Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy

Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy

DDP has been criticized for the lack of a comprehensive manual or full case studies to provide details of the process. In addition, although non-verbal communication, communicative mismatch and repair, playful interactions and the relationship between the parents attachment status and that of a toddler are all well documented and important for early healthy emotional development, Hughes and Becker-Weidman are described as making “a real logical jump” in assuming that the same events can be deliberately recapitulated in order to correct the emotional condition of an older child.


  • Based on the readings in this unit, do you share the same criticism?
  • Provide rationale for your answer.

protection of HIV

protection of HIV

In the 1990s an inmate that was HIV-positive had it noted in their medical file. By court order, these notes had to be removed to protect the inmates’ rights. If a correctional staff member had a potential exposure they would not know if the inmate was HIV-positive or not. Should the staff member have a right to know this to protect their safety or not? Please explain your position and reasoning on this.

Race And Ethnicity 

Race And Ethnicity

Explain, in detail, using two sociological theories listed below, the crimmigration system at our southern border.  Sociological theories: Functionalism, Conflict, Symbolic Interactionism, Feminist, Intersectionality, or Critical Race Theory.

Early child learning

Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care

Module One Readings:

Curtis, D. & Carter, M. (2014). Designs for Living and Learning (Chapter 3, pp. 59-87). St Paul, MN:   Redleaf Press.

Fleer, M. (2003). Early childhood education as an evolving “community of practice” or as lived “social reproduction”: Researching the ‘taken-for-granted’. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 4(1), 64-79. Available at: http://methodenpool.uni-koeln.de/communities/viewpdf.pdf (Links to an external site.)

Nolan, A. & Raban, B. (2015) Chapter 1: Theories and perspectives.In A.Nolan and B. Raban, Theories into Practice: Understanding and rethinking our work with young children, pp. 5-13. Retrieved from  http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/shop/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/SUND606_sample.pdf (Links to an external site.)


Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework (2018). https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/canada/employment-social-development/programs/indigenous-early-learning/1352-IELCC_Report-EN.pdf


As you acquire new information about the children in your classroom (from the various significant people in their worlds, or through conversations with the children), how might you weave this information into the early childhood context?


one page with APA format and reference

 In what ways could you learn about children’s different ‘communities of practice’?

few sentence or a paragraph for this question, just some thoughts



Case study Instructions is given in the ppt file. need 2 pages, Please go through it.

Complete the following Case Study Assignment:

You’ve been working at a Pharmaceutical company for the past three years and have been asked to develop a New Manager Training program. You were able to present your curriculum design to senior leadership at their monthly Leadership Team meeting and they were extremely supportive and enthusiastic about the future of new leader training at your company. Congratulations. 

The Learning Objective of your program are the following:

1. Gain knowledge and understanding of organizational processes, approaches, philosophies, and culture

2. Review core responsibilities of a leader including coaching, development, feedback, and evaluation of employees

3. Build self-awareness related to your strengths and areas of development based on 360 feedback.

4. Identify an action plan for continued learning and self-development that will contribute to your growth as a leader


The leadership team has high hopes for the program and asked you to determine metrics for your training program, and how you will measure the impact of your program. Please submit the PowerPoint presentation you will give senior leadership at next month’s meeting describing your plan to evaluate this program. 



Support your responses with 

Please reply to this post with your response to the following questions:

A) What variables about news-gathering are beyond the control of reporters and editors but nonetheless affect what people read, hear and see?

B) How are journalists captives of the personal values and biases they bring to their work? Provide an example of this through a video clip or story?

C) After reading “Encyclopedia of Emerging Industries – Blogging,” provide a “large scale” example of when blogging became problematic and one when blogging actually helped solve a problem.


  •  support the research from the Learning Resources.
  • Use APA in-text citations  and cite any outside sources.
  • Create an APA reference list at the end of the document.

merits of qualitative research

Appraise the merits of qualitative research designs.

Begin with an overview of the value of qualitative research (1-2 cited paragraphs). Be sure to make the connection between the research problem and the qualitative approach.
Determine if there is the potential to employ a mixed methods approach (1-2 cited paragraphs).
Explain how degree paths informs the research approach (1-2 cited paragraphs).
Based on the discovery of the worldview, share your thoughts about how this will affect your research (1-2 cited paragraphs).
Justify and construct a theoretical or conceptual framework for the research problem; this section must be clearly written to ensure that the reader is seeing the proposed research through your framework.
Include a brief discussion on how your degree type affected your framework selection.


Length: 3-5 pages.

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly sources; find 3 additional sources to support your framework.

Healthcare Trends

Healthcare Trends

  1. Complete the Module 2 Readings prior to working on this assignment.
  2. Download the following report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC): Health, United States 2011Links to an external site..
    • Review the data in the report about mortality and morbidity.
    • Document your thoughts as you review the data.
    • Specifically, state what the data shows and what are the data trends.
    • Based on your review, comment on the following:
      • Based on the mortality and morbidity data, identify changes that seem to be occurring – you must discuss more than one change.
      • What might these changes be attributed to, and what do they mean for the future of healthcare delivery?
      • Respond to what you have observed from your analysis of the CDC report: when is the use of regulation appropriate in the delivery of healthcare services?
      • How would you evaluate the effectiveness of regulatory efforts aimed at hospitals and at physicians?
      • What additional recommendations would you make to current healthcare leaders in order to address patient care improvement?
  3. Conduct additional research for the issues above. Use the resources at the Franklin University LibraryLinks to an external site. to obtain at least three relevant, scholarly sources.


  1. Write a 3-4 page paper in which you address the items that you researched in the CDC Report.
    • You must incorporate research into your paper from at least three relevant, scholarly resources.
    • Follow all applicable APA GuidelinesLinks to an external site. regarding in-text citations, list of cited references, and document formatting for this paper. Failure to properly cite and reference sources constitutes plagiarism.
    • The title page and reference list are not included in the page count for this paper.

Reference for the book (chapter 3 and Chapter 4): Shi, L. (2014). Delivering Health Care in America (6th Edition). Jones & Bartlett Learning. https://reader2.yuzu.com/books/978128406367

Business intelligence tools

Business intelligence tools

You have had the opportunity to consider business intelligence tools and see how a few work. 


  • Support your response with examples.