Health Reforms

Health Reform Paper Grading Guideline

Final Paper Health Reform Paper Grading Guideline

HPRS 3301 – Health Care Reform Paper (Possible Points – 100)


Assignment: Respond to the Readings and develop an approximately 5 page response to Health Care Reform comparing and contrasting the World Prosperity Org. viewpoint with Institute of Medicine viewpoint. Utilize appropriate APA Format, grammar, and spelling.  Click the link to view the grading rubric.


The following is a guideline for your use to write your paper.

I. CONTENT (60 points)

A. Synopsis of the two viewpoints (30 points)

1. Brief summary of the 2020 Global Healthcare Outlook

2. Brief summary of Institute Of Medicine’s Viewpoint on Healthcare Reform (Found in Chapters 2 & 9 of Crossing the Quality Chasm:  (>/> )

B. Analysis (30 points)

1. Comparisons- list and describe the similarities you find in the two views.

2. Contrasts – list and describe how the two views are different


A.  Give a short comment on your view point (opinion) to Health Care Reform

1. Express your personal reaction, personal experiences, your thoughts and ideas you had while reading the two view points.

2. Give reasons for your comments; be persuasive with your argument(s) to backup your reactions.

3. You may bring in other references that you have read during this course work to backup your opinion(s).


A. Content is clearly stated and well organized to the above requirements. B. Grammar and spelling are correct.

C. Well developed draft submitted to Safe Assign; % matching revised/edited/cited.

IV. Written in APA Format (10 points)

A. References (last page) are in correct APA style with APA heading B. Citations within the body of the paper are correct to APA style at less than 20% matching in Safe Assign.  Less is better. C. Paper length – 5  written pages of content (Title page and Reference page are not included in this page restriction). D. Double spaced with each page numbered, Times New Roman 12 point font, other per APA guidelines.

Collaboration In Patient Education And Compliance With Older Adults

Topic 4 DQ 2

Negotiation is defined as a discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.  When applying this to patient teaching. It is the art of the healthcare professional teaching what may be the best course of action. For treating a disease process and the patient negotiating what is feasible to do given their life activities. And behaviors.  It is a ‘give and take’ between the two parties and may help providers to think outside-the-box in order to assist the patient in compliance with the healthcare plan.

Negotiation lends to patient involvement in their own care instead of having an authoritative figure dictate to them what needs to happen.  Negotiation identifies areas of agreement and disagreement and provides a forum for discussion of solutions (Falvo, 2011).  It can also be a catalyst that involves determining the patients’ personal feelings about their illnesses and the proposed interventions, assisting patients in planning how to translate their new knowledge into behaviors, and to build in feedback mechanisms (Zander, 1996). 

 What part does negotiation play in patient education? 


Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years. There should be a mix between research and your reflections. Add critical thinking in the posts along with research. Apply the material in a substantial way.

Health history and physical examination on an individual.

RUA: Health history and physical examination on an individual.

Ebook: Jarvis, C., Eckhardt, A., & Thomas, P. (2020). Physical examination & health assessment (8th ed.). Saunders.

The purpose of the assignment is two-fold:

  • To recognize the interrelationships of subjective data (physiological, psychosocial, cultural/spiritual values, and developmental) and objective data (physical examination findings) in planning and implementing nursing care.
  • To reflect on the interactive process that takes place between the nurse and an individual while conducting a health assessment and a physical examination.

Review and download the NR304 RUA Health History and Physical Examination Guidelines (Links to an external site.) for the assignment to assure you have addressed all required elements prior to submitting.

Jean Watson’s Theory On Human Caring

Applying Jean Watson’s Theory on Human Caring/Caring Science Core Principles to APN Practice




Discussion Prompt

Jean Watson’s Theory of  Human Caring/Caring Science is one theoretical framework used throughout the many College of Nursing courses. The practice implication of Watson’s Human Caring Theory evolves our thinking and approaches to patient care from a mindset of carative (cure) to one of caritas (care). The core principles/practice are founded on a:

· Practice of loving-kindness and equanimity

· Authentic presence: enabling deep belief of other (patient, colleague, family, etc.) Cultivation of one’s own spiritual practice toward wholeness of mind/body/spirit—beyond ego

· “Being” the caring-healing environment, Allowing miracles (openness to the unexpected and inexplicable life events)

Some individuals are comfortable framing their practice with Watson while others prefer different theories or a collection of theories. However, Watson is based on caring which is a foundation of nursing. Anyone could use the core principles to guide decision making. Select one of the core principles and discuss ways you might be able to apply the principle in guiding your advanced practice nursing practices.


Watson, J. (2021). Caring science & human caring theory. Watson Caring Science Institute. Jean Watson’s Philosophy of Nursing.  Jean Watson’s Philosophy of Nursing (



Initial Post:

APA format with intext citation

Word count minimum of 250

References: 2 high-level scholarly references with in the last 5 years.

Plagiarism free.

Turnitin receipt.



Response #1 Post a response to one peer in your discussion group. In the post identify the organ damage that can occur as a result of Hypertension. Describe the pathophysiologic process of the organ damage.

Peer discussion


Hypertension is a chronic of blood pressure that, in a long-term causes end-organ damage. And results in increased morbidity and mortality. It follows that patient with arterial hypertension may have an increase in cardiac output, an increase in systemic vascular resistance. Or both. Three pathophysiologic mechanisms of primary hypertension.

Renin-angiotensin system: The protease renin cleaves angiotensin to yield their inactive peptide angiotensin I. The latter is converted into an active octapeptide, angiotensin II by the angiotension-conversting enzyme (ACE).  Though the renin-angiotensin system is widespread in the body. The main source of the renin is the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidney. The apparatus senses the renal perfusion pressure and the sodium concentration in the distal tubular fluid. In addition, renin release is stimulated by beta and decreased by alpha adrenoceptor stimulation. Angiotensin II concentration suppress renin secretion via a negative feedbacks loop. Angiotensin II acts on specific angiotensin and receptors causing muscles contraction and the release of aldosterone. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system plays an important role in the control arterial pressure including the sodium balance.

Atrial Natriuretic Peptide: is the released from arterial granules. It produces natriuresis, diuresis and a modest decrease in blood pressure, while decreasing plasma renin and aldosterone. Natriuretic peptides also alter synaptic transmission from the osmoreceptors’ is released as a result of the stimulation of atrial stretch receptors. ANP concentration are increased by raised filling pressure and in patients with arterial hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy as the wall of the left ventricle participates in the secretion of ANP.

Natriuretic peptides

Natriuretic peptides play a role in the control of vascular tone and interact with renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. By inhibiting their degradation, peptidase inhibitors make these naturally occurring peptides more effective, thereby reducing vascular resistance. However, there are only small-scale trials of their efficacy. Overall. recent studies have failed to demonstrate the superiority of modern agents over the more traditional drugs, except in special circumstances. In many patients, effective treatment is achieved by the association of two or more agents with gain in efficacy and reduction of side-effects.


McCane, K., & Huether, S.(2018). Pathophysiology: The biological basis for disease in adults and children, (8th ed.) St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

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postoperative management of thoracic surgery

postoperative management of thoracic surgery

This is a Master Degree Nurse Practioner program minimum of 350 words with at least 3 peer review reference in 7 the edition apa style.  Please do not use international references.

You are part of a surgical team and your role is postoperative management of thoracic surgery. In your role, you are required to determine the course of action for the patient before you call surgeon. A right lower-lobe resection occurred due to adenocarcinoma. The nurse has called at the 12-hour interval from surgery concerned with the amount of drainage within the chest tube.

  • Describe the role of an AGACNP at each of the steps in postoperative care for a surgical patient.
  • Describe the assessment steps you would take.
  • Explain the drainage and decompression devices and how you manage these as an AGACNP.
  • Discuss potential differential diagnoses you could expect from the assessment.
  • Discuss the hemodynamic findings one might see with your provided diagnosis.
  • Propose potential treatment plans that would be appropriate.

Substance abuse

Substance abuse

Part I: The American Addiction Centers has released the most recent substance use disorder outcomes.  Unfortunately, the long-term success of traditional rehabilitation programs is not at the level where it needs to be.  For this posting I encourage you to review the various articles as well as different rehabilitation strategies, such as inpatient, outpatient, family interventions, sober living environments, case management integration to name a few.  Think about what you know about substance use disorders from a professional and personal standpoint.  If you could implement one strategy/technique/intervention into all substance use disorder treatment programs what would this be?  Why did you choose this?  What literature support do you have for this?  You may want to consider comparing and contrasting to a current strategy/technique/intervention that you would replace.  For this posting you can think “big” or dramatic and what you would do in a perfect world where anything is possible.


Articles for review:

Substance Abuse and Case Management

Substance Abuse Interventions

Psychosocial Interventions

functional medicine life style change

functional medicine life style change

Try a simple functional medicine life style change for at least one (1) week.  The life style change could be as simple as consuming green tea, or juicing, or taking natural supplements daily.

Post about your experience.

Find evidenced-based research articles that report the selected functional medicine and evidence for or against its effectiveness.

Cite your sources and attach the article(s) to this post.

Immunization In Florida

Write a brief three  paper answering the questions below (plus a title and reference)

1.  In the state  you were born (Florida)/ what are the immunization requirements? (15 points)

2. What exemptions does this state have for medical, philosophical, and religious beliefs? (15 points)

3.  Discuss your view on your states (Florida)immunization requirements and exceptions (include three research articles supporting your view). (Articles within 5 years)(30 points)

4. Design a policy you would like to purpose that would improve immunization requirements and protect the health of vulnerable populations while respecting personal exemptions. (20 points)

5. Should the Covid vaccine be mandatory? (NO)  What are the legal and ethical issues that surround this dilemma? (20 points)

The Role of a Nurse in a Disaster Event

The Role of a Nurse in a Disaster Event

The community health nurse strives to promote community resilience and helps to prevent the possibility of illness and injury during disaster events.


Prevention and Mitigation


The roles of a community health nurse (CHN) during the prevention and mitigation processes of Disaster Management are as follows:

Reflecting on the simulation, discuss the role of the nurse in the prevention and mitigation of Disaster management.

Please give examples of prevention and mitigation in disaster management?