Servant leadership

Servant leadership

Research an international servant leader or international servant leadership organization. Examine the similarities and differences in the practice of servant leadership in Western culture and Christianity when compared with other cultures and religions. Summarize the similarities and differences. Discuss which principles of servant leadership are universal, regardless of religious and cultural differences. Provide examples to support your opinions. Include one in-text citation and reference.


Part A. 100words

Compare servant leadership in Western culture and Christianity to other global perspectives of service and leadership.

Describe how servant leaders promote the respect for multiculturalism and diversity within the organization or community for which you are volunteering or serving. Volunteer at church’s food pantry, feeding families that are less fortunate, by doing food distribution at church.


Part B. 200words

Suspects and murder victims

Suspects and murder victims

1.  Why was the investigation into the other possible suspects and murder victims not continued? (This is basically towards the end of the second section)

2.  What were the results of the psychiatric evaluation of William Hale?

3.  Why would Ernst Burkhart kill his own children?

4.  What is the evidence that H. B. Burt was involved?

5.  What further evidence does Grann uncover that the Shoun brothers were involved.

radiological and histological development

Radiological and histological development

On the radiological and histological development of the tooth and its eruption through the alveolar bone. I want a rough draft .

This is a dental graduate report


30 pages

limitations of fiscal policy

limitations of fiscal policy during a recession

Discuss the limitations of fiscal policy during a recession.


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Provide a minimum of 2 forms of difference

US Resources

warehouse security

Barcodes and barcoding

Answer the following questions:

1)Describe barcodes and barcoding. What are the benefits of barcoding in replenishment and inventory management, in general?

2)As we learned, warehouse security is an important responsibility to avoid theft and loss of inventory. Often, warehouse managers overlook the importance of external security outside of the warehouse. Why is this important, and what are some things a warehouse manager might do to optimize security outside of the warehouse?


Directions for the Critical Thinking Assignment: It must be one set of references for the entire assignment, APA style preferred. You must also repeat each question verbatim before answering it. Answers must show command of the concepts and theory. The remainder of the points will come from the demonstrated understanding of the material.

warehouse security

Barcodes and barcoding

Answer the following questions:

1)Describe barcodes and barcoding. What are the benefits of barcoding in replenishment and inventory management, in general?

2)As we learned, warehouse security is an important responsibility to avoid theft and loss of inventory. Often, warehouse managers overlook the importance of external security outside of the warehouse. Why is this important, and what are some things a warehouse manager might do to optimize security outside of the warehouse?

Directions for the Critical Thinking Assignment: It must be one set of references for the entire assignment, APA style preferred. You must also repeat each question verbatim before answering it. Answers must show command of the concepts and theory. The remainder of the points will come from the demonstrated understanding of the material.

Public Policy Elevator Speech

 Public Policy Elevator Speech

Keep in mind that you will need to focus your thoughts in order to write a succinct, effective speech that communicates your message in the limited time you have with this audience

In this assignment, you will use the following transferable skill:

    • Communication

You will use this skill to contribute to professional, in-field knowledge through the creation of a product for your Public Policy Tool Kit: an elevator speech.

An elevator speech (also known as an “elevator pitch”) is a prepared statement that succinctly outlines an idea. The name is derived from the notion that the speech/pitch should be short enough to deliver your idea to someone with whom you are sharing an elevator ride.

The content of your speech will provide you an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to utilize your synthesis and/or evaluation skills in conjunction with your knowledge, application, and/or analysis skills.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Choose ONE of the following topics:
    • The impact of play on children’s development
    • The importance of family engagement
    • The best use of technology in the program
    • The achievement gap
    • Special needs
    • Another relevant topic that you are passionate about (obtain your instructor’s approval on your topic before proceeding)
If you choose a different topic, please discuss the topic with your instructor to make sure it is appropriate and relevant.
    1. In a single document, write three (3) elevator speeches about this topic. Each speech should be approximately 2 minutes (300-400 words) long and targeted to a specific, unique audience (for example, a child’s family, a colleague, a director of a program, or a community member or legislator). For each speech, address the following:
    2. Identify the audience for your speech.
    3. In your speech, argue the role that an early childhood professional has in promoting this topic.
    4. Write the speech using a professional tone appropriate for your audience.

Keep in mind that you will need to focus your thoughts in order to write a succinct, effective speech that communicates your message in the limited time you have with this audience.



assimilation and multiculturalism

Conflicting ideas of assimilation and multiculturalism

Prepare an academic paper describing the conflicting ideas of assimilation and multiculturalism. The paper should examine the origins of each philosophy, as well as the current status of each.


The paper should have a minimum of 4 pages, follow APA citation methodology.

standards of thinking


1. Use intellectual standards of thinking (values) to assess the minister of educations ban on tuition in Kenyan schools (15marks)

2. Plato declared that “untill philosophers become kings or kings become philosophers, cities will have no rest from evil”, from this assertion demonstrate how philosophy can assist in establishing good leadership in Kenya (15 marks)

standards of thinking


1. Use intellectual standards of thinking (values) to assess the minister of educations ban on tuition in Kenyan schools (15marks)

2. Plato declared that “until philosophers become kings or kings become philosophers, cities will have no rest from evil”, from this assertion demonstrate how philosophy can assist in establishing good leadership in Kenya (15 marks)