium disorders?

1. What is pseudohypokalemia? What is the treatment for this?

6. What are the potential consequences of potassium and magnesium disorders?

7. How are potassium and magnesium disorders treated?

1. What is the function of Calcium Gluconate in lowering potassium?

8. How are potassium disorders treated in clinical situations with rapid potassium shifts, such as diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state, and periodic paralysis?



Go to the Nursing History page. Other historical sites include:

Military Nurse, Historical African American Nurses,  Mary BreckenridgeEdith CavellLillian WaldFamous Nurses, ANA Hall of Fame

View at least two sites, list the sites visited, and discuss how nursing history has influenced current nursing philosophy, theory, science, and ultimately practice, based upon the sites that you visited. Be specific by demonstrating the linkages. (The purpose of this exercise is to think about the links between nursing philosophy, theory, science, and practice – to see that these are not isolated entities but integral to each other