Building a Health History

Discussion: Building a Health History week 1

Effective communication is vital to constructing an accurate and detailed patient history. A patient’s health or illness is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, ethnicity, and environmental setting. As an advanced practice nurse, you must be aware of these factors and tailor your communication techniques accordingly. Doing so will not only help you establish rapport with your patients. But it will also enable you to more effectively gather the information needed to assess your patients’ health risks.

For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for a particular new patient assigned by your Instructor.

To prepare:

With the information presented , consider the following:

, Patient Assigned profile 40-year-old black recent immigrant from Africa without health insurance for this Discussion. Note:

How would your communication and interview techniques for building a health history differ with each patient?

How might you target your questions for building a health history based on the patient’s social determinants of health?

What risk assessment instruments would be appropriate to use with each patient, or what questions would you ask each patient to assess his or her health risks?

Identify any potential health-related risks based upon the patient’s age, gender, ethnicity, or environmental setting that should be taken into consideration.

risk assessment instruments

Select one of the risk assessment instruments presented of the Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination text, or another tool with which you are familiar, related to your selected patient.

Develop at least five targeted questions you would ask your selected patient to assess his or her health risks and begin building a health history.

Post a summary of the interview and a description of the communication techniques you would use with your assigned patient. Explain why you would use these techniques. Identify the risk assessment instrument you selected, and justify why it would be applicable to the selected patient. Provide at least five targeted questions you would ask the patient.

key moral problems of recent healthcare technology

  • For this week’s assignment respond to one of the following options, and include Option 1, 2, or 3 as part of your heading.
    Option 1: The first option is to name and describe in detail a key specific and recent healthcare technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are the proper moral guidelines for dealing with it in your view? Compare your approach to what a utilitarian and ethical egoist would say (each independently). Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.
    Option 2: In the second option, name and describe in detail a key specific and recent social technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are the proper moral guidelines for dealing with it in your view? Compare your moral approach to what a utilitarian and social contract ethicist would say (each independently). Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.
  • Option 3: John Doe, Patient One, is in late stage of kidney disease. If he does not receive a new kidney, then he is predicted to die within a week. Doe is 45, single, and has no children. Doctors theorize that Doe damaged his kidney by not following a low-salt diet. Doe inherited one million dollars and is known for giving money to charity. Without a transplant, he will probably be forced to spend all his money searching for a kidney outside of the usual legal channels. Patient Two is Jane Doe (no relation to John). Patient Two is a mother of two children (ages 21 and 24). She is divorced and 55 years old. She developed kidney problems due to eating a high-fat and high-sugar diet.
  • genetic condition

  • If she does not receive a kidney within one month, doctors believe she will die. Patient Three is an orphan. This orphan lives in a state facility. She was born with a genetic condition that constantly damages her kidney. The only known approach to her condition is to provide her with a kidney transplant every so often. She is 11 and has already undergone two kidney transplants. She will perish in two months if she does not receive another transplant.
    All three patients are at the same hospital. The hospital only has one kidney to give out. The orphan’s birth parents were known to be of a religion that is opposed to organ donation. The other patients come from religions that do not oppose organ donation. Who should get the kidney? Why should that candidate receive it over the others? Devise a course of social action and a solution for this case by using the ethics of egoism and then utilitarianism to a key moral conflict involving health care in this case.
  • Appraise the interests of diverse populations (in terms of ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) and how they relate to the case. Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.
    For all the options:
    Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations.
    You should not be using any text you used in a discussion board or assignment for this class or any previous class.
    Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.
    You will submit the following:
  • audiovisual presentation

    • An audiovisual presentation that presents one of the options above. Be sure to give equal time to each element. Doing a PowerPoint presentation with audio recorded on the slides is preferred. Please refer to the Narrated PowerPoint Tutorial located in the Required Resources in this assignment.
    • Please provide a transcript of anything said in the recording aloud that does not appear as text on a slide. This transcript can be provided as a Word document or placed in the Notes section on the PowerPoint slides.
    • The link or a scan of the article mentioning any health technology, social technology, or case you are reporting on. If you made up the case, please indicate that in your report. If you choose to do option #3 (the case about a shortage of transplant kidneys), your article would likely be an article about the shortage of transplant organs, or a shortage of people signing up to be transplant donors, or the status of educating people about being donors, etc.
    • Length: 4-6 minutes narrated presentation
    • Slide length: 4-6 slides (not including title slide, conclusion slide, or references slide)
    • Title slide
    • Conclusion slide
    • References slide (minimum of 2 scholarly sources cited in APA format; not narrated)
    • you can pick the option and provide the PowerPoint without the audio and one with audio narration
      Requirements: 4-6 slides not including reference or titel
  • Reply
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  • Reply All
  • or
  • Forward

how to deliver client-centered culturally competent care

In this written assignment, you have the opportunity to share your thoughts about how to deliver client-centered culturally competent care and work collaboratively with others.

The Case of Mrs. G.

Mrs. G. is a 75 year old Hispanic woman who has been relatively well all of her life. She had been married for 50 years and had five children. Her children are grown with families of their own. All but one of her children live in other states. Mrs. G.’s husband passed away last year, which was devastating for her. She had been very close to him and relied upon him for everything. He was “the life of the party” she always said and was a loving and caring man. Since his passing, Mrs. G. has continued to live in the house they shared for 35 years. In the last month, Mrs. G. has fallen twice sustaining injuries, though minimal. Her home health nurse comes weekly to check in on her.

Mrs. G. likes her very much and wishes she could come more often. Mrs. G.’s daughter who lives in the next town over, has been worried and decided with the urging of her siblings and the doctor to start looking for an assisted living facility for her mother. She found one last week and talked with the Director who said she would be happy to help in whatever way was best. The daughter decided to tell her mother that it was time for her to move, so she can be cared for and be safe. When she told her mother, Mrs. G. cried and said, “This will not happen ever. I plan to stay in this house of loving memories for the remainder of my life.”

In 3 – 4 pages answer the following questions:

  1. How would you best describe Mrs. G.’s feelings about her life, her family, her traditions, and her future?
  2. Did Mrs. G.’s response to her daughter surprise you? Please explain your answer.
  3. In what way do you believe her culture might be influencing her decision?
  4. If you were Mrs. G.’s daughter what would you say to her that shows you are caring and have compassion for her situation? What nonverbal communication would support that level of communication?
  5. Suppose Mrs. G. stands firm about not leaving her house. What resources and collaborations might be available and helpful so the daughter and other healthcare providers can keep her mother safe and make the most effective decision?

Master Degree Nurse Practioner program

This is a Master Degree Nurse Practioner program minimum of 350 words. With at least 2 peer review reference in 7 the edition apa style.  Please do not use international references.

Mrs. P. has been in the ICU for several days, has made gradual progression, and appears to be doing well with laboratory findings and arterial blood gases indicating normal readings. The enteral feeds were held overnight for anticipation of extubation. Describe the process for weaning the patient from the ventilator and discuss when it is appropriate to remove ventilator support as the patient has improved. What are the risks to monitor for as this process is implemented for the patient? Support your answer with two or three peer-reviewed resources.

Penicillium Camemberti

Penicillium Camemberti

Jennifer Carrigan

Microbiology 1- Dr. R

Penicillium Camemberti is ;

is a “yeast like” fungus from the penicillium group, it is a cellular microorganism.

said to be a “domesticated” form of penicillium commune.

widely and predominantly used in the dairy industry. This fungus is the only truly filamentous strain used for white mold cheese making. Specifically, in the making of the popular cheeses, Camembert, Langres, Coulommiers, Camboloza and Brie. After the lactic acid fermentation, yeast may grow inside and the penicillium camemberti will grow on the exterior, it also gives these cheeses a unique and earthy flavor.

The penicillium camberti is either added directly into the cheese while being made or onto the exterior. During this process, the fungus forms a firm protective crust which can sometimes vary in color. The color often stays white but due to differences in strains of penicillium camemberti, some produce a larger amount of lipolytic and proteolytic enzymes while others produce a larger amount of mycotoxin cyclopiazonic acid.

Thus, causing some strains to produce a heavy white mycelium or a flatter white mycelium. Some strains can also present in shades of gray or green. When used on cheeses that are made using raw milk, the color could change even more over time, presenting with a mycelium of pink, red, or even yellow. The addition of salt also plays a role in the color as well. This crust that forms on the exterior is greatly beneficial because it hinders the growth of unwanted or potentially harmful mold contaminants during the aging process.

the production of fermented meat products

In addition to its primary use in making cheese, penicillium camemberti  is also used as a starter culture in the production of fermented meat products. It is often found as an natural colonizer of fermented sausages, such as salami, peperoni and chorizo, originating from the mycobiota of the production facility. It also provides the meat with a unique” ripened flavor” while preventing the lipids from oxidation. This process greatly improves the flavor, smell and overall quality of these meats.

Penicillium  camemberti has been predominantly used in the dairy industry but is still being researched today to find future uses in other nondairy-related areas.



J.C. Frisvad, in  Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology (Second Edition) , 2014

“A. Abbas, A.D.W. Dobson, in  Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (Second Edition) , 2011” (“Penicillium camemberti – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics”)

Bruna, José M.; Hierro, Eva M.; de la Hoz, Lorenzo; Mottram, Donald S.; Fernández, Manuela; Ordóñez, Juan A. (15 August 2003). “Changes in selected biochemical and sensory parameters as affected by the superficial inoculation of Penicillium camemberti on dry fermented sausages”. International Journal of Food Microbiology85 (1–2): 111–125. doi: 10.1016/s0168-1605(02)00505-6 . PMID    12810276 .

Marjorie Kelly Cowan ; Heidi Smith. “Microbiology, A systems Approach, Sixth Edition.”

screenings to anticipate a patient’s health needs in the future

Number 1 post: CF


Nurse practitioners (NPs) look beyond routine screenings to anticipate a patient’s health needs in the future. By providing relevant educational information. And encouraging regular follow-up visits to assess progress. And alter wellness plans, NPs can not only assist patients in managing their existing problems. But also to avoid future conditions (Edelman & Kudzma, 2018).

Health promotion and prevention

Based on their educational level, NPs have the skills and knowledge to communicate effectively. Plan individualized care with team members, and use shared decision making to determine treatment which is very important in health promotion and prevention in the community (Georgiev et al., 2019). APNs can provide lifestyle modification, treatment regimens, care coordination, tailored patient care, and health promotion, among other things to promote health in the community. (Edelman & Kudzma, 2018). Community nursing is very important to help promote good health and prevention of disease. It is important for the APN to discuss topics that is relevant to the individual patient and create individual goals.

Health promotion and prevention in the community includes promoting vaccines, healthy diet and lifestyles as well as important health screenings such as prostate exams, colonoscopies, mammograms, PAP smears, screening for diabetes, etc. A lot of diseases are preventable and/or can be reversed with proper health promotion and lifestyle changes. As diseases are a burden on our healthcare and financial system. Nurses have a unique role in building trust and rapport with patients to help achieve individual goals, quality of life for the individual as well as the community.


Number 2 post: MS

Community nursing is not just health teaching or preventative medicine in a place other than an office setting, but has been developed from a social model of health generated from community models of practice (St John & Keleher, 2020). These services include epidemiology, public health, social science, health promotion, and general nursing knowledge. Community nursing does not necessarily mean caring for someone in their home, but rather caring for the community as a whole and exploring what obstacles, barriers, and needs of the community are and helping to address those needs.

local health issues

A nurse practitioner can help to establish initiatives, respond to the community’s needs, and create an environment that addresses local health issues (Mathieson, Grande, & Luker, 2019). These services include preventative care and education as well as interventional care. Nurse practitioners working in a community health role also advocate for the community and research policy developments that can help to eliminate healthcare disparities. Examples of community health nursing include addressing poverty and hunger, promote primary education, reduce child mortality, combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases, ensure environmental sustainability, and develop a global partnership for development (Anderson & McFarlane, 2020).

Earlier in this class we learned about health disparities and how certain populations are more susceptible to sub-par care and higher disease rates, such as in the LGBT community. When implementing community-based programs, it is important to be informed on the culture you are working with to ensure culturally appropriate and culturally sensitive care. Rather than focusing on disease-specific problems, we should develop new programs with the goal of primary prevention. People in communities “deserve comprehensive nursing care aimed at improvement of health for all” (Anderson & McFarlane, 2020). The community as well as the nurse practitioner should have common goals in healthcare with accessibility and services available to all.

nursing interventions for clients with gastrointestinal disorders.


Select appropriate nursing interventions for clients with gastrointestinal disorders.

Choose one from this list Throat cancer, steatosis, proctectomy , rectal cancer, GI bleed – lower, peptic ulcer disease NSAIDS ,Pernicious anemia


Patient and family education is important in increasing adherence. To provide education to patient and families, you are going to create a poster about a gastrointestinal disorder that will be displayed in a physician’s office.

Instructions for GI Disorder: 

Please be sure to include the following in your poster design of your GI disorder:

  • Overview of the disorder
  • Causes of the disorder
  • Diagnostic tests to diagnosis the disorder
  • Assessment findings
  • Multidimensional nursing care interventions for the disorder
Instructions for GI Disorder: 

Please be sure to include the following in your poster design of your GI procedure:

  • Overview of the procedure
  • Indications for the procedure
  • Risks of the procedure and assessment findings to watch for
  • Pre/intra/post procedure multidimensional nursing care interventions
  • Pre/intra/post procedure client and family education

APA formatting for poster

The differing meanings of “valid inference” and “warranted inference”

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 8, 9, 17 (Introduction); review Chapter 7
  • Lesson

Remember – your actual journal entry should be somewhat brief; most of your time should be spent thinking about the questions asked and the issues raised. Your thoughts should then be distilled into a mini-argument that will respond affirmatively to the four tests for evaluating arguments: truthfulness of premises, logical strength, relevance, and non-circularity.

For this journal assignment, briefly answer each of the following prompts:

Civic Responsibility

  • Inference: The differing meanings of “valid inference” and “warranted inference” are closely related to the differing purposes of deductive and inductive arguments – the purpose of deductive being to prove; the purpose of inductive to make the conclusion most probable.
    • Look up the words “valid” and “warranted.” Each of these words, you will find, has what is known as a lexical definition – that is just the dictionary definition of the word. Words also have a certain connotations – meanings that go beyond their lexical definitions; associated ideas and concepts – think of terms such a “fur baby” as the name for a pet.
    • Briefly discuss how the lexical definitions and connotations of “valid” and “warranted” can help us understand the differing purposes of deductive and inductive arguments.
  • Civic Responsibility: In Section 8.2, the text states that there are “fallacious argument templates” (Facione & Gittens, p. 167) and then gives a number of examples. The authors further state: “Analysis of the meanings of the terms used and the grammatical rules of the language reveal the source of error” (p.167).
    • Denying the Consequent

    • Choose one of the fallacies in this section, such as Denying the Antecedent or False Classification and pair it with the valid argument template. For example, if you choose Denying the Antecedent, the valid argument template will be Denying the Consequent. False Classification would pair with one of the fallacies in Reasoning About Classes of Objects.
    • Explain, in your own words, how the fallacy is revealed through analysis of the valid argument template. Think of it this way – if you know how the heart works, you will know that certain malfunctions will prevent it from working.  For example, if you know that the coronary arteries supply the heart with blood, then you can reason that a blockage will stop that vital flow. So this journal prompt asks you to explain, in your own words, how one of the valid argument templates work – and how that exposes the fallacy connected with that type of argument.
    • Civic Responsibility

  • Civic Responsibility: At the end of Chapter 9 there is a Bonus Exercise that asks you to research and analyze the 2009 debate over the healthcare public option. If you were actually to complete that exercise, it would take quite a bit of time and effort.
    • Do you think that completing such an exercise would be time well spent or time wasted? If well-spent, why? If time wasted, why?
    • Is there any issue on which you think a comparable amount of time and effort would be worthwhile?
    • As a critical thinker, do you believe that citizens have an obligation to be informed on topics of current interest? If yes, why, if no, why not?

If you include references to outside sources (beyond the textbook), make sure you cite them properly.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 1 ½ -2 pages (not including prompts, title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (as needed)

This activity will be graded using the Journal Grading Rubric.

Course Outcomes (CO): 3, 4, 5, 6

Alzheimer’s Disease

ATI’s Three Critical Points Journal Method of Remediation


My Name:

Assessment Name:


Assessment Date:


My score:


Number of Missed Topics from Topics to Review:


Topic 1: Alzheimer’s Disease: Interventions for a Client Who Has Dementia







Topic 2:  Multiple Sclerosis: Priority Action for a Client During an Initial Visit








Topic 3: Multiple Sclerosis: Identifying the Need for a Referral







Topic 4: Middle and Inner Ear Disorders: Interventions for Client Who Has Ménière’s Disease







Spinal Cord Injury

Topic 5: Spinal Cord Injury: Care of a Client Who Has a Halo Device








Topic 6: Spinal Cord Injury: Caring for a Client Who Has a Spinal Cord Injury








Topic 7: Cancer Treatment Options: Caring for a Client Who Has a Sealed Radiation Implant








Topic 8: Cancer Treatment Options: Caring for a Client Who Is Receiving Brachytherapy





Topic 9: Pharmacokinetics and Routes of Administration: Teaching About Proper Needle Disposal





Topic 10: Tuberculosis: Priority Action for a Client in the Emergency Department





Topic 11: Disorders of the Eye: Priority Assessment of Age-Related Changes




Topic 12: Immunizations: Recommended Vaccinations for Older Adult Clients




Topic 13: Amputations: Providing Support Following an Alteration in Body Image




Topic 14: Pain Management: Use of Nonpharmacological Methods of Pain Relief




Topic 15: Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema: Dietary Teaching About Sodium Restrictions




Topic 16: Blood and Blood Product Transfusions: Preparing to Administer a Blood Transfusion




Topic 17: Cardiovascular Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Maintaining a Central Venous Access Device




Topic 18: Osteoarthritis and Low-Back Pain: Planning Pain Relief for a Client Who Has Osteoarthritis




Topic 19: Gastrointestinal Therapeutic Procedures: Reporting Abnormal Findings During Total Parenteral Nutrition Administration




Topic 20: Gastrointestinal Therapeutic Procedures: Shortage of TPN Solution

Gastrointestinal Therapeutic Procedures




Topic 21: Cardiovascular Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Cardiac Catheterization




Topic 22: Postoperative Nursing Care: Assessment of Postoperative Dressing




Topic 23: Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis: Monitoring Patency of an Arteriovenous Graft




Topic 24: Amputations: Postoperative Interventions to Prevent Complications




Topic 25: Gastrointestinal Therapeutic Procedures: Discharge Teaching for a Client Who Has an Ileostomy




Topic 26: Postoperative Nursing Care: Priority Assessments Following a Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting




Topic 27: Airway Management: Evaluating Client Understanding of Tracheostomy Care




Topic 28: Diabetes Mellitus Management: Sick Day Management




Topic 29: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures for Female Reproductive Disorders: Discharge Instructions for Syphilis

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures




Topic 30: Hyperthyroidism: Priority Finding Following Complete Thyroidectomy




Topic 31: Postoperative Nursing Care: Priority Findings Following General Anesthesia




Topic 32: Peptic Ulcer Disease: Nursing Interventions for a Client Who Has a Duodenal Ulcer




Topic 33: Respiratory Management and Mechanical Ventilation: Interventions for Mechanical Ventilation




Topic 34: Respiratory Management and Mechanical Ventilation: Priority Finding Following Extubation




Topic 35: Hemodynamic Shock: Client Positioning




Topic 36: Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter/Defibrillators: Identifying Postoperative Complications




Topic 37: Intravenous Therapy: Priority Action for Central Venous Access Device Complication




Topic 38: Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis: Assessment of an Arteriovenous Fistula




Environmental Health


Clinical Assignment: Environmental Health


HealthyPeople 2020’s Environmental Health Theme:

Homes and Communities in Oak Park, Illinois, USA




1. Briefly describe homes and communities in Oak Park, Illinois, USA


2. Discuss how the community of Oak Park is affected/impacted by homes and communities.


3. Explore homes and communities’ health situations from historical, present, and future-oriented perspectives.


4. Discuss any strategies that are planned or have been implemented to address homes and communities’ issues to safeguard or improve societal and environmental health. Consider the barriers and facilitators for success of these strategies. Propose strategies if none are found.


5. Within the paper, consider and address population health concepts such as “social justice” and “the greater good.”


6. Utilize and appropriately cite relevant public/governmental agency websites and media/newspaper publications to substantiate your writing.


7. References in APA format (7th edition)


8. Length: 2 pages (approximately 500 words)






Helpful Resources:

· For more information about HealthyPeople 2020’s Environmental Health objectives/themes

· EPA website (USA – Environment Protection Agency’s website)

· Official website of Oak Park, Illinois, USA

· US Census Bureau


Note: Search relevant public/governmental agency websites and media/newspaper publications to help understand the situation from historical, present, and future-oriented perspectives.