Myth and reality

 Why Myth and reality has been immortalized in the American consciousness

Look up the myth or misconception below concerning the “Vanishing Indian” and explain in your speech why you think the myth rather than the reality has been immortalized in the American consciousness. (A great place to start: (short description of the author’s book, The Vanishing American)


In your speech, demonstrate the breadth of knowledge you have gained from this course. Do not forget to use in text citations because you will be using multiple sources.


Healthcare Policy And Delivery Systems


Identify some of the social, ethical, and economic reasons for addressing immigration policy reform.


  • Rationale must be provided
  • 400 words
  •  Minimum of two scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infection in pregnancy

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in Pregnancy has been identified as one of the antenatal complications in pregnancy.

Discuss UTI in pregnancy under the following headings:

1. Pathophysiology, including the cause and clinical manifestations.

2. Evaluation of the complication and treatment.

3. Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse and how you can integrate the Christian world view into your practice.


Document this assignment in 2 page word document including 4 references published in last five years.

criminal justice program

criminal justice program


In your final course in the criminal justice program, you will create a research question that you will then investigate further. To assist you in this task, review the following list of current research topics covered in each course. Choose one of those topics (or another topic covered in this course) and create one to three research questions based on that topic. Then, submit the questions to your instructor.


This research question assignment is graded based on completion, and instructor feedback should help you strengthen your questions for future use. After you have submitted the questions to your instructor, upload them (and the list of potential topics below, if you wish) to your ePortfolio PDF.

For more information on creating research questions, refer to this research resource from the Shapiro Library. This page also has a helpful FAQ section on research-question creation and expectations that you may want to explore further.


  • Functions and responsibilities of police and law enforcement officers
  • Theories of policing
  • Styles of policing
  • Purposes and types of communications within policing
  • Developing objective and accurate policing communications
  • Changing policing communications depending on audience and role
  • Police legitimacy and public trust
  • Procedural justice and community perception
  • Community policing

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

  • Submit one to three research questions based on a topic covered in this course.
Guidelines for Submission

This assignment must be completed in a written format.

importance of advocacy

Nurse’s role in patient advocacy

  • Discuss the importance of advocacy as it pertains to patient care. What is the nurse’s role in patient advocacy? Describe a situation in which you were involved with patient advocacy.
  • Explain what the advocacy accomplished for the patient, and what the repercussions would have been if the patient would not have had an advocate.

IoT software applications

IoT software applications

Throughout this course, you’ve learned how to interface with cloud-based databases to support organizational operations, implement a cloud-based system that meets organizational requirements, and determine the implications involved in the design of IoT software applications. This final discussion will ask you to consider how you can apply what you have learned to help you advance your career in the IT field.


In your initial discussion post, reflect on the first question, then select 2 other questions to discuss from the following:

  • How has cloud computing influenced the IT field?
  • How will the cloud computing concepts you learned in this course influence your future?
  • What will you do with the information and skills you learned in this course, especially as you start or advance in your career as an IT professional?
  • Based on what you know today, what kind of IT role do you envision yourself in, and why?
  • What business, personal, or social problems are you passionate about that can be solved or improved through cloud computing?


Ethnoreligious beliefs

Ethnoreligious beliefs

A hospital in a religiously and ethnically diverse community invites local religious leaders, including those belonging to religions with significant health-related beliefs and practices, including Judaism, Islam, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormonism), and Roman Catholicism, to participate in a panel discussion on religion and health care practices. The panel is asked various questions about health-related beliefs and practices such as diet; medications; medical procedures; practices related to birth, reproduction, and death; religious organizational infrastructure for visiting the sick; healing rituals; specific needs during illness and hospitalization; and other health-related issues.

1.  Are spirituality and religion the same? Explain the rationale for your answer.

2.  What is meant by ethnoreligious beliefs and practices? Provide an operational definition using your own words.

3.  How are a client’s religious and cultural practices interconnected?

4.  What scientific evidence is there that clients’ religious beliefs and practices influence their overall health, prevent or alleviate certain diseases, and/or contribute to longevity?

5.  How does your knowledge of a client’s health-related cultural beliefs and practices influence your nursing care for him or her?

6.Explain public policy, private policy , health policy, social policy, organizational policy.

Theory Development And Evaluation

science and art of theory development and evaluation

Examine the science and art of theory development and evaluation.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 550 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 3 academic sources.

opportunities for continuing education

Discuss opportunities for continuing education and professional development

Describe the organization and its significance to nurses in the specialty area. Include its purpose, mission, and vision. Describe the overall benefits, or “perks,” of being a member. Explain why it is important for a nurse in this specialty field to network. Discuss how this organization creates networking opportunities for nurses. Discuss how the organization keeps its members informed of health care changes and changes to practice that affect the specialty area. Discuss opportunities for continuing education and professional development.


APA 2007 incitation and references with at least 4 sources relevant to the topic is necessary.

Micro Economics

Micro Economics

identify and discusses the three (3) most important insights you gained during Principles of Microeconomics; the implications of your learning and how your behavior and/or thinking has changed; and what actions you will take to apply the insights gained to increase your professional and/or personal effectiveness.


Prepare and submit a 4 – 6 page paper