Minimum 4–page paper that addresses diabetes and a pharmacologic treatment used to treat the type of diabetes selected

Minimum 4–page paper that addresses diabetes and a pharmacologic treatment used to treat the type of diabetes selected

Diabetes is an endocrine system disorder that affects millions of children and adults (ADA, 2015). If left untreated, diabetic patients are at risk for several alterations, including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, neuropathy, and blindness. There are various methods for treating diabetes, many of which include some form of drug therapy. The type of diabetes as well as the patient’s behavior factors will affect treatment recommendations. In this assignment, you will compare the different types of diabetes, including drug treatments for type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. long-term effects on patients including the effects of drug treatments for the type of diabetes you selected. To complete: Write a minimum 4–page paper (excluding cover page and references) that addresses the following: 1) Explain the differences between the types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. 2) After select ONE type of diabetes and Describe one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes you selected, including the proper preparation and administration of this drug. 3) Analyze and discuss the dietary considerations related to treatment. 4) Explain the short- and long-term effects of this type of diabetes on patients including the effects of drug treatments for the type of diabetes selected. Include four or more appropriate scholarly sources from the last FIVE years throughout the paper.

Week 5 Museum paper



Week 5 Museum paper

Art Museum Assignment

Course Objective(s): 

  • CO-1: Identify major works of Western and Non-Western art from the Neo-Lithic to the Post-Modern periods.
  • CO-2: Identify major artists and their time periods in Western and Non-Western art.
  • CO-3: Interpret art terminology in relationship to works of art.
  • CO-4: Describe major works of art.
  • CO-5: Compare and contrast works of art.
  • CO-6: Analyze works of art within their social and historical contexts.

Write a 2 page description, formal analysis, and interpretation of one work of art from a virtual museum online. Visit the museum virtually.  Please visit an art museum, not a children’s museum for this project.  Use the Week 1 How to Write a Critique format. You are writing in an informal manner and are discussing/describing the object with us. Be sure to review the lesson of Description, Formal Analyze, and Interpretation learned in Unit 2.  It may be helpful to review the Third of May, 1808 short videos in Unit 2 lecture.

Submit your work in the Museum Assignment section. Optionally: also post your paper to the Week 5 Forum designed for the papers.

Museum Paper Grading Rubric:
The Museum Paper is an analysis paper, not a history or research paper. It is worth 100 points.

60 points: If the student demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic being discussed and addresses all required points in the writing prompt.  Be sure to describe the artwork, name and discuss line, texture, space, color and shape, and arrive at an interpretation.  What does the artwork say to you personally?  Be sure that the paper is two full pages aside from the description of the museum. The museum description should not be included as part of the two page length requirement. Try to choose a museum locally so that you can visit in person at some point and see the artwork that you wrote about.  Have fun!

30 points: If the student follows the Writing a Critique Guide provided

10 points: If the student has no spelling or grammatical errors



Week 7: Art Presentation

Course Objective(s):

  • CO-7: Demonstrate the ability to locate and incorporate art historical research sources in a scholarly paper.
  • C0-8: Examine an artist’s biography and artistic production.



A 4 page Power Point Presentation is due at the end of Week 7.  Visit the APUS online library, look at the course guides and optionally use the “Ask the Librarian” resource to help you locate scholarly references. They have electronic rights to JSTOR, which is a journal storage database and other data bases.


Choose one artist or architect that is included in any week of our course lessons, readings, or other areas. In this essay, fully discuss the artist and one art sample.


It is best to choose an artist we have studied in the class, but it doesn’t have to be. Do not include any artwork that you have already written about in class.  Your analysis should be 2 pages in length and cannot be a work of art we have discussed in Forums.  The analysis portion of this assignment must follow the Writing a Critique format you used for your Museum Paper.

Here is a summary of what you will submit for your Power Point Presentation:

  • A Cover Slide including your artist’s name, your name, the course title and date.
  • A 2 page/slide biography of your artist.
  • A 2 page/slide description, formal analysis, and interpretation of the one work of art
  • A Reference list slide properly citing 6 references cited in the MLA citation style.


DO NOT FORGET: Use your Writing a Critique Art Notes that is in your Week 1 Lesson for the analysis which includes information for description formal analysis.


Use the Required Reading Videos and Resources in Lesson Two to help you with this paper and the Museum Paper.

Wikipedia note: It is an unjuried source, meaning that anyone can post there, even those who know nothing about the subject. AMU/APUS has a great library for source material. Start there.

Writing Resources:

Art and Architecture Sites:


Please consider the following:

  • Of course you may do an internet search for any of your artists/architects, do keep them scholarly.
  • DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA as a reference.
  • You may use Museum websites or other scholarly sources.
  • Images are interesting but shouldn’t take the place of written content. Cite all references.
  • Do not use voice on this PPT or Notes.  It is often unreliable for this type of presentation.
  • Please see the attached Term Paper Grading rubric.
  • Please see the Power Point Tips in the Week 7 Discussion before creating your Power Point.




W2: Reading Masterpieces in Art: Goya and Manet

Course Objective(s): 

    • CO2: Identify major artists and their time periods in Western and Non-Western art.
    • CO3: Interpret art terminology in relationship to works of art.
    • CO4: Describe major works of art.


Description: Reading and Looking

Reading Masterpieces in Art: Goya and Manet: This assignment is designed to help you master the careful reading of sources about art images and to help you apply the basic mechanics of analyzing and interpreting images appropriately.

In order to participate fully in this week’s discussion, do the following steps.


TOPIC 1.) Examine and discuss in detail Francisco de Goya’s painting, The Third of May, 1808 created in 1815-16. The original painting, which currently hangs in the Prado museum, is very large (about 10 x 14 feet), and it was painted in 1816. It depicts the invasion by the French army into Spain in the early 1800s. Examine your book for other images by Goya, in order to understand his work better. Imagine you are looking at this painting while visiting the Prado Museum in Spain. Consider what the size of the painting means or does for/to the viewer.

El Tres de Mayo, by Francisco de Goya, from Prado in Google

W3: Printmaking and Photography

Course Objective(s): 

    • CO2: Identify major artists and their time periods in Western and Non-Western art.
    • CO3: Interpret art terminology in relationship to works of art.
    • CO4: Describe major works of art.
    • CO6: Analyze works of art within their social and historical contexts.


Description: An Examination of 2-Dimensional Art (Printmaking and Photography)

Choose one of the following to write about:


Topic 2.) Dorothea LangeMigrant Mother, 1936. This photograph is important on many levels, but examine it in the context of the Farm Security Administration, discussing the FSA’s involvement. What was the FSA? Why was it important? Why do we consider this photograph a significant art object? Explain the reason for its creation. Then think about the photograph and answer the following:

  • Is it art and/or documentation, or both?
  • Provide solid details about what makes an image art or documentation, and defend your answer. Find a website that has reliable information about Lange and/or this topic, and provide a link to the site in your post for proper attribution.



W4: Sculpture and Architecture

Course Objective(s): 

    • CO2: Identify major artists and their time periods in Western and Non-Western art.
    • CO3: Interpret art terminology in relationship to works of art.
    • CO4: Describe major works of art.
    • CO6: Analyze works of art within their social and historical contexts.


Description: An examination of 3-dimensional media: Sculpture and Architecture

This is a research, read, consider, think, and write exercise. You may list sources if helpful, but use your own words.

Choose one of the following to write about:


Topic 2.) Examine and discuss all of the following buildings:
– The Pantheon
– Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, The Eiffel Tower 
– Frank Lloyd Wright, Fallingwater

Architecture is often discussed in terms of 3 dimensions, as though it was large scale sculpture, but architecture always has a specific function. Architecture conveys meaning and is “read” like paintings and sculpture are “read.” Each element has a function and a meaning; therefore, buildings communicate messages to the viewer. During this Discussion, imagine yourself in the spaces while you examine it and discuss it. Include in your answer:

  • Who is the architect?
  • From what era and what culture is the building?
  • What was its function and location?
  • What are the building materials –what is it made of?
  • Are there any special construction techniques used?
  • Why is the building important? Be specific.



W6: Issues of Art in Service of Religion

Course Objective(s): CO6: Analyze works of art within their social and historical contexts.


Description: Italian Renaissance and Baroque Masters

Fully answer 1 of the Following Topics.


Topic 1:

Donatello is considered the finest of the early Italian Renaissance sculptors. He was known for advancing the ideas of naturalism in the sculpted human figure. Conduct internet research, then examine and discuss two of his works, such as “St. Mark” and “David.” Answer all of the following in your post:

  • What does the word renaissance mean?
  • What does humanism mean?
  • How might the term renaissance apply to these figures?
  • What correlation is there between the figures based on what you researched about the artist?
  • What differences do you see between the figures?
  • What is the function of each of these objects, and where were/are they found?
  • What do they each mean?
  • What techniques did the artists use, and how did they fit into their respective cultures?
  • What is your personal reaction/response to these figures, and how (if at all) do they apply to your life and past experiences?



W8: Exploring the Figure in Modern Art

Course Objective(s):

    • CO1: Identify major works of Western and Non-Western art from the Neo-Lithic to the Post-Modern periods.
    • CO2: Identify major artists and their time periods in Western and Non-Western art.
    • CO4: Describe major works of art.
    • CO6: Analyze works of art within their social and historical contexts.
    • CO8: Examine an artist’s biography and artistic production.


Early Modern Masters: Picasso and Matisse: Exploring the Figure in Modern Art

Choose one of the following to write about:

The human figure has been a popular subject matter for artists throughout art history.  Modern artists introduced their innovative styles using the human figure.  Two early 20th century artists were Picasso and Matisse.  They were influenced by the Post Impressionists (Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cezanne, for example.)  Select one of the two artists below, or you can select another artist from the late 19th or 20th century of your choice.  Be sure to tell us something about the contributions of the artist, their style, and select a specific artwork to discuss. Be sure to include references.

Examine and discuss Picasso’s Early Cubist painting, Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon . Answer the following questions:

  • What is cubism?
  • What is the painting about?
  • What does the title mean?
  • Why do we see shattered forms?
  • Is it possible to describe it from the background?
  • What did this painting do for the art world? Use your art terminology to discuss it and its importance.




W2: Small Mistakes

Contains unread posts

Small mistakes are the stepping stones to large failures. How might this saying apply to this lesson, and do you agree?

In your responses, provide an example of a real-life seemingly small mistake with large consequences. By real-life, I mean a situation that actually happened, not a theoretical one.


W3: Demand Estimation

Why is knowing (or estimating) the product demand so crucial for a firm?

In your response, include an example of a business that has suffered from poorly estimating the demand of its products. Evaluate how or why the business made such a mistake.

W5: Flexible Manufacturing Plants

Honda uses flexible plants in the manufacturing of its cars. Discuss whether this method of production results in optimum output. For further information, read The Wall Street Journal, September 23, 2008, p. B1. How to Access the Wall Street Journal through the Online Library:

1. Go to the Online Library/Article Database page.
2. Select “Journal Title Search”.
3. Type in “Wall Street Journal”.
4. From the list of results, select “Wall Street Journal. Eastern edition” from ABI/INFORM Complete.
5. Use the search box entitled “Search for articles within this publication” to find articles by topic within the Wall Street Journal.

The article can be accessed directly at Honda’s Flexible Plants Provide Edge.

W6: Economies of Scale

Discuss whether economies of scale have any relevance to such companies as Wal-Mart.


W7: Venture Capitalists

In the hope of high returns, venture capitalists provide funds to finance new (start up) companies. However, potential competitors and structures of the market into which the new firm enters are extremely important in realization of profits. Among different market structures, which one do you believe provides the highest possible return for a new company and why?




Deficit Spending During the Great Recession

Week 4: Assignment 1 – Deficit Spending Instructions Assignment 1


Week 4: Assignment 1 – Deficit Spending Instructions Assignment 1: Deficit Spending During the Great Recession, like any other economic downturns, as unemployment rises, aggregate income declines causing a major decline in tax collections. On the other hand, with the rise in unemployment, spending on safety net programs rise. So, there are not too many good options available to resort the health of the national economy. It will be very difficult to defend cuts in the federal government programs and especially the programs geared to sustain the minimum of the standard of living for the recent “poor.” So, government needs to increase its borrowing. Deficit spending refers to government spending exceeding what it brings in federal income and corporate taxes during a certain period. Deficit spending hence increases government debt. Most economists accept that deficit spending is desirable and necessary as part of countercyclical fiscal policy. In such a case, government increases its borrowing and hence its deficit to compensate for the shortfall in aggregate demand. This is derived from Keynesian economics, and has been the mainstream economics view. Following John Maynard Keynes, many economists recommend deficit spending to moderate or end a recession, especially a severe one. When the economy has high unemployment, an increase in government purchases creates a market for business output, creating income and encouraging increases in consumer spending, which creates further increases in the demand for business output. (This is the multiplier effect). This raises the real gross domestic product (GDP) and the level of employment and lowers the unemployment rate. Government borrowing under such circumstances increases the demand for borrowing and thus pushes interest rates up. Rising interest rates can “crowd out” (discourage) fixed private investment spending, canceling out some of the demand stimulus arising from the deficit Write an essay analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of deficit spending and the effects of federal government borrowing on the economy i.e., the “crowding out” effect. Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, and in APA format. Note your submission will automatically be submitted through “TurnItIn” for plagiarism review. Please note that a minimum of 700 words for your essay is required. Your paper should be structured as follows 1. Cover page with a running head 2. Introduction: What is deficit spending and how does it work. 2.1. Advantages 2.2. Disadvantages 3. Crowding-out Effect 4. Conclusions: Do you believe that deficit spending helps or hinders short-term and long-term economic growth? 5. References Week 7: Assignment 2 – Demand-side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008 Instructions Assignment 2: Demand-side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008 Macroeconomic analysis deals with the crucial issue of government involvement in the operation of “free market economy.” The Keynesian model suggests that it is the responsibility of the government to help to stabilize the economy. Stabilization policies (demand-side and supply-side policies) are undertaken by the federal government to counteract business cycle fluctuations and prevent high rates of unemployment and inflation. Demand side policies are government attempts to alter aggregate demand (AD) through using fiscal (cutting taxes and increasing government spending) or monetary policy (reducing interest rates). To shift the AD to the right, the government has to increase the government spending (the G-component of AD) causing consumer expenditures (the C-component of AD) to increase. Alternatively the Federal Reserve could cut interest rates reducing the cost of borrowing thereby encouraging consumer spending and investment borrowing. Both policies will lead to an increase in AD. Develop an essay discussing the fiscal and the monetary policies adopted and implemented by the federal during the Great Recession and their impacts on the U.S. economy. Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, and in APA format. Note your submission will automatically be submitted through “TurnItIn” for plagiarism review. Please note that a minimum of 800 words for your essay is required. Your paper should be structured as follows 1. Cover page with a running head 2. Introduction: What is the economic meaning of a recession? · A brief discussion of fiscal policies · A brief discussion of monetary policies 3. Conclusions: Discuss the extent to which the use of demand side policies (fiscal policy and monetary policy) during the Great Recession of 2008 has been successful in restoring economic growth and reducing unemployment 4. References

case study on Stem Cells 

Read the following case study on Stem Cells and answer the posted questions. Think about and describe your point of view on this bioethical topic and identify any biblical reference that helped shape your perspective.

Embryonic Stem Cells

Standing in the voting booth, Raina hesitated. It was November 2, 2004, and she had to make her final decision on how to vote for California Proposition 71, the California Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative. Proposition 71, a $3 billion bond measure, would fund embryonic stem (ES) cell research at facilities across the state for the next ten years. Raina knew that Proposition 71 had widespread support, including that of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and several Nobel Prize-winning scientists, but she was also well aware of the controversy surrounding ES cell research.

Well before Election Day, Raina had taken the time to inform herself about the ongoing ES cell debate. She learned that ES cell lines are obtained by removing a group of cells, called the inner cell mass, from an embryo that is about five days old (also known as a blastocyst), and growing the cells in a Petri dish. The cells are prized by researchers because they are pluripotent, meaning that they have the potential to differentiate into a wide range of different types of cells if properly stimulated. Proponents of ES cell research say that such cells could be used to cure conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cystic fibrosis, and spinal cord injuries. In addition, ES cells could be studied to help scientists understand the basic processes of human development, and used to test new drugs.

ES cell research opponents say that it should be restricted because it requires the destruction of human life. Raina found this issue to be one of great concern. She learned that the ES cell lines currently used for research are obtained from embryos left over from in vitro fertilization (IVF). These embryos are voluntarily donated, and otherwise would be discarded. Raina wondered if embryos, even those so early in development, should be considered human beings. If so, then producing an excess of them for IVF and then discarding them would be wrong. Might it also be wrong to benefit from their sacrifice?

Raina had read about stem cells from other sources besides embryos. Some, known as embryonic germ cells, may be obtained from aborted or miscarried fetuses, but this source is subject to the same sort of controversy as ES cells. Some very promising results have come from research using stem cells taken from the umbilical cord and placenta, and adult tissues such as bone marrow and parts of the brain. In fact, some of these non-embryonic cells have already been used to treat medical conditions, including blood disorders, spinal cord injury and heart attack damage. Such stem cells are obtained without harming embryos or fetuses, and for this reason their use meets with few ethical objections. However, they appear to be more limited in their ability to differentiate than ES cells.

Finally, after weighing the arguments one last time, Raina cast her ballot. The next day, she learned that Proposition 71 had passed with 59% of the vote. Now it is possible that similar initiatives may appear on the ballots of other states.


  1. How do you think Raina voted on Proposition 71? How would you have voted? Why?
  2. Do you think that a five-day-old embryo should be accorded the status of a human person? If not, why not? If so, do the potential benefits of ES cell research outweigh the ethical objections? Explain.
  3. Should ES cell research prove fruitful, it raises the issue of a particular type of cloning known as therapeutic cloning. Therapeutic cloning would not result in the production of a new human being, but it would mean creating an embryo from which ES cells could be removed that would match the cells of a person’s own body. This would prevent the rejection of transplanted cells by the immune system of the recipient. Would you support the use of therapeutic cloning in order to produce ES cells for treatment of disease or injury? Why or why not?


policy issue related to barriers to accessing psychiatric and mental healthcare

policy issue related to barriers to accessing psychiatric and mental healthcare



· Identify one policy issue related to barriers to accessing psychiatric and mental healthcare that is currently being addressed by your national professional organization and discuss how Nurse Practitioners can become policy-aware, as well as act as patient advocates.

· Attach a policy white-paper to support your statement.


Your response should include evidence-based research to support your statements using proper citations and APA format! Minimum 700 words.


For this assignment to be considered complete, you must attach “a policy white-paper” to support your statement.


See attached discussion rubric.


About me: I am currently enrolled in the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program (PMHNP), I am a Psych Registered Nurse, I work in a Psychiatric Hospital as a Nursing Supervisor (Crisis and stabilization).

Define the concept of reasonableness

Step 1 Consider the case study.

After graduating from college with a degree in nursing, Andy finds a solid job, gets married, and has two sons. Twelve years later, he moves to a position at another hospital promising him steady advancement within its managerial ranks. A devoted family man, Andy admires his wife’s dedication to raising their boys. But he also observes that his sons, approaching their teen years, benefit greatly from his fatherly friendship and counsel- especially as they approach what he and his wife realize could prove to be a difficult transitional period in their upbringing. So he has made a commitment to spend plenty of time with them, playing baseball and helping with their schoolwork. But he also loves his work, and does well at it. It has become apparent that to advance rapidly up the managerial ranks at this hospital, he should obtain a graduate degree. A nearby university offers the degree in an evening-and-weekend program that would allow him to continue full-time employment, but would soak up his free time for the next several years and throw most of the family activities into his wife’s hands.

Step 2 In your original post, address the following questions relating to the dialogue.

Assume the perspective of Andy within this scenario. In keeping with Andy’s point of view, address the following:

Global Healthcare and Nursing

In this written assignment, identify one specific contemporary issue or trend that you are interested in learning more about. Choose from the categories below. For example you might want to learn more about why it is more difficult for some groups to receive care than others, which would fall under Client Access to Care. Or, you might want to compare nursing practice in the U.S. with how nurses practice in Japan, which would fall under the category of Global Healthcare and Nursing.

  • Global Healthcare and Nursing
  • Healthcare Reform
  • U.S. Healthcare Financing
  • Nursing’s Role in the U.S. Healthcare System
  • Integrative Healthcare
  • Nursing Leadership and Management
  • Nursing Education
  • Nursing Practice
  • Nursing Professionalism
  • Advancing Nursing as a Profession
  • Client Access to Care
  • Delivering Client Care
  • Interdisciplinary Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Ethical Practices in Healthcare
  • Quality and Safety in Healthcare Delivery
  • Health/Nursing Informatics

Once the issue or trend is identified, find five important/significant facts about it, substantiated by an evidence-based article or reference. Include the article or references in your submission.

In Vitro Fertilization

The purpose of this individual assignment (8-10 pgs exclusive of references and title page, double spaced, APA-7 formatting) is to assist students to develop meaningful opinions on nursing and related issues with support from the current scholarly/professional literature. Do NOT use websites or writings meant for the general public such as Mayo Clinic, WebMD, etc. Select one topic below (or choose a different one with faculty assistance).  Provide the “pros and cons” of the issues involved. Do not simply write about the issue—you need to reflect on your opinions and conclusions. All topics must be submitted to approval by course faculty as per course outline. Topics are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. No more than two students may choose the same topic.

Musculoskeletal Care Modalities

Musculoskeletal Care Modalities

Case Study, 

1. June Frankel, a 23-year-old patient, presents to the emergency department with a sports-related fracture injury to her right arm and receives a long-arm fiberglass cast. (Learning Objective 2)

  1. What nursing assessment should the nurse provide after the cast has been applied?
  2. What nursing interventions should the nurse provide?

2. Sue Newhart, a 55-year-old patient, is admitted to the medical-surgical unit after a total hip arthroplasty due to osteoarthritis. (Learning Objective 7)

  1. What considerations should the nurse follow when positioning the patient in bed after hip surgery?
  2. What nursing interventions should the nurse provide the patient?

Diversity And Health Assessments

May 2012, Alice Randall wrote an article for The New York Times on the cultural factors that encouraged black women to maintain a weight above what is considered healthy. Randall explained—from her observations and her personal experience as a black woman—that many African-American communities. And cultures consider women who are overweight to be more beautiful and desirable than women at a healthier weight. As she put it, “Many black women are fat because we want to be”

Randall’s statements sparked a great deal of controversy and debate; however, they emphasize an underlying reality in the healthcare field: different populations, cultures. And groups have diverse beliefs and practices that impact their health. Nurses and healthcare professionals should be aware of this reality and adapt their health assessment techniques and recommendations to accommodate diversity