Mr. B is a 77-year-old African American man who complains of difficulty urinating

Difficult Urination in Elderly Men Case Discussion

Mr. B is a 77-year-old African American man who complains of difficulty urinating.



1.cause of these symptoms

2.risk factors

3.laboratory tests would be needed to confirm possible differential diagnoses

4.interventions would you expect

Leading a Group Discussion

Leading a Group Discussion

Group Dynamics Forsyth: chs. 1, 4

Several different types of groups are described in this module/week’s readings. Describe a group that you would like to lead, including the type of group, its size, inclusion criteria, and whether it is open or closed. Identify the group’s purpose. What topics will be covered? How often will the group meet and for how long? In your replies, offer helpful recommendations to your peers on how to make their proposed groups even more effective and beneficial for the members. Based on your readings, who might be interested in joining these groups? What leadership styles and skills demonstrated in the videos will be appropriate?

Personal Approach to Professional Nursing Practice Paper


In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, describe your personal approach to professional nursing practice. Be sure to address each one of the following criteria:

  • Which philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory describes nursing in the way you think about it?
    • Discuss how you could utilize the philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory to organize your thoughts for critical thinking and decision making in nursing practice.
  • Formulate and discuss your personal definition of nursing, person, health, and environment.
  • Discuss a minimum of two beliefs and/or values about nursing that guide your own practice.
  • Analyze your communication style using one of the tools presented in the course.
    • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses associated with your style of communication.
    • Impact of your communication style on your ability to collaborate as part of an interdisciplinary team.

Social and Behavioral Development Opportunities during Whole Group Instruction

Creating Social and Behavioral Development Opportunities during Whole Group Instruction It is important that chosen research-based interventions be tailored specifically to fit the needs of each individual student. As professionals in the field, a critical component of your job will be designing instruction individualized to the behavior and social needs of students with ASD in all learning environments. In particular, whole group instructional settings like “circle time,” can be a challenge in order to differentiate instruction among a group of students who are all developing at different rates. Your job to facilitate language and social development within a whole group setting can be challenging, but manage

The videos below demonstrate whole group instruction of children with ASD and other disabilities. While viewing the whole group instruction video (circle time), focus on the different research-based instructional strategies and interventions you view being used by professionals to guide behavior and social development. In addition, pay attention to the setup of the environment and interaction between peers. Examples of research-based instructional strategies being used in the video clip are Applied Behavior Analysis components such as positive reinforcement, imitation of educator movements during songs, verbal directions, the use of physical prompts from an assistant, verbal and nonverbal communication, visual-based strategies, pictures for communication and requests, and much more. Please review the videos below from an inclusive learning environment during large group circle time: High Scope Preschool. (2009, Feb 6). Introduction to Large-Group Time [Video file]. [Jamie S49]. (2009, Sep 28). Children in an inclusive preschool classroom interact with a puppet [Video file] [Jamie S49]. (2009, Sep 28). Children in an inclusive preschool classroom sings during circle time [Video file] [Jamie S49]. (2009, Sep 28). Stacie McConnell uses scripted stories and puppets to promote preschoolers language development [Video file] This assignment will give you the opportunity to create language and social development opportunities during whole group instruction. Using the Unit 5 Assignment Template, you will first collect data from a learning environment, and then you will prepare your own lesson plan for whole group instruction. Imagine you are an early childhood professional who has one or more students with ASD included within your preschool learning environment. Since students with ASD typically have deficits in the areas of behavior and social skill development, you will adapt a circle-time lesson plan to fit the specific needs of the children with ASD based on current research. For example, if you are going to prepare a lesson plan for circle time involving a music and movement activity, what kinds of research-based intervention strategies can you use to adapt the lesson to fit the student with ASD? Can you utilize pictures/visuals to guide the student to perform the proper movements to the song? Can you include peers to model appropriate actions for the student to follow? Using the lesson plan template provided, you are going to prepare a lesson for whole group instruction time based on current research. Your whole group lesson (circle time) can be based on any topic but must accommodate the needs of at least one student with ASD in the area of social and behavior skill development. You may choose from music and movement activities, storytime, fingerplays, etc. Once you have chosen your activity, fill in the following information on the lesson plan template. Assignment Guidelines Your Assignment should include the following elements: Title page: Provide your name, section number, and date Body: Complete all parts of the lesson plan template Reference page: Sources in APA format You must include at least three Your full references should be listed alphabetically on the reference page. Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font

early childhood professional and administrator

early childhood professional and administrator

As an early childhood professional and administrator, you must consider the role you play in advocating for children with disabilities and their families. You are uniquely positioned to be a strong advocate for children and families in the context of the early childhood setting and community. This assignment will allow you to apply the NAEYC ethical code of conduct to your work advocating for children with disabilities and their families. As a future early childhood professional or administrator and as an advocate for children with special needs and their families, this will be an excellent opportunity to begin to be the voice for these children and families.
For this assignment, you will create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that is appropriate to present to staff members at your early childhood center. Your goal is to apply advocacy practices on behalf of children with special needs and families in the context of the early care setting and community. Your presentation should include specific and detailed examples describing how early childhood administrators and professionals can help find community support and resources for diverse families. You will create 7 slides to share your planned activities with families, staff, and community members while respecting the NAEYC code of ethical conduct. You will use this addendum to the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct: You will discuss how to apply the following ethical codes from this resource: I-2.3 To advocate for the needs and rights of families in the program and the larger community. I-2.4 To support families in their role as advocate for their children and themselves. Slide Content: Slide 1: Title slide with the title of the presentation, your name, course information, and date. Slide 2: Welcome and introduction slide on the role of an early childhood administrator as an advocate. Slide 3: Discuss how to advocate for early identification and intervention and connect to the NAEYC code of ethics I-2.3 to advocate for the needs and rights of families in the program and the larger community. Slide 4: Discuss the role of parents as advocates in early identification and intervention. Slide 5: Describe how to engage parents as advocates for their child with a disability and connect to the NAEYC code of ethics I-2.4 to support families in their role as advocates for their children and themselves. Slide 6: Conclusion slide with a summary of at least three resources in your community for parents of children with disabilities that encourages advocacy with contact information for the resource. Slide 7: Reference slide with a minimum of three references from scholarly sources retrieved from the Purdue Global Library supporting the content covered in the presentation. Be sure to complete the Unit 5 Learning Activity where there is information on advocating for children with disabilities and their families to prepare you for this assignment. Writing Requirements and Assignment Guidelines Your assignment should be 5 slides, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements: Title, Body, and Reference. Use Arial or Times New Roman in a readable format.


Read An Essay on Man: Epistle I BY ALEXANDER POPE

complete the critical analysis paragraph on Essay on Man. Be sure to read the poem first. Before completing the assignment, watch the video for guidance on completing a critical analysis and see the rubric for more detail. Critical analysis must be written in a word doc.
Critical Analysis 1 . Read An Essay on Man: Epistle I BY ALEXANDER POPE

Privacy 4

Privacy 4

Olivia is the CEO for “Freedom Enterprises,” a financial services conglomerate with over 10 billion in assets. Among Freedom’s primary businesses are banking, health insurance and property and casualty insurance. Olivia comes to your office seeking counsel relative to certain events that have transpired over the past few months at Freedom.

Freedom recently fired an employee over an email that was intercepted by Freedom’s Information Security Team. Freedom has a written policy that states that it does not monitor employee email or internet usage. Although all employees are provided with a company email address, the email in question was sent through the employee’s personal Yahoo account to an unidentified third party. The employee accessed his personal email through a company issued laptop via the company’s internet service provider.

The email stated the following:

To: “Mr. X”

From: “Alex Young”

Subject: Information

Hey X, nice meeting with you yesterday. To follow up on our conversation, I have managed to find the information you were requesting:

1. I attached a file listing all policyholders living in New Tudor. The document lists all policyholders by first initial and last name, address, policy number and phone number.

2. I attached a second file, which lists 30,000 Social Security Numbers. As we discussed, we will split the money after you sell them. What did he agree to? $1 per SSN? I can also confirm that on 5/1/2018, Freedom disclosed the attached 30,000 SSNs to “System F Industries.” Our regulators are sniffing around this a bit but I wouldn’t worry about it because our Board of Directors ran it though our outside counsel before signing off on it.

3. Stop worrying! Our Human Resources and Information Security Team is a pretty incompetent group. There is no way they read any emails that employees send. They don’t check to see if we wear our badges. They don’t even have a written information security policy! I have done deals like this many times so don’t be worried, I have everything under control. In fact, many of our employees have a little “side business” going on with all the data we keep. It is obviously very profitable. We need it with the lousy salaries we get here anyway.

4. I was told by Freedom’s Senior Vice President to hack into the IRS’s database and uncover their algorithm for determining which businesses to audit. I just cracked it yesterday and I am sending it to you first. I am sure this will be very valuable on the market. As discussed, we will split the profits once it is sold.

Alex Young

Senior Regulatory Analyst

Freedom Enterprises

Olivia is obviously concerned with what liability or sanctions may be imposed on Freedom. Your supervising attorney asks you to prepare a memo discussing all potential privacy-related issues in Freedom’s case. Please advise your supervising attorney on the likely outcome of each issue, and cite appropriate authorities.

The Pledge Of Allegiance

The Pledge Of Allegiance

Religion and politics have traditionally been highly debated topics in our society. Recently, the Pledge of Allegiance has added to this debate.
American citizens have generally recited the Pledge of Allegiance at important ceremonies ranging from presidential inaugurations to the beginning of the school day. The pledge has a great deal of sentimental value to many Americans, but also creates a great deal of controversy for others.
Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:
  1. Summarize the salient points of the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow and Jane Doe v. Acton-Boxborogh Regional School District.
  2. Explain the decisions of the Supreme Court in these cases in brief.
  3. Discuss whether or not you think public schools should require students to recite the pledge. Why or why not?
  4. Provide three quality sources

Create A Semiannual Production Plan For Your New Business Idea, Product, Or Service

Create A Semiannual Production Plan For Your New Business Idea, Product, Or Service Using Notional Demand And Inventory Data. This Initial Production Plan Is Based On Your Market Estimates Of What You Intend To Sell And Produce. The Final Paper Is Managin

Create a semiannual production plan for your new business idea, product, or service using notional demand and inventory data. This initial production plan is based on your market estimates of what you intend to sell and produce. The final paper is managing the project to implement your intended new product/service into the marketplace, but you have to create a production plan that is supported by your market forecasts, and that is the purpose of this assignment.

Prompt: The plan should replicate the techniques in the text and can be submitted in a basic tabular (spreadsheet) format. It must include the following:

Estimates of labor hours consumed

 Estimated number of worker requirements considering a standard work week, current inventory levels, receipts of new inventory during each month, and varying demand levels for each month of production For service businesses that do not include inventory or raw goods for the assembly line, the inventory of the support materials/equipment or consumable materials can be used. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Create a semiannual production plan using notional demand and inventory.

 Estimate the labor hours consumed.

 Estimate the number of worker requirements considering a standard work week, current inventory levels, receipts of new inventory during each month, and varying demand levels for each month of production.

Rubric Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should adhere to the following formatting requirements: it is submitted as a Word document, 1 to 2 pages (not including title and reference pages), double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. All APA citations should reference the course text and at least two additional resources.

majority opinion in the case of Carpenter v. the US

majority opinion in the case of Carpenter v. the US

Please read the majority opinion in the case of Carpenter v. the US (you can read the rest if you like, but the very first page will tell you a lot).

The link to that case is as follows: pdf attached

Please write not less than 500 words, summarizing the court’s decision

Content- accurately summarize the effects of this Court decision

Word Count- At least 500 words

Correct legal citation

APA style