health insurance coverage

Step 1 Consider the scenario.

Imagine that you need to submit a proposal for an informative speech about one topic of your choice. If your proposal is accepted, you will have 30 minutes to present your speeches.

Step; 2 Choose a topic and create a title for your speech based on the chosen topic.
 3 State the general purpose for this topic.

 4 State the specific purposes for the topic.

5 Write the thesis statement.

 6 Identify and generate a minimum of three (3) main points you will discuss in the speech.

 7:  Generate a question that would reflect the audience’s concern about your topic.

 8:  Enter the thesis statement, question, and main points into a Word document using the format in the example shown here:


Thesis Statement: The government should (or should not) provide health insurance coverage to all citizens.

Question: Why should the government provide health insurance coverage to all citizens?

Main Points:

  • Health care is prohibitively expensive for citizens without health insurance.
  • The first question you are asked when you call most doctors’ offices in the United States is, “What type of insurance do you have?”

People without health insurance may be unable to get the health care they need.

How aging adults can care for themselves at home

How aging adults can care for themselves at home

Create a pamphlet using any type of publisher software you choose to educate clients on a current patient safety issue.

For example:

If you have a question about a specific topic, check with your instructor. It is recommended that you save your pamphlet as a PDF for submission.

Your pamphlet must include the following items:

  1. At least five tips for preventive care for the patient.
  2. Information that should be shared with family or caregivers.
  3. Local resources in the community that might be available for this type of safety concern.
  4. At least three APA-formatted references published within the last five years.

insensible fluid loss

GI/GU Attendance Questions

Answer following questions accordingly , Use at least 3 references in APA format.

1. Describe insensible fluid loss, obligatory fluid loss, and abnormal fluid loss and how that would present in the pediatric patient (different than adults)

2. In the management of constipation, what outcomes would indicate to the nurse that treatment is effective?

3. What behaviors would cause a nurse to recommend that a child be evaluated for a UTI?

4. Compare and contrast the pathophysiology of nephrotic syndrome and acute glomerulonephritis.

5. Identify the laboratory and diagnostic testing for nephrotic syndrome verses acute glomerulonephritis.  What are the expected findings for each disease?

Casey’s Model of Nursing

Part I

The nursing theory I chose to talk about today is Anne Casey’s theory which is called Casey’s Model of nursing. Casey’s Model of Nursing focuses on the nurse working in partnership with the child and his or her family. It was one of the earliest attempts to develop a nursing model designed specifically for child health nursing. The model was developed in 1988 while she was working in pediatric oncology at the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.

The philosophy of Casey’s model

The philosophy of Casey’s model is that the best people to care for the child are the members of the family, with health care professionals assisting because this necessitates a relationship between the parents and nurse (Prema, Yemiamrew, Wondwossen, 2018). I chose this theory because when I start my nursing career after I graduate, I really would love to work in pediatrics. I am drawn to this theory because it can help me for my future in learning how to develop healthy relationship with my pediatric patients and their family members.

The five aspects of this nursing theory are child, family, health, environment, and the nurse (Prema, Yemiamrew, Wondwossen, 2018). The child is the focal point of the model in that everything that takes place is for the child’s benefit. The family is a primary agent in the model. Together with health professionals the family are the most significant entity other than the child, because being with the child every day and being cognizant of the child’s needs and issues, the family can be instrumental in helping the child achieve and maintain health. The environment can have a potent effect on the child’s wellness. A supportive environment reinforces health, while a negative environment can erode it (Prema, Yemiamrew, Wondwossen, 2018).

Part II

personalized care

As a nurse, I want to provide personalized care to every patient I see in the hospital instead of just treat the illness, injury or condition they have. I want to make them feel comfortable, respected and confident in my nursing abilities. I am especially drawn to the pediatric side of nursing. Before school, I was a fully time nanny and absolutely loved it.


enjoyed taking care of children and being a huge part of their upbringing.

do have one story that really influenced my decision.

was babysitting an 12 month old when she choked on a small piece of chicken.

pediatric unit

I was certified in CPR and performed 2 rounds of 5 back blows. And 5 chest thrusts and she vomited up the small piece of chicken. From that moment on I knew I wanted to work in the healthcare field in some sort of pediatric unit.


will never forget that day because it was such a turning point for me.

intend to impact society and healthcare through my clinical nursing practice by providing comfort and security to children first and foremost.I would then like to participate in mission trips all across the world helping children in third world countries who cannot afford any healthcare.

In conclusion, I feel that my experience as a full time nanny for 8 years will really give me a good foundation to begin my journey into pediatric nursing. I am a people person and get along with other very easily. I have always wanted to help people all throughout my childhood so I feel that I am well suited for this kind of job.


Prema KU, Yemiamrew GE, Wondwossen YI. A Classical Skeleton of Nursing Theories. International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research 2018; 6(1): 69-75.

community nursing practice

Community as Client: Applying the Nursing Process

The student nurses are preparing a presentation for the community health rotation.  It is critical for nurses and student nurses to understanding the concept of the  community as client is a prerequisite for effective service at every level of  community nursing practice. A major component of the presentation is to describe  a community needs assessment. 1. What are the characteristics of a healthy community? 2. What is meant by the concept of community as client? 3. What are the three dimensions of the community as client?



Carbohydrates are necessary for optimum health since they are the brain’s and muscles’ primary sources of energy. People who consume the most carbs, particularly those contained in whole, natural foods like beans, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, had a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, according to research (Rao et al., 2019).

I’m surprised because diabetes affects people of all ages, races, sizes, and shapes, and the body doesn’t generate insulin. Yes! Even if you’re at high risk, you can avoid or delay type 2 diabetes by making simple lifestyle changes like decreasing weight and increasing your physical activity.

Studies demonstrate that cutting sugar and refined carbs from one’s diet can reduce the risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes, as sugary meals and refined carbs can put people at risk for diabetes on the fast track. Working out consistently can also assist since exercise enhances the sensitivity of insulin in body cells, so little insulin is necessary during exercise to keep blood sugar levels under control (Kenny & Abel 2019). Diabetic hypoglycemia happens when a person with diabetes does not have enough sugar  in their blood. Symptoms include dizziness, sweating, and hunger.


Rao, V. R., Qasba, P. K., Balaji, P. V., & Chandrasekaran, R. (2019). Conformation of carbohydrates. CRC Press.

Kenny, H. C., & Abel, E. D. (2019). Heart failure in type 2 diabetes mellitus: impact of glucose-lowering agents, heart failure therapies, and novel therapeutic strategies. Circulation research124(1), 121-141.


Reply 2

balances system

It is known that the brain needs fuel to operate and the fuel that provides the most energy is carbohydrates. The body has a checks and balances system to control the amount of carbohydrates processed and the way that blood glucose is affected by what we eat (Czech, 2017). Insulin helps control the body’s sugar levels and help them to be stored by transporting intracellular glucose to insulin-dependent cells and tissues, such as the liver, fat cells and muscles (Czech, 2017). Currently, in the United States, approximately 33%  of adults haveprediabetes and are at risk for type 2 diabetes (Czech, 2017). The dangerous thing is that nearly 85% don’t know they have it( ). The American Diabetes Association, also known as ADA,can help individuals suffering from Diabetes continue down a path toward health and wellbeing.

My ADA results did surprise me a little, because although my immediate family do not suffer from it, I have a lot of close connections in my community who have it. My risk of Type 2 Diabetes was low. Over 7 million people with diabetes are undiagnosed (Hunt, 2021).

Type 2 Diabetes can be delayed, but it cannot be said that it can be fully prevented. A reduction in risk factors will prevent individuals from developing the disease. Strategies to lower risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes include cutting sugar and refined cards from one’s diet (Alkhatib et. al, 2017). Working out regularly is one of the top strategies. Drinking water and watching portion sizes will also help immensely (Alkhatib et al., 2017).

Symptoms of hypoglycemia include sweating, dizziness, tingling lips. A person may feel shaky and have palpitations when hypoglycemic (Czech, 2017).


Alkhatib, A., Tsang, C., Tiss, A., Bahorun, T., Arefanian, H., Barake, R., … &

Tuomilehto, J. (2017). Functional foods and lifestyle approaches for diabetes prevention and management. Nutrients9(12), 1310.

Czech, M. P. (2017). Insulin action and resistance in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Nature 

medicine23(7), 804-814.

Hunt, L. M. (2021). Are corporations re-defining illness and health? The diabetes

epidemic, goal numbers, and blockbuster drugs. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 1-21.

Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer

In this module, you will continue submitting work on your project. List three scholarly peer reviewed references you plan to use. These can be guidelines, scholarly articles, or other evidence-based sources written within the last five years. Along with this list include one to two sentences explaining how you plan to use them in your project.

Submit the three resources in APA format. This reference list is not all inclusive; you may have to add or discard resources as your project progresses. Your references on your reference page must match your in text citations.

See the resources below to assist you with this assignment.

School-Life Balance category


· Visit the  Student Support Center  (SSC) and explore the resources under the School-Life Balance category for:

· Managing Stress

· Motivation

· Work-Life Balance



In your reflection,

· Share your progress on the goal you set for yourself in the Post Your Introduction forum. What adjustment(s) might you need to make to be more successful? Or, what contributed to your progress?

The last course I took my main goal for the semester was to finish with an A and I would to do the same with this class. Information literacy for me is the ability to evaluate, organize and communicate knowledge. I need to work on time management more in order to finish the course with a passing grade.

· Describe what you have found most enjoyable or interesting to learn about, and what you have found most challenging or stressful.

What I have found most challenging is how much writing this class has required as well as learning a new format of writing such as APA.

· Discuss at least one strategy from the SSC you can implement to help you minimize stress or maintain work-life balance, and one strategy to boost your motivation to successfully complete the Week 5 final project.

One strategy from the SSC I could use is managing stress

Managing Stress (SSC)

Stress is a part of everyday life. Everyone knows what it feels like, but why do so many people react to it differently? The bottom line is that a person’s way of managing stress is based on how they learned how to cope with stress from childhood on through adulthood. When you react to stressful situations in an unhealthy way it can cause insomnia, digestion problems, headaches, memory loss, and high blood pressure, just to name a few.


One Strategy to boost motivation is


Motivation (SSC)

How often do you feel too overwhelmed with multiple life obligations that you lose motivation to start working on your college assignments? Sounds familiar, right? Now it’s time to get inspired! Learn how YOU can achieve your goals by changing your approach. For instance, instead of looking at a task as overwhelming, it’s important to break down those tasks into smaller and more manageable steps.




Your initial post should be a minimum of 150 words.













Respond to Peers

Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers. Each peer response should be a minimum of 50 words.

In your peer responses, share

· Ideas with your peers that may assist them in meeting the goals they discussed in their post.

· One of the SSC resources that your peer wrote about that you did not, and how you may incorporate it as well.

· Additional strategies that your peer can use to minimize stress and maintain work-life balance.






time management

The goal that I made in the introduction post was to build better time management skills. Though I still need to improve upon it by setting a schedule to get all my work done beforehand, I have still made some progress. I have started composing a plan, ensuring that all my peer reviews are completed by the weekend. That way, I have time to do my Monday assignments before the deadline. However, I still struggle with cutting it close to when the assignments are due. The biggest thing that I need to do is find a balance between life and school.

During this course, I enjoyed completing some of the assignments. I found it interesting to break down the articles. That includes the research process and analysis of the different sources. Though I found it easier to go through a popular source, I still found the scholarly sources complex and intriguing.

personal and academic life

One thing from the SSC that I plan on utilizing is the  9 Things Mentally Strong People Do to Manage Stress  (Links to an external site.) . I feel that this will help me balance my personal and academic life because by keeping a clear head, I will complete my work to the best of my ability and not let any distractions get in the way. By taking a brief moment to myself, It’s ensuring that I don’t become stressed or overwhelmed.





My goal at the beginning of this course was to continue to strengthen my writing skills and make sure I used the proper voice in my work. I believe I have progressed positively. I’ve found that I enjoy the process of putting words together. I’m a strong believer in “it isn’t what you say, but how you say it.” Learning to speak to an audience with intention is making me pay more attention to the words I use when writing. One thing I can do to help manage my time is to try and carve out time at work to use for school. I’m at work majority of the week, so being able to take a lunch break or just find any time at all to help get the school work done will help tremendously.

discuss the Correctional Officer Subculture

250 word minimal for each paper 1 through 4

Two scholarly sources for each paper 1 through 4





Research and discuss police subcultures, are these subcultures necessary and why? Are subcultures beneficial to law enforcement?  Why and why not?



Police discretion and police corruption always seem to be discussed in the same sentence. Discuss police discretion and the need for this within law enforcement.  Discuss how in some cases discretion can be intertwined with police corruption.


Research and discuss the Correctional Officer Subculture. Does this differ from that of a law enforcement officer?  Why?


Discuss your views on capital punishment and the reasons for your position. Now take the opposite side and give reasons for this view.

reason we criminalize drugs

reason we criminalize drugs

If the previous slide is correct, people who are not experiencing high levels of stress may be able to use drugs without becoming addicted and subsequently having the negative consequences of addiction.

• If stress is the cause of addiction, should we allow people who are relatively stress free to use recreational drugs without fear of punishment?

• Is addiction, and the negative consequences associated with it, the only reason we criminalize drugs?

Remember that your post must be at least 300 words