Mobile computing

Mobile computing

Compare the business models and core competencies of Google, Apple, and Facebook.

  1. Why is mobile computing so important to these three firms?
  2. Evaluate the mobile strategies of each firm. Which company and business model do you think is most likely to dominate the internet and why?
  3. What difference would it make to a business or to an individual consumer if Apple, Google, or Facebook dominated the internet experience? Explain your answer.


1. At least 7 slides with speaker notes

2. Must include concepts from the attachments

3. Reference page in the last slide (not included in the min 7-page requirement)



Trevecca LibraryThis course is highly focused on current research.  Therefore, it will be important for you to have a firm grasp on the resources available to you through Trevecca’s Waggoner Library.  For this reason, we’ve created a DBA Research Guide. The DBA Research Guide has information about library resources (databases, books, eBooks, and streaming video), APA formatting, Dissertations, Google Scholar, and course-related topics such as current business trends. There are also special ‘How to” guides for citation styles, tutorials, and more. One of your first assignments in this course requires you to use library resources. You may already be familiar with these resources or they may be new to you.   Watch the video on the Business Trends Research page to learn more about library resources and find current issues and trends in business.DBA Library Research Guide

Wk1: Current Topics Brainstorming

Wk1: Current Topics BrainstormingIn weeks 2-7 of this course, we will examine one current issue each week. The first week involves brainstorming what those topics will be.  And while brainstorming is, theoretically, supposed to be free form, the nature of the course requires that there be some constraints:

  • The topics you propose should be current issues. In other words, they should not be recurring issues or ones that could have just as easily been discussed ten years ago.  For example, “conflict in the workplace” would not be an appropriate topic because there has been conflict in the workplace for eons.  But something like “leading a Christian university in an increasingly hostile societal environment” could be.
  • The issues you propose should be related to management or leadership in the workplace. So, while “entire versus progressive sanctification” could make for an interesting discussion, it is not an issue related to management or leadership in the workplace, at least not for most people.
  • The issues you propose should have some literature available on them. Because these are recent issues, the availability of peer-reviewed journal (PRJ) articles may be limited, but there should be some high-quality literature available.  Please do a search – preferably using the library databases – to ensure that some good literature is available on each topic you propose.
  • The issues you propose should potentially be of interest to your colleagues; you will be voting on which of the submitted topics become the weekly topics for weeks 2-7.

Your assignment is to submit a list of six topics for consideration by the class.  Each topic should have a name and a brief (no more than 50 words) description.  You will submit your topics to the discussion board so that everyone can see them.

Accounts Receivable Management

Accounts Receivable Management

It is critical that financial leaders have a firm grasp of the organization’s receivables, because roughly 75 percent of a provider’s current assets is tied up in AR (Zelman, McCue, Glick, & Thomas, 2014). In addition to your text (linked in Resources), select three journal articles to support your conclusions. Complete the following:

stage of continuum

stage of continuum case study

Read the following case study:

Sue is an RN who has been practicing for 3 years and typically works in labor and delivery, and she volunteers at a clinic that serves diabetic OB patients. She encounters two patients, one who has developed gestational diabetes and the other who has been diabetic her entire life.

While working on her normal shift in labor and delivery, Sue is in charge of a student nurse who will be graduating in 2 weeks and assigns this nurse to the newly admitted patient with gestational diabetes. The patient started having contractions about 2 hours ago that are now 2–3 minutes apart, lasting approximately 10–15 seconds.


Create a concept map showing Benner’s stages from novice to expert and its alignment to the nursing process for an improved nursing care plan.

Write a 525- to 700-word summary explaining the concept map and how the concepts in Benner’s theory relate to the nursing process, including alignment with critical thinking and clinical decision-making for an improved nursing care plan. In addition, address the following:

Use visual presentation software from the College of Education Technology Resource Library to create your concept map. To review your options, do the following:

  • Select Web Tools in the Table of Contents.
  • Select Collaboration & Productivity from the list of tools.

Include at least 2 scholarly resources from the University Library to support you work.

criminal justice organizations

criminal justice organizations

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate a modern, criminal justice issue and critically evaluate how criminal justice organizations can properly address this issue moving forward. Students are encouraged to think creatively to provide functional solutions while demonstrating how inter-related criminal justice organizations can best work together.

At a minimum students will address the following:

a.   An evaluation of how criminal justice systems currently address the issue, from inception to conclusion
b.   Analysis of how the issue impacts society and criminal justice organizations
c.   Current methodology and practices by organizations addressing the issue
d.   Procedural factors restricting or enhancing addressing the issue (both legal and practical)
e.   How the criminal justice system, as a whole, addresses the issue
f.    Improvements for the criminal justice system to address the issue
g.   A comprehensive plan of action for criminal justice organizations to most effectively address the chosen issue
h.    How the use of technology impacts the issue you selected

The paper can focus on any topic related to course discussion. It may be on the same topic as any of our weekly assignments. The paper can be one of three types: historical; focused on a contemporary policy or practice that is debated or controversial; or directed toward a future policy that can be supported by research (e.g., where should we go from here?).

While opinion and interpretations are permitted, this is primarily a research paper  . Do not write in the first person, but as in any well-organized research paper, any opinion or idea not referenced is obviously that of the author. Your primary source of materials must be recently published, scholarly academic articles and books. Avoid newspapers and news magazines for this assignment, except if such stories first piqued your interest. If so, include them.

Synthesis-level understanding of the themes discussed in this course is expected. For example, if your paper is on the history of policies used to handle female offenders, then you must critically evaluate awareness  all of the major theoretical models used to explain these policies that are embedded within the course text reading. This is the only reason to refer to materials in the course reading list in your paper; if you do so be sure to include them on your paper’s reference list. Your own unique research is to be based on the other books and scholarly articles you collect to write the paper.

Risk Identification and Assessment

Risk Identification and Assessment

Is there a difference in how risks are identified and assessed in projects versus programs or portfolios?

Required Readings

In Project Portfolio Management Strategies for Effective Organizational Operations:

Use the Internet to complete the following:

Optional Reading

Read Noor, I., Martin, R., & Bowman, D. (2005). Implementation of successful risk-based portfolio management. AACE International Transactions, R21–R26.

attitude and beliefs

cultural background

  1. How aware are you of how your cultural background is likely to influence your ability to work with a diverse range of people? What specific attitude and beliefs might enhance or interfere with your ability to understand and work with diversity?
  2. What steps could you take to facilitate difficult conversations about race and culture that emerge in your group?


150 words

pressure ulcer rate

 pressure ulcer rate

Assignment Instructions


The quantitative method is the original scientific method. Quantitative research methods can be subdivided by various designs that researchers use to answer their research questions. In fact, the wording of the research question must match the methodology and may contain words that indicate the design. Quantitative research identifies what happened, but not why it happened. It identifies causation or relationships.

The relationships in a quantitative research study are similar to those used for a qualitative design. There is still a relationship between the theory, problem, purpose, and the research questions, hypotheses, and design. This week you will continue to expand your understanding of this framework by analyzing and evaluating research questions and hypotheses in quantitative studies. You will also learn about various quantitative research designs that researchers use to answer their research questions.

In addition, you will continue to analyze the interrelated elements of a research study, making the connection among theory, problem, and purpose, and research questions, hypotheses, and design.


For this assignment, you will craft a quantitative research question based on the HAC you selected for the Research Problem and Purpose Statements assignment, as well as examine quantitative methodologies and data collection strategies that would enable you to answer your research question.

There is no length requirement for this assignment. Most submissions that fully address all scoring guide criteria will be 2–5 pages long.


For this assignment build on the work that you did in the Research Problem and Purpose Statements assignment.

The assignment has two distinct parts.

Part 1: Quantitative Research Question

For this first part of the assignment, you will formulate a research question that is appropriate for a research project that will use quantitative methodologies. Remember the HAC that you used in your Research Problem and Purpose Statements assignment. Additionally, your research question should align with the problem and purpose statements that you developed at that time.

Keep in mind that a well-written research question should be a single statement.

When examining or creating qualitative research questions, the following checklist may be useful.

Quantitative Research Question Checklist
  • Does the purpose statement fit logically with the problem statement? Does the purpose statement use similar words to the problem statement, or does it seem to address a different topic?
  • Based on the problem statement, do the research questions align with the method and design of the study? For instance, are words like perception used that would automatically reject a quantitative study? Reference the research methodology publication to ensure alignment.
  • Do questions seek to describe responses to the variables described in the study?
  • Do the questions include words like compare or correlate that indicate a quantitative study?
  • Do the questions include identification of the independent and dependent variables?
  • Does the hypothesis fit with the research questions?
  • Do the questions and hypothesis identify the participants for the research study?
  • Do the questions and hypothesis specify the participants and the research site?

Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria

  • Formulate a quantitative research question and associated hypothesis.
  • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.
Part 2: Quantitative Methods and Data Collection

For this second part of the assignment, you will draw on your readings about qualitative methods and data collection to first identify specific quantitative methodologies that will enable you to answer your research questions. Second, you will discuss specific qualitative data collection tools or strategies that are appropriate for this purpose. Questions to consider when looking for strategies and tools include the following:

  • What is your research question specifically trying to answer?
  • How does the specific HAC affect the types of tools and strategies that would work best?
  • How does the health care setting where the research project will occur affect the types of tools and strategies that would work best?

This part should also include a review of why it is important to a potential research plan as a whole to ensure that your data collection plan is relevant to your chosen methodology.

This section should be 2–5 pages long, depending on the level of detail required to fully present your methodologies and data collection tools and strategies.

Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria

  • Identify relevant quantitative methodologies that will support answering a research question.
  • Describe quantitative data collection tools or strategies that are appropriate for answering a research question.
  • Explain the importance of methodologically relevant data collection to a research plan as a whole.
  • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

Additional Submission Requirements

  • Structure: Include a title page, table of contents, and reference page.
  • Length: There is no length requirement for this assignment. Most submissions that fully address all scoring guide criteria will be 2–5 pages long.
  • References: Cite at least five current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Format: Use APA style for references and citations.
    • You may wish to refer to the following APA resources to help with your structure, formatting, and style:

Competencies Measured (Scoring guideline)

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain the different types of health care research methodologies.
    • Identify relevant quantitative methodologies that will support answering a research question.
    • Describe quantitative data collection tools or strategies that are appropriate for answering a research question.
    • Explain the importance of methodologically relevant data collection to a research plan as a whole.
  • Competency 2: Develop a research question based on a hospital-acquired condition.
    • Formulate a quantitative research question and associated hypothesis.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with the expectations of health care professionals.
    • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.



level of stress

We would all agree that there is some level of stress in everyone’s life. The stress response may be quite similar for each of us; however, there are distinct differences in the way women and men experience and respond to stress.

In your exploration of these concepts, respond to the following:


Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your textbook and course readings. Start reviewing and responding to at least two of your classmates as early in the week as possible. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be sure to be honest, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Using questions and seeking clarifications are good ways to make your reviews substantive!

  • Use an APA style reference list with in-text citations in your initial response.
  • Use an APA style reference list with in-text citations in at least one of your two responses to classmates.

marketing campaign

Concierge practice of medicine

A new primary care physician moved into the area and approached your hospital to partner with her as she begins a new practice in the community. Because the administration is always anxious to welcome new practitioners to the hospital, you agree to meet with the physician. During the meeting, the physician explains that she wants to establish the first concierge medical practice in the community. The physician plans to attract around 100 families to her practice, and she plans to charge from $300 to $1,000 per month, depending on the size of the family unit. (Note: A goal of 100 families may not be realistic; however, the number makes for easier calculations). The patients who join the concierge practice will receive access to the physician’s services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at an office located near the hospital. Families will receive preventive care services, and the physician will design wellness programs to encourage healthy lifestyles for her patients. The physician will use the hospital for all emergent care, day surgeries, rehabilitation, and in-patient care. The physician also plans to use nutritionists and the hospital’s fitness center facilities. In this case study.

  • Discuss some of the goods or services that could be highlighted in a marketing campaign that involves a concierge practice of medicine.
  • What advantages do you think a concierge practice of medicine might contribute to the hospital’s offerings of products to the community?
  • Discuss some of the issues and challenges that may arise from the hospital sponsoring a concierge practice of medicine.


Goldman, D. P., Vaiana, M., & Romley, J. A. (2010). The emerging importance of patient amenities in hospital care. The New England Journal of Medicine, 363(23). Doi: 10.1056/NEJMp1009501. (ProQuest ID: 816191638).

Majette, G. R. (2009). From concierge medicine to patient-centered medical homes: International lessons & the search for a better way to deliver primary health care in the U.S. American Journal of Law and Medicine 35(4), 585–619.

Paton, N. E. (2010). A new marketing playbook. Marketing Health Services, 30(2), 8–9.


Your assignment should be addressed in a 2- to 3-page document