Analysis of Variance

MA3010 – Statistics for Health Professions

Discussion 09.1: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)


For this discussion forum, refer to the Excel file Discussion 8-1 Data Set that contains information on the following:

In the healthcare profession, you will be presented with ANOVA tables using different forms of technology (i.e. SPSS, Minitab, Excel, SAS, etc.). An important part of the analysis is to take the results from the ANOVA and make the proper inferences from it.

1.Identify the worksheet (tab) that matches the first letter of your LAST name (i.e., if your last name were “Fudd” you would use the data from the “F” tab). This will be the source data you will use to answer your remaining questions for this initial post.

2.From your ANOVA table: What is the test statistic?

3.From your ANOVA table: What is the p-value?

4.Assuming a level of significance at 0.05, would you reject or fail to reject your null hypothesis? Explain how you came to this conclusion (i.e., either use the test-statistic/critical value or p-value to support your claim).

What is globalization

What is globalization

Watch the video provided below and answer the questions that follow by adding a new post.


1.       What is globalization?

2.       What factors have influenced the process of globalization?

3.       What does World Bank consider as poverty?

4.       What are advantages of globalization?

5.       What are the disadvantages of globalization?

6.       What is globalized culture?

7.       How has globalization changed humanity?

The Nurse Practice Act in New Jersey for Advanced Practice

The Nurse Practice Act in New Jersey for Advanced Practice


Discussion Prompt 

· Are NPs able to practice independently in the state of New Jersey?

· Based on the practice restrictions in your state of New Jersey, what are one or two identified barriers to NP practice?

· Does your state of New Jersey require NPs to have a collaboration or supervisory agreement with a physician?

· Does your state of New Jersey require ‘residency’ hours with a physician or NP before the NP can practice independently? How many hours? Do you support having residency hours as a requirement to independent practice?




Initial Post:

APA format with intext citation

Word count minimum of 250

References: 2 high-level scholarly references with in the last 5 years.

Plagiarism free.

Turnitin receipt.

Administrative Healthcare Information Systems

Administrative Healthcare Information Systems

Locate two Administrative Healthcare Information Systems (AHIS using Internet search (e.g., In a tabulated form compare their patient management and revenue management features and functions; which of these two systems would you recommend for a healthcare facility you may be working for and why? Make sure to provide a short background of the organization in question. And provide the link to its website (no more than one paragraph before the table)

Your 2-4 pages double-spaced APA formatted assignment excluding the Title and References pages and containing 2-3 credible sources of information should be submitted by Tuesday mid-night.

ageism in society

There are two posts. post 1 and post

please reply each posts with 150 words with in text citation and references

The oldest adults in my family

post 1

When I was growing up, older people, in general, were respected and seen as wise. The oldest adults in my family have always been my grandparents, and everyone in my family. Including myself, has always looked up to them. They are who we go to for advice. And comfort. Although I never really had the chance to meet a lot of older adults in society when I was growing up. I remember my parents talking about people putting their parents or grandparents in nursing homes. Because they didn’t have the time or simply didn’t want the responsibility of taking care of them.

I’ve noticed now that I have experienced care of older adults with nurses. There is a great amount of ageism in society. And the love and respect my family shows to my grandparents isn’t the same in all families or facilities. In fact, a study in Australia has shown that 22-25% of older adults with mental illness reported some form of discrimination in the past 12 months. Which is double the percentage of older adults without mental illness who have reported discrimination in the past 12 months (Temple et al., 2020).

There are many stereotypes, both positive and negative that are present in Western society. However, sadly, the negative outweigh the positive (Miller, 2019). Although this may only seem like something that can harm an older adult’s mental health, it also affects their physical health. Studies have shown that negative stereotypes such as seeing an older adult as slow or incompetent, decrease an older patient’s cognitive skills and performance. These same negative stereotypes have also been proven to be associated with poor recovery from illness as well as declined physical health (Miller, 2019).

mental function

When I was younger, people who suffered from mental illness were seen as different and sometimes they were called “crazy”. In addition, older adults with mental or emotional disorders were viewed as a burden which further leads to these older adults being viewed as incompetent, and unfortunately, that is still something that is seen in society. In my family, the language used to describe older adults suffering from mental illness were also called “crazy”, but for those suffering from altered mental function, I always heard things such as, “They’re older so their mind isn’t as good as it used to be.” It’s heartbreaking to look back on how people, including older adults, suffering from mental illness or altered mental function were viewed.

education that is changing in society

Thankfully, with understanding and education that is changing in society and among those I know. I think one of the major factors of how older adults were viewed when I was growing up in my family was our culture. Ever since I can remember, any time somebody was known to have a mental illness or suffer from suicidal ideation or attempts, I would hear those around me say that they’re ungrateful and need to become closer to God.

Although religion is a great outlet for many people, especially older adults, suffering from mental illness, it isn’t for everybody, and I feel that this blinded those I grew up with into believing that religion fixes everything. Thankfully, as time has passed, my family and society have learned to slowly become more accepting of mental illness, especially in older adults, which has helped my family be more supportive of those suffering from mental illness.

mental illness

post 2

When I was growing up, older people, in general, were respected and seen as wise. The oldest adults in my family have always been my grandparents, and everyone in my family. Including myself, has always looked up to them. They are who we go to for advice and comfort. Although I never really had the chance to meet a lot of older adults in society when I was growing up. I remember my parents talking about people putting their parents. Or grandparents in nursing homes because they didn’t have the time. Or simply didn’t want the responsibility of taking care of them.

I’ve noticed now that I have experienced care of older adults with nurses. There is a great amount of ageism in society. And the love and respect my family shows to my grandparents isn’t the same in all families or facilities. In fact, a study in Australia has shown that 22-25% of older adults with mental illness reported some form of discrimination in the past 12 months. Which is double the percentage of older adults without mental illness who have reported discrimination in the past 12 months (Temple et al., 2020).


There are many stereotypes, both positive and negative that are present in Western society. However, sadly, the negative outweigh the positive (Miller, 2019). Although this may only seem like something that can harm an older adult’s mental health, it also affects their physical health. Studies have shown that negative stereotypes such as seeing an older adult as slow or incompetent, decrease an older patient’s cognitive skills and performance. These same negative stereotypes have also been proven to be associated with poor recovery from illness as well as declined physical health (Miller, 2019). When I was younger, people who suffered from mental illness were seen as different and sometimes they were called “crazy”.

emotional disorders

In addition, older adults with mental. Or emotional disorders were viewed as a burden which further leads to these older adults being viewed as incompetent. And unfortunately. That is still something that is seen in society. In my family. The language used to describe older adults suffering from mental illness were also called “crazy”. But for those suffering from altered mental function. I always heard things such as, “They’re older so their mind isn’t as good as it used to be.” It’s heartbreaking to look back on how people, including older adults, suffering from mental illness or altered mental function were viewed.

Thankfully, with understanding and education that is changing in society. And among those I know. I think one of the major factors of how older adults were viewed. When I was growing up in my family was our culture. Ever since I can remember, any time somebody was known to have a mental illness. Or suffer from suicidal ideation or attempts. I would hear those around me say that they’re ungrateful and need to become closer to God.

Although religion is a great outlet for many people, especially older adults. Suffering from mental illness, it isn’t for everybody. And I feel that this blinded those I grew up with into believing that religion fixes everything. Thankfully, as time has passed, my family. And society have learned to slowly become more accepting of mental illness, especially in older adults. Which has helped my family be more supportive of those suffering from mental illness.

Kant’s Ethics and Our Duty

Week 5 Discussion: Kant’s Ethics and Our Duty

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapters 9, 10
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Kant’s famous First Formulation of the Categorical Imperative reads, “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” Kant taught morality as a matter of following maxims of living that reflect absolute laws. “Universal” is a term that allows for no exceptions, and what is universal applies always and everywhere. Don’t forget about the second formulation of the categorical imperative which states, “Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of another, always at the same time as an end and never simply as a means.” It is just as important.

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, address one of the following sets of questions:

  1. What are the personal and/or communal ethical factors that may be involved in determining the moral position of either side given a contemporary debate, such as those concerning animal rights, stem cell research, abortion, the death penalty, and so forth?
  2. Elaborate in detail the ethical positions arrived at by using the Kantian categorical imperative relative to the long standing debate surrounding the death penalty or abortion. Argue the ethics from the point of view of the prisoner or from the fetus
  3. Evaluate the ethical positions in part two. You will want to detail whether they are convincing, logical, correct, consistent, etc.

the types of head and neck carcinomas

the types of head and neck carcinomas

You are a 2-year graduate of an accredited AGACNP master’s program. You are now a certified AGACNP practicing on a very busy inpatient oncology unit.

Your patient is s 45-year-old male with head/neck cancer. This is a new diagnosis, but the patient has lost over 60 pounds in the past 4 months due to dysphagia, malnutrition, and intractable pain. He is currently NPO due to risk of aspiration.

Explore the types of head and neck carcinomas that you will encounter as an AGACNP on this oncology unit. Describe the following and support your answer with two or three peer-reviewed resources.

  1. Malignancy, cytology results, and type of cancer markers, if available.
  2. How this is cancer diagnosed.
  3. The key complications for which you must be watchful.
  4. How you will manage this unique and very difficult patient with regard to pain management, airway, cosmetics, and psychological concerns.
  5. Which nutritional interventions would be important for this patient?

Moral Theories

Scenario 1: You are offered a job at XYZ Corp. A friend emails you an article indicating the company has been funding questionable research. That may be causing irreparable damage to a specific ecosystem. You notice in the Code of Ethics that you will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. And a statement saying if you leave for any reason, you will be barred from working for a similar company for one year. Do you take the job, why or why not and what moral theories guides your decision? Be sure clearly discuss the moral theories and how they justify your decision.

Scenario 2: You have been working in a technical job for ABC company for 6 months and are about to pass probation and be hired full time. Your manager has been a little more attentive than usual and calls you into the office. You are told that to be promoted, you will be required to put in 10 hours a week “off the clock.” You decide to contact HR and are told that this is just “standard practice” to contract a person for 45 hours a week to calculate the salary, but normal for employees to put in 55 hours on average. This is not illegal, per se, but seems sketchy. Do you accept the promotion or start looking for a new job? Most importantly, what moral theory or theories help you justify your decision?

Fleet And Driver Safety

During your annual screenings, you find out that 39% of your drivers have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. This number shocks you, and you want to do something about it because you do not need to have any of the drivers blacking out from a diabetic reaction (i.e., insulin deficiency) while driving. You also want to keep these numbers from rising, so you need to look at health education or possibly incentive programs for employees to improve their food choices and overall fitness.

Your two goals for this case study are to come up with a plan to help employees who already have diabetes and to come up with a healthy lifestyle fitness plan for all company employees. Explain the benefits and potential costs associated with your plans. You can decide on the size of the company that you are operating. You are encouraged to think outside the box in coming up with solutions. It may help to research what some leading transportation companies have done. Companies outside of the transportation industry may also have plans, so do not simply limit yourself to researching fleet operators.

Your completed case study should be at least two pages in length and include at least two outside sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. Follow APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

Total Environmental Health And Safety Management

You were recently hired as an occupational safety and health consultant for Gemstone Fabricators. A medium-sized manufacturing facility that makes stainless steel counters, containers, and carts for the food prep and restaurant industries. Several years ago, Gemstone decided it wanted to become an Occupational Safety. And Health Adminstration (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) site. It also wants to send the application to OSHA in the upcoming year. Gemstone Fabricators expressed an interest to align with the ANSI/ASSP Z10.0-2019 and ANSI/ASSP/ISO 45001-2018 standard. In going through the application submission materials, you noticed something that threw up a red flag, however. Although there was an accountability requirement specified in front-line workers’ performance evaluation documentation for safety performance, there was no such requirement in the performance evaluation documentation for supervisors, managers, or executives.

health management systems

Your discussions with employees also suggest that, although the employer wants the front-line workers to be heavily involved in the safety effort, they are not always sure exactly what they are supposed to be doing to help move the company’s safety programs forward. Another issue that concerns you is that the effort to implement a safety and health management systems approach appears to be somewhat piecemeal. You are finding it difficult to identify a clear Plan-Do-Check-Act approach to continuous improvement. Please compose a two-page document for your client to include your evaluation of these deficiencies along with an explanation of the significance of these problems in relation to the safety and health management systems approach. Your goal is to help the employer understand why these issues need to be attended to prior to submitting your application. In your response, be sure to do the following things:

  • include an introduction that establishes the issues and provides necessary background information,
  • assess the importance of establishing safety accountability measures for managers, employees, and safety professionals,
  • appraise the assignment of safety-related job tasks, and
  • apply the Plan-Do-Check-Act framework to resolve a safety deficiency.

Your Scholarly Activity must be a minimum of twopages in length, and it should be in APA format. You must use a minimum of one scholarly resource. Any information from this source should be cited and referenced in accordance with APA guidelines.