health care system

community and public health nursing

from Learning by Experience and Reflection:

.  The paper must be written in APA format
  • Minimum of two references (the course textbook can be one of the references, as well as the organizational website) in APA format. If additional articles were chosen, they must have been published within the last 3-5 years.


Comparative Advantage

Comparative Advantage

International economics is dominated by the idea of comparative advantage – that different endowments and activities in different countries make them relatively more or less efficient at different economic activities.  In other words, countries (and organizations) should specialize in the economic activities where they have a competitive edge against the competition.


APA style, elaborate on the concept of comparative advantage and how this concept is the determining factor in the long-term stability of a country and profitability of an organization.  In particular, research and determine the following:

  • Define and explain the concept of comparative advantage.
  • Select any country that interests you.  Then, determine one product or service where the country has a comparative advantage and one where they have a comparative disadvantage.  Discuss the factors within the country that created this comparative advantage, and also the factors that contributed to their comparative disadvantage.
  • Finally, where the country has a comparative advantage, detail the strategy the country should adapt to maintain this advantage for the next five years.  Importantly, comparative advantages fade rapidly and countries (and organizations) should constantly strive to maintain and expand their existing comparative advantages.



How a leader encourages change or fails

Discussion Questions:

Real-world leaders can be teachers of change management through their example – whether effective or not.  In conjunction with this week’s resources we will discuss with each other just such real-world examples and explain how a leader encourages change or fails.

To do so.

  1. Using credible news sources, locate a leader who is leading or attempting to lead change (look at the Media Bias Chart to ensure your source is not biased).
  2. The leader you select can be local, national, or international.
    1. Make sure to select a different leader from other students.
  3. There must be news coverage about this leader.
  4. Cite the news coverage you use in APA format.
  5. Discuss how that leader is encouraging change or failing to encourage change.

Global business and leadership

Global business and leadership


To culminate this course on global business and leadership you are tasked with evaluating a global leader.  Successful global leaders deal with change at the international level in order to remain competitive.  Researching a global leader will help you learn about how they tackled and solved a real-world problem of economics or society.

  1. Review the readings, resources and lesson in this module.
  2. Evaluate a leader who has had to lead a change initiative in their national government structure in order to successfully solve a problem of economics or society.

Mobile devices

Mobile devices

The latest generation of mobile devices are portable enough to carry at all times, connected to voice and data networks, and contextually aware by using sensors and networks to preemptively complete tasks.  Many of today’s mobile applications are personalized, and are not useful if they can only access the data on the phone.  For a user to get, for example, sports scores, retrieve stock quotes, or perform accounting work, the mobile device needs to communicate with one or more servers, starting with the Window servers.


  •  Late assignments will not be accepted.
  • This is a required assignment and is worth 50 points.
  • You must apply and use the basic citation styles of APA.
  • Do not claim credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of others.
  • Use in-text citation and list the reference of your supporting source following APA’s style and formatting
  • Do not copy and paste information or concepts from the Internet and claim that is your work.  It will be considered Plagiarism and you will receive a zero for your work.

issues of cost quality and access

issues of cost quality and access in the United States health care system

As introduced in Module 3, your Final Project in this course was to come up with your own personal solution to the issues of cost, quality, and access in the United States health care system. You may choose the final format/deliverable for how you will present this project to the class. Here are a few options:


  1. Prepare your final project deliverable for submission.
  2. Be sure that you have used at least five (5) reliable and current sources (no older than 5 years old)

Business Processes and Process Specifications

Business Processes and Process Specifications

This is a required assignment, worth 20 points, and must be submitted by the due date.
Review the Grading Rubric before completing this assignment. Research a scholarly paper  on Business Processes, and Process Specifications” and reflect on only one of the following topics:

  • “Processes”: What type of Business Processes exist?
  • “Specifications”: How important is it to define the Process Specifications?
  • “Review”: How important is it to review the Processes on a regular basis?


You must copy and paste the topic (“Processes” or “Specifications” or “Review”) at the start of your paper to provide a context for your answer.
This paper must be between 250-300 words on what caught your eye and reflect on what you read.
Do not add extraneous text that does not address the question – do not add an introduction or conclusion.
Do not copy and paste text from the referenced resource. You must provide at least one APA reference for your resource and corresponding in-text citations..
You must provide the referenced resource URL/DOI in the APA reference.
Do not use the Textbook as a referenced resource.


philosophies towards a singular philosophical approach

Examining the history of student affairs, there has been a shift within the profession from in loco parentis (in place of the parents) to student services towards student development and finally to student learning.


In your opinion has the student affairs profession truly shifted away from all of these philosophies towards a singular philosophical approach or is it a blended philosophical approach?

Enrollment management is a critical component on any college campus.  From the first point of contact with potential students to bringing in the freshman class, the enrollment process highly influences the overall student experience.


What role should the academic enterprise play in the enrollment process on a college campus?


Please provide 1 recent article (2009-Present) that supports your argument

In your opinion, whose (what area of the university) responsibility is academic advising?  Furthermore, the book gave reference to several different models-peer to peer, decentralized, centralized, faculty lead, etc..  If you have been tasked with creating an academic advising program at either the institution that you currently work at or at the institution that you were formally a student, what would it be?


Please provide evidence with at least 1 recent article (2009-Present) to support your article.