the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute’s Decision Aids Inventory

the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute’s Decision Aids Inventory

To Prepare:

Review the Resources. And reflect on a time when you experienced a patient being brought into (or not being brought into). A regarding their treatment plan.
Review the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute’s Decision Aids Inventory at
Choose “For Specific Conditions,” then Browse an alphabetical listing of decision aids by health topic.
NOTE: To ensure compliance with HIPAA rules, please DO NOT use the patient’s real name. Or any information that might identify the patient or organization/practice.
By Day 3 of Week 11
Post a brief description of the situation you experienced and explain how incorporating or not incorporating patient preferences and values impacted the outcome of their treatment plan. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain how including patient preferences and values might impact the trajectory of the situation and how these were reflected in the treatment plan.

Finally, explain the value of the patient decision aid you selected and how it might contribute to effective decision making, both in general and in the experience you described. Describe how you might use this decision aid inventory in your professional practice or personal life.

Chronic renal insufficiency

M.W. is a 69-year-old African American man and was referred to clinic for evaluation of increasing shortness of breath.

Past medical history 

Chronic renal insufficiency


Congestive heart failure

Diabetes mellitus type 2, poor control

Deep vein thrombosis

Alcohol abuse

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with respiratory failure

Family history


Physical examination

Height 69 inches, weight 205 lb

Blood pressure: 138/88

Pulse 86 beats/min, regular

Lungs clear, neck supple negative for jugular venous distention

Lower extremities +1 edema

Laboratory findings

Scr = 2.8 K+ = 5.1

BUN = 56

Na+ = 147

WBC = 5.0

Hb = 8.2

Hct = 24.6

Serum ferritin 189 mg/dL

Social history

Tobacco: 52 pack-years

Alcohol: distant past

Diagnosis: Anemia Of Ckd: Answer the following questions in full sentences using APA citations.

1. List specific goals of treatment for M.W.

2. What drug therapy would you prescribed? Why?

3. What are the parameters for monitoring success of therapy?

4. Discuss specific patient education based on the prescribed therapy.

5. List one or two adverse reactions for the selected agent that would cause you to change therapy.

6. What over-the-counter and/or alternative medications would be appropriate for M.W.?

7. What dietary and lifestyle changes would you recommended for M.W.?

Policy/Regulation Fact Sheet

Assignment: Policy/Regulation Fact Sheet

As a professional nurse, you are expected to apply your expertise to patient care. On occasion, you will also be expected to share that expertise.

With evolving technology and continuous changes to regulations designed to keep up these changes, there is usually a need to share information and expertise to inform colleagues, leadership, patients, and other stakeholders.

In this Assignment, you will study a recent nursing informatics-related healthcare policy, and you will share the relevant details via a fact sheet designed to inform and educate.

To Prepare:

The Assignment: (1 page not including the title and reference page)

Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:

  • Briefly and generally explain the policy or regulation you selected.
  • Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on system implementation.
  • Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.
  • Highlight organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at your healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation you selected. Be specific.
  • Use APA format and include a title page, in-text citations, and reference page.
  • Use the Safe Assign Drafts to check your match percentage before submitting your work.

Healthcare Informatics Research and Innovation

















Healthcare Informatics Research and Innovation

Gabriela Perez, Yaimy Simpson Robert, Stephanie Henao Jaramillo, Jennifer Calderin Guerra , Marialex Perez.

Miami Regional University

November 6, 2021











Healthcare Informatics Research and Innovation


Health care technologies constitute all medicines, devices, systems. And procedures that are made to streamline healthcare operations, lower the costs incurred and also enhance the quality of care given to individuals. Chatbots, Artificial Intelligence, blockchains. And virtual realities are among the most promising health care technologies in 2021(“9 health technologies every executive should be excited about in 2021,” 2021).

For a long time, most health care executives have been unsatisfied with the lack of adequate technological methods. And marketing strategies for true marketing personalization. Digital transformations of healthcare ecosystems have both been explosive and rapid. The IoT and web-based driven ecosystems promise a future for the universally reachable and intelligent healthcare, patients privacy, nurses, doctors. And healthcare providers is of more concern recently than in the past(Iyengar et al., 2018). As such, there is the need to protect the patients’ privacy. While linking their medical records is also crucial in ensuring proper healthcare.

Currently Emerging Healthcare Technology Systems

The currently emerging technologies in the health care sector include; Artificial Intelligence, Blockchains, and chatbots (“9 health technologies every executive should be excited about in 2021,” 2021). All these information technologies are relevant since they aid enhance the patients’ safety by decreasing medication errors, decreasing adverse drug reactions, and also enhancing compliance to various practice guidelines. As such, health information technologies are vital for improving healthcare safety and quality.

Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in the health sector is expected to increase to a yearly rate of about 40% through 2021 to about $6.6 billion from close to $600 million in 2014(“9 health technologies every executive should be excited about in 2021,” 2021). The artificial intelligence engines are capable of mitigating risks of preventable medical scenarios in various ways which include automating reminders that are relevant in helping patients take their medication within a specific time frame.

Chatbots in the health care sector has a variety of benefits which include offering customer service to patients. Blockchain is also relevant in the sector since it positively impacts the digital marketing of the sector through changing the data collection strategies, fixing advertisements via digital plays, and ensuring the security of various digital assets. The ledger technology ensures the safe transfer of patients’ information, manages the effective medicine supply within the health care sector, and also helps various health care researchers to unlock the genetic code.

Goal for the Product

Blockchain is a crucial research area for a long and the benefits it offers have been used by various industries not excluding the health industry. The health sector benefits from blockchain technology as a result of decentralization, security, privacy, and confidentiality. Electronic Health Records (EHR) are prone to various challenges regarding data security thus it’s crucial to have an effective security management system that is beneficial in ensuring the security of data in the health sector. As such the goal of blockchain technology in the health sector is to ensure the safe transfer of patients’ information, manage the effective medicine supply within the health care sector and also help various health care researchers to unlock the genetic code.

Recently, Electronic Health Records (EHR) permit the updating and sharing of medical information on given patients within a particular organization or network. All these could be extended if the data were organized such as the information on the topmost block chain layer was only the personally identifiable information. having these would allow the researchers to have easy access to vast spectrums of data with cohorts of plenty of patients (“Blockchain applications in healthcare,” 2021). The availability of such large amounts of data would facilitate clinical research, safety event, and diversified event identification and reporting, and also public health reporting.

The Healthcare Setting including Education

The healthcare setting represents a wide broad of services and locations in which healthcare occurs including rehabilitation centers, acute care hospitals, urgent care centers, and nursing homes. The effects of continuing changes in the health care sector are majorly being faced by those individuals involved in the education and training in any healthcare setting. The desire for high-quality teaching staff was majorly enforced by the commitments to training and education, all of which are relevant in preparing both the students and staff for new roles and working areas.


To sum it all, health care informatics research and innovation are crucial since it aids in the understanding of various health care technologies. Health care technologies constitute all medicines, devices, systems, and procedures that are made to streamline healthcare operations, lower the costs incurred and also enhance the quality of care given to individuals. Chatbots, Artificial Intelligence, blockchains, and virtual realities are among the most promising health care technologies in 2021(“9 health technologies every executive should be excited about in 2021,” 2021). The currently emerging technologies in the health care sector include; Artificial Intelligence, Blockchains, and chatbots. These information technologies are relevant since they aid enhance the patients’ safety by decreasing medication errors, decreasing adverse drug reactions, and also enhancing compliance to various practice guidelines. As such, health information technologies are vital for improving healthcare safety and quality.

complaints of shortness of breath

Tony is a 56-year-old, Hispanic male that presented to the Emergency Room with complaints of shortness of breath, which he has been experiencing for the past two days. He states “I haven’t felt good for about a week, but couldn’t afford to miss work.” He complains of a cough, fever, and feeling exhausted. Past medical history includes asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes. Upon physical examination, you notice that Tony is struggling to breathe, his respiratory rate is 36 breaths per minute and labored, heart rate 115 beats per minute, blood pressure 90/40 mm Hg, and his pulse oximetry is 84% on room air. You notify the MD. He orders oxygen at 2 L via NC and an arterial blood gas.


Tony’s ABG results:

pH 7.28

PaCO2 – 55 mm Hg

PaO2 – 70 mm Hg

HCO3 – 30 mEq/L



In a 1-2 page Word document:

1. Determine Tony’s acid-base imbalance

2. Describe possible causes of the imbalance

3. Identify the signs and symptoms that Tony is exhibiting as a result of the acid-base imbalance

4. List the multidimensional care strategies that are appropriate for the care of Tony

The Patient Self-Determination Act

Topic 3 DQ 1

The Patient Self-Determination Act “requires all health-care institutions that receive Medicare or Medicaid funds to provide patients with written information about their right under state law to execute advance directives, but it does not require states to adopt or change any substantive laws.” (Markus, n.d.) This is great for patients and gives them an opportunity to plan even though this can be difficult to think about. It also makes family decisions with. This easier because they don’t have to make the difficult decision, it has already been made.

“A do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order can also be part of an advance directive. Hospital staff try to help any patient whose heart has stopped or who has stopped breathing. They do this with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).” (familydoctor, 2021) If a patient in one of these situations can’t make this choice for themselves, it is beneficial to have one of these written up.

“Ethics committees

Ethics committees, or similar institutional mechanisms, offer assistance in addressing ethical issues that arise in patient care and facilitate sound decision making that respects participants’ values, concerns, and interests.” (AMA, n.d.) In my hospital we have a team like this that help patients and their families through these difficult times.

All these advanced directives help others follow the patient wishes. In these situations, I have seen people have to make difficult decisions for a family member or friend before. Never is easy, but if a patient plans a head, it can help make it easier.


The Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) was implemented to allow patients to state “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNS), or to assign a surrogate decision maker in the event that the individual is unable to make the decision. What relationship does an ethics committee have in enforcing the advance directives of the patients in their care? Support your analysis with a minimum of one peer-reviewed article.


Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years. There should be a mix between research and your reflections. Add critical thinking in the posts along with research. Apply the material in a substantial way.

What is this patient’s cardiovascular risk based on these lab results

What is this patient’s cardiovascular risk based on these lab results


The 42-year-old female patient presents for follow up on lab results from her annual physical exam completed a week ago. The lab results are as follows: Triglycerides 225, LDL 170, HDL 22, HgBA1c 8.3% Patient history reveals a 20 pack-a-year smoking history and type 2 diabetes. The last labs done 18 months ago were normal. What is this patient’s cardiovascular risk based on these lab results? Describe how the FNP would clinically manage and follow up this patient. List the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.



Initial Post

· Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references

· Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years. APA 7th EDITION


Topic Hypertension

For this assignment you will create an engaging, 20-minute recorded presentation of a common health problem related to a particular body system.

Your presentation should include an overview of the health problem identified, an in-depth review of the associated anatomy and physiology, an overview of treatment methodologies, and information related to the needs of the patient and/or family related to the problem. Your presentation should be prepared in PowerPoint, and recorded with voice over narration.


Initial Post:

  • Length: 10-12 slides in length (excluding title and reference slides, with a maximum recording length of 20 minutes)
  • Format: PPT titled as follows:
  • Citations: At least three high-level scholarly references in APA from within the last 5 years

Development In Early Adolescence

The purpose of this assignment is to help teachers to better understand development in early adolescence and adolescence, and determine how they can support and guide students in development.

In a 750 word newsletter written for secondary teachers, elaborate on the following issues related to adolescence and early adolescence physical development.

Address the following in your newsletter:

  1. Trends in understanding puberty over the last 100 years and reasons for these trends.
  2. The effect of early and late onset puberty on adolescent physical development and social/emotional relationships with peers.
  3. How changes in physical development effects cognitive processing and decision-making.
  4. The current role of technology on students’ sense of interconnectedness. Provide examples of some technological tools.
  5. Ways to ensure the use of technology in schools and the classroom is safe, ethical, and responsible.

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Use typical features of a newsletter, including images, headings, and columns.


This is a Master Degree Nurse Practioner program minimum of 350 words. With at least 3 peer review reference in 7 the edition apa style. Please do not use international references.

Consider a situation in which an adult-gerontology or acute complex chronic patient exhibits symptoms of cardiovascular abnormalities related to perioperative risk factors.

Summarize and discuss the clinical characteristics of the condition you have selected and identify the appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic and screening tools that apply.
Explain why you selected these tests or tools as being appropriate to the scenario.
Support your summary and recommended plan with two or three peer-reviewed references in addition to the course materials. You may not select a condition or disorder that has already been profiled.