Case Brief for Brown v. Board of Education.

One and a half pages minimum, typed

• Double spaced

• 12 point font,

• Times New Roman

• Justified

• Grammar is important

The basic structure is: Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion.

In addition to the Issue, Rule, Analysis and Conclusion I would like for you to add the following headings:

  • Procedural History- what happened in the previous courts that landed us in court. (Was it appealed from the lower court and what was the lower courts decision)
  • The writer of the final decision.

Explain the “fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree” doctrine

Explain the “fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree” doctrine

This assignment will require you to conduct research. You can use the following resources: textbook, Internet or KU library database. You will need to find two quality references on police searches.Write an APA two-page paper that addresses the following topics:

  • Summarize and identify your articles/research.
  • Describe how to conduct a “Terry” search and list the legal justifications that allows a police officer to conduct such a search.
  • Explain the “fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree” doctrine and how this can significantly hamper a police investigation.
  • Create at least three recommendations on how police departments can improve their ability to conduct effective searches.

the courtroom proceedings

You may watch two of the following movies and write a paper.

State which two you chose

Reference you cite must be in LEGAL CITATION

  • Erin Brokovich
  • A Civil Action
  • Runaway Jury
  • My Cousin Vinny
  • A Time to Kill
  • The Lincoln Lawyer
  • To Kill A Mockingbird
  • Philadelphia
  • Presumed Innocent
  • Primal Fear
  • The Accused
  • Anatomy of a Murder
  • Inherit the Wind
  • Dark Waters
  • Marshall
  • The Judge
  • Devil’s Knot
  • North Country
  • Devil’s Advocate
  • Puncture

Take notes about the proceedings you observe, to include the date and time, the names of the parties, judges and attorneys.  Be sure to note:

  • Court atmosphere:  Were the procedures formal or informal?  If a criminal case, did the court appear concerned about protecting the defendants’ rights?
  • Types of proceedings and cases:  What procedures did you observe?  Did they appear fairly routine?  Was there a variety of cases?
  • Judge:  Age, race, gender.  How would you characterize the demeanor and skill of the judges you observed?  How did s/he interact with other courtroom personnel and the parties appearing before him/her?  Did s/he make general announcements to the whole courtroom?
  • Court personnel.  Age, race, gender.  What types of personnel were present (i.e., bailiffs, translators, transcriber, clerk, etc.)?  How would you characterize the demeanor and skill of the court personnel?
  • Attorneys:  Age, race, gender.  How would you characterize the demeanor and skill of the attorneys you observed?  Did any of the parties represent themselves?  If so, did the judge give those individuals any advice about self-representation?  If a criminal hearing, was defense counsel privately-retained or a public defender?
  • Defendants:  Age, race, gender, apparent socioeconomic status, dress, behavior in court, previous history of convictions or lawsuits mentioned.  Did you find the defendants to be credible in their demeanor or claims?
  • socioeconomic status

  • Plaintiffs/ Victims:  Age, race, gender, apparent socioeconomic status, dress, behavior in court, prior defendant-plaintiff/ victim relationship.   Did you find the defendants to be credible in their demeanor or claims?
  • Evidence:  (if a criminal matter)  Identification of defendant, police testimony, testimony of defendant, expert testimony, recovered property, recovered weapon, number and credibility of prosecution witnesses, number and credibility of defense witnesses, etc.
  • Legal issues:  Identify the substantive area of law (i.e., criminal laws, torts/personal injury, bankruptcy, traffic, probate, etc.).  What were the issues of law being raised?  Were there any objections to evidence or testimony raised by either party?
  • Sympathy factors:  Gender, age, employment status, attractiveness, etc. of both defendant and victim.
  • Other interesting factors:  Were there instances of plaintiff/ victim provocation, prior plaintiff/ victim-defendant conflict, questionable character of plaintiff/ victim, racial composition of event?
  • Court Rulings:   What were the court’s rulings?  Did any outcomes surprise you?

After you finish your observations, consider your reactions.  Did the proceedings seem fair and just?  Did the court meet your expectations?  Were you surprised at what you observed?

Observation Paper

Write a paper of 4-5 pages minimum concerning your courtroom experience.

There should be three sections to your paper (be sure to label each):

  1. Courtroom Observations:  Include a description of what you observed in the courtroom.  Give the date, name, and type of the court proceeding you observed, and describe the proceeding dimensions listed in the bulleted section above.
  2. Reactions and Analysis:  Share your personal reactions to and analysis of the proceedings.  Were you surprised by anything you saw?  Shocked or even bored? What appeared to govern the outcome in the case you observed?  Did the strength of evidence seem to determine the outcome, or were other factors more influential?
  3. Integration:  Discuss the relationship between have you’ve learned in this class (or another TNCC LGL or ADJ class) and what you observed in the courtroom.  Were you prepared for what you observed?  Are there points made in the class and the reading material that you saw illustrated in the courtroom proceedings?

Oneill’s The Iceman Cometh

250 word minimal for each paper 1 through 5

Two scholarly sources for each paper 1 through 5





For this first discussion, after you have finished reading Oneill’s The Iceman Cometh, what particularly challenging topics do you think this play raises?



Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman addresses the issue of bringing a vision of tragedy down to the level of the middle-class person in the 20th century through the representation of the most common activity in the American economy at that time–maybe now: sales. What kind of mindset is necessary for that kind of work, and how does it impact every aspect of Willie’s life?



Thornton Wilder’s Our Town raises a number of interesting questions about this life and the afterlife. What does Emily learn about life that shd has not appreciated or understood while she was growing up? Why is that learning painful? How would you describe the attitude of those people who are dead toward the living?



A Raisin in the Sun raises all kind of challenging questions about the culture of cities, moves to fair housing, finding a part of the American Dream which meant home ownership, and the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. At the heart of the play is Mrs. Younger (Mama); she anchors the family. Part of the play is also about her passing the torch to her son. What strategies does Ms. Younger use to build her son (Walter Lee, Jr.) and daughter (Benetha) and her daughter-in-law (Ruth)?


What is August Wilson’s unique contribution to understanding the African-American experience? Think in terms of 4-5 ideas. Be sure to reference several of his plays.

Explain what arbitration means

Explain what arbitration means to you?


Are you using products today that include an arbitration clause?

If so, what product is it?

If so, does this change your attitude toward the company or the product?

Will you seek an alternative product if there is an arbitration clause?

Describe a Cyber Piracy case that you were not aware of?

What was the outcome?

Was the penalty fair in your opinion?

Was there a cost to society for this crime?

the protections of the First Amendment

In today’s environment, we hear much about the freedom of speech.  There are many misconceptions about what we can and cannot legally speak out loud.  Your assignment here is:

1. Describe the protections of the First Amendment.  ALSO, Offer examples of what is protected and what is not protected.

2. Share what you thought about free speech in the U.S. before you researched for this assignment.

3. Identify and define business, white-collar, and cyber crimes.  

4. Choose a crime from one of these areas and offer a brief overview.  Discuss your thoughts on the crime and was it really a crime?

PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, Plaintiff VS. Scott Mayo, Defendant

As a cybercrime professional you have many tools in your arsenal to stop network, DOS and/or Windows attacks.

Read the article, 21 Best Free Digital Forensic Investigation Tools, which briefly describes many of the tools.

Select two forensic investigator tools from the list below:

  • Autopsy.
  • Magnet Encrypted Disk Detector.
  • Wireshark.
  • Magnet RAM Capture.
  • Network Miner.
  • NMAP.
  • RAM Capturer.
  • FAW Forensics Acquisition of Websites (This is a tool to acquire Web pages for forensic investigation).
  • HashMyFiles.
  • CrowdResponse.
  • ExifTool.
  • SIFT.
  • Browser History Capturer and Browser History viewer by Foxton.
  • Sleuth Kit.
  • CAINE.
  • Volatility Framework.
  • Paladin Forensic Suite.
  • FTK Imager.
  • Bulk_Extractor.
  • LastActivityView.
  • FireEye RedLine.

Write a 1–2 page paper in which you compare and contrast the two tools you have selected:

  • Describe the tools you have selected:
    • How do each of the tools work?
    • How are they different from each other?
  • Why do you believe that these two tools are the best choice to stop network, DOS, and/or Windows attacks? Provide a rationale.
  • Describe an event or instance when one of these tools is the superior counter measure.
  • Use three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

the difference in laws between all of the jurisdictions and how the State of Virginia applies them

Bluebook/Research Paper

You are now familiar on how to spot an issue, how to break a rule into elements, what is a citation and how to apply the facts to the rule. Now you will be able to apply all of those things you have learned to this assignment. Please review, compare and contrast the following cases:

• Porter v. Porter, 97 Va. Cir. 81 (Cir. Ct. 2017)• Wallington v. Wallington, 101 Va. Cir. 213 (Cir. Ct. 2019)• Reynolds v. Reynolds, 62 Va. Cir. 114 (Cir. Ct. 2003)

Legal Standard Case

• Offield v. Davis, 100 Va. 250, 40 S.E. 910 (1902)

Please compare and contrast the first three cases. Go into detail how these cases are same and how they are different. Explain the difference in laws between all of the jurisdictions and how the State of Virginia applies them. Provide a summary of those three cases as well and how they affected the State of Virginia. Furthermore, please explain how Virginia interpreted the rules of the other states and do you think it was fair.

This should meet the following specifications

• Two pages minimum, typed• Double spaced• 12 point font, • Times New Roman• Justified • Legal Citations should be included in this paper especially when citing cases. Also, consider using short cites where applicable.

Drug trafficking

For purposes of this assignment, assume that with you are an associate within. The Doughty Law Firm. Mrs. Stephanie Wiggins is coming to the office to speak with you about her case. Ms. Wiggins and her husband Omari Wiggins were being investigated for possible drug trafficking. The Police of Chesterfield County on August 15, 2021 decided to execute a search warrant of the Wiggins home. While observing Omari and Stephanie make a large purchase of drugs from confidential informant Fitzroy Smith, they decided to execute the search warrant they had on them as soon as they made the transaction instead of waiting till they got home.

While driving home the police initiated a traffic stop and they got out with their guns drawn. Omari did not want to go to jail again so he attempted to drive away from the police. Seeing a small space between police cars Mr. Wiggins attempted to cram his Ford F-150 through the space. Police shot up the car and tragically Omari was killed. Stephanie was shot once and has recovered. She now has pending drug charges against her.

Chesterfield Police Department

Furthermore, she is attempting to sue the Chesterfield Police Department however Mr. Wiggins family being led by a greedy Pastor John Moore is fighting the legitimacy of their marriage, because they are Moorish in faith and were married based on the Moorish traditions. One of the traditions is that there is no minister but they are married by stating certain vows to each other.  Furthermore, the Commonwealth Attorney Ossie Purvis is stating that the shooting was justified of both Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins.

Before conducting your interview, you will need to draft a list of at least 15 questions to ask.  You may base these based on the facts presented above, your research into Virginia Case Law and personal experience. Review class materials about interviewing for tips about making your client(s) feel comfortable–keep in mind Mrs. Wiggins has been through a lot the past few days.  These are the legal issues:

  • The validity of the stop and search and seizure.
  • The validity of their marriage
  • When can deadly force be used by a police officer?
  • Do the police officers have sovereign immunity when it comes to their job duties?

Please prepare an e s s a y /memorandum addressing the following things:

1.  A description of how you prepared for the interview and your list of prepared questions.
2.  Based on your research beforehand and your interview, do you believe that Stephanie charges will be dropped? Why or why noy?  Are there any foreseeable problems with the?  Was their marriage valid? Can the police use deadly force? Do the individual officers enjoy the privilege of sovereign immunity? What was your impression of the client?  Will there be follow-up (i.e., is the client coming back with documents, etc.?)  Does additional research need to be performed?

In the same document, after the memo, write about the interviewing experience.  How did it feel to be an interviewing attorney?  Do you feel you did an adequate job?  How would you approach a similar interview in the future?  Would there be anything you changed in your preparation or approach?  Also, describe how you felt as the interview subject and give a frank evaluation of your classmate’s performance as the interviewing attorney.  How did s/he do?  Was s/he prepared?  Did s/he make clear to you his/her role in the process?


  • 12pt Times New Roman Font
  • Double Spaced
  • Justified Alignment
  • Between 2-6 Pages

The European Union antitrust regulations

The European Union Issues Record Fine against Google in Antitrust Case

“Just google it.” Google’s search engine is so dominant that the company name has become a verb synonymous with conducting an Internet search. According to the European Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager, Google has become too dominant, at least with respect to comparison shopping and product searches. For that reason, the European Union (EU) spent seven years investigating Google’s trade practices. The investigation culminated in 2017 with with a record fine of $2.7 billion and a ruling that Google had breached EU antitrust regulations by abusing its dominant position in the search engine market.

Google Put Its Shopping Results above Other Search Results

The EU claimed that for nearly ten years, Google had promoted its own comparison shopping service at the expense of competitors. It did this by “positioning and prominently displaying its comparison shopping service in its general search result pages, irrespective of its merits.” As a result, “users [did] not necessarily see the most relevant results in response to queries—to the detriment of consumers and rival comparison shopping services.”

Google has contended that it cannot change its core software and that the results in its search algorithms are based on relevance. In addition, Google has argued that it has actually boosted traffic to its Web competitors. Indeed, search engines have proliferated on the Web, suggesting that Google’s success has not eliminated competition.

Nevertheless, the EU’s decision ordered Google to change the way it displays search results in the EU—or face more fines. When Google shows comparison-shopping services in response to a user’s query, the search results should show the most relevant services first.

Google has appealed the EU’s order. Experts predict that the dispute could continue for years.

The Compartmentalization of a Search on the Web

More and more frequently, Internet users do not engage in general searches. Instead, they know ex actly where to go to obtain product information. When ;

they want information on movies, for instance, they go to the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) rather than to Google. When they want information on music, they go to iTunes. When they want to search for the cheapest airfares, they go to Kayak or similar sites.

they want to find the best rates on hotels, they go to sites such as (,, and And

they are interested in buying a product, they frequently go to Amazon or eBay. Amazon, in particular, has fine-tuned its ability to generate advertising revenues through its Amazon-sponsored links.

And, of course, social media must be considered. More people are on social media sites than ever before, particularly on their mobile devices. Users spend four times more time on Facebook than they do on Google. These users often “crowdsource”—that is, look for answers from Facebook friends rather than search on Google. Facebook is also becoming increasingly competitive with Google in the services it offers, including mobile payments and the Facebook Messenger instant-messaging service.

Critical Thinking

  • How does the increasing popularity of specialized search engines weaken the EU’s argument that Google has harmed consumers?

NOTE: No more than two pages.