Professional Issues In Nursing
Professional Issues In Nursing
APA format
500 words
APA format
500 words
Informatics have changed dramatically in the last ten years. The changes in health care alone have forced organizations to do things far differently than they imagined. The massive amounts of data available grow every day. The purpose of this assignment is to use data and trends to forecast the future of the fields of informatics.
Research resent trends to forecast what the coming years may bring for the field of informatics. Informatics have changed dramatically in the last ten years. The changes in health care alone have forced organizations to do things far differently than they imagined. The massive amounts of data available grow every day.
The purpose of this assignment is to use data and trends to forecast the future of the fields of informatics.
APA guidelines
650-800 word
2. Identify the types of information that should be discussed with the patient or significant others to establish reasonable expectations for the prescribed therapy.
3. Discuss specific techniques used in the practice setting to facilitate patient education.
APA format 700 words
To complete this assignment, you will select a franchise that will thrive in your local place of residence. First, you will describe the demographics of your hometown and discuss why this specific franchise will perform well in this location. You will use the franchise profile on the FBR website to list the requirements needed to start the franchise business. In closing, show evidence why the brand and franchise you’ve selected will fulfill a need for your local community.
This assessment will be completed in report format with a cover page. You are required to follow APA citation guidelines. This includes completing in-text citation and full citations in a reference list for all content and statistics obtain in your research. (Links to an external site.)
Task List
Assignment 1
Building an Effective Volunteer Training Program
In your opinion, what could hamper the building of an effective volunteer training program? Use this week’s readings, additional research, and your personal experiences to discuss the process of training volunteers. Consider and address volunteer learning styles in Chapter 10 of the Connors (2012) text in your response, and describe how you would benefit from training that acknowledged your learning style. How would you use this information to develop an effective training program for volunteers in your organization?
Assignment 2
Recruiting and Training Volunteers
In the past two weeks you have explored the importance of recruiting and training volunteers for an organization. Choose an organization with which you are familiar or one in your community.
Your paper should be 1,050-1,400 words (3-4 pages) in length, not including the title page, formatted in accordance with APA guidelines. Provide specific examples to illustrate your conclusions using a minimum of three credible sources, also cited in accordance with APA guidelines.
Required References
Connors, T. D. (2011). Wiley nonprofit law, finance and management series: volunteer management handbook: leadership strategies for success (Links to an external site.) (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN-13: 9780470604533.
Chapter 8: The Latest Approach to Volunteer Recruitment
Chapter 10: Training Volunteers
Recommended References
Agovino, T. (2016). The giving generation. HR Magazine, 61 (7), 36-38, 40, 42, 44.
Connors, T. D. (2012). The volunteer management handbook (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Chapter 9: Orientation
Kolar, D., Skilton, S., & Judge, L. W. (2016). Human resource management with a volunteer workforce. Journal of Facility Planning, Design, and Management, 4(1) doi:10.18666/JFPDM-2016-V4-I1-7300
Manetti, G., Bellucci, M., Como, E., & Bagnoli, L. (2015). Investing in volunteering: Measuring social returns of volunteer recruitment, training and management. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 26(5), 2104-2129. doi:10.1007/s11266-014-9497-3
Nesbit, R., Rimes, H., Christensen, R. K., & Brudney, J. L. (2016). Inadvertent volunteer managers: Exploring perceptions of volunteer managers’ and volunteers’ roles in the public workplace. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 36 (2), 164-187. doi:10.1177/0734371X15576409
Pynes, J. E. (2013). Human resources management for public and nonprofit organizations: A strategic approach (4th ed.). Somerset, NJ: Jossey-Bass. ISBN-13: 9781118398623.
Chapter 9: Training and Career Development
Scott, C. L. (2016). 7 reasons nonprofit organizations have trouble recruiting volunteers [Video file]. Retrieved from7 Reasons Nonprofit Organizations Have Trouble Recruiting Volunteers (Links to an external site.)
The Database system have diagrams, mention the Types of diagrams? with photos
2 pages not including title and ref
NO citation required, NO reference required, original work please.
Discuss research vs. commerce-based information as it relates to personal health and wellness.
Why is this an important distinction to make? What are some of the issues with commerce-based information in the areas of personal health and wellness?
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