Entries by bella mso

Mythology Prompt

Mythology Prompt This is a multistep prompt in which you have to answer each of the questions posed to you. First, consider how the Trojan war started, and explain whether or not you think this was a legitimate reason to go to war with someone. What does this reveal about the way men think about […]


Occupational Safety And Health Administration’s Before you begin this assignment, review the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR §1910.1200.After you have reviewed the webpage above, imagine that you have been asked to present to the senior leadership team at a chemical manufacturing company. The goal of the presentation is to inform […]

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals 1.This discussion offers you an opportunity to defend Sustainable Development Goals and their importance in relation to global health. Note Prepare a 2-minute script (think “elevator speech”) defending your opinion on Sustainable Development Goals and their importance in relation to global health.

professional learning goals

professional learning goals Assignment 3 Part 1 – Describe your classroom factors (physical features, technology resources, parental involvement, and grouping practices). Part 2 – Describe how you communicate assessment expectations, results, and feedback to students. Also, include how students monitor their own progression of learning. Part 3 – Describe how you differentiated learning for students. […]

Global Environment

Global Environment 1.Explain how evolving demographics and emerging technologies transform organizations. Consider the forces in the global environment and your professional experience when responding to the following questions: What are some of the implications of demographic forces for the industry you work in or aspire to work in? What are the advantages and disadvantages of […]

health policy

 Impact of regulation and policy Choose a current health policy from your state that is being considered as a legislative act. Explain the pros and cons of the proposed health policy from the perspective of the patient, family, or community and its role in reducing the cost for health care insurers. Explain the government’s impact […]

Analysis of Organization

Strategic and Operational Analysis of Organization Prompt: Complete a Strategic and Operational Analysis of your Organization – Part II: Continue to add additional pieces to your Strategic and Operational Analysis. Continuous improvement is a way of thinking that needs to be incorporated into a firm’s culture. The philosophy of continuous improvement is captured in the […]

technological revolution

This technological revolution of consumer practice End User Experience For this discussion, you will first read the Forbes article, Amazon: The Most Convenient Store on the Planet by Shep Hyken (2018). This article addresses end user experiences in the age of what the author calls The Convenience Revolution. The idea of convenience has transformed dramatically over the […]

vital organs

Vital Organs/ Unconscious State Name some very important organs that are not vital organs. List the functional description of all the normal vital organs, including today’s exceptions. Is it possible to live without a vital organ? Why? Example? Distinction between assisting or substituting vital organs. Bioethical analysis. Do the following practices assist or substitute the vital […]