Effect of antecedents

 Effect of antecedents mediators and interventions and their relationship to employee misbehavior

  • Prompt: Review the discussion of the effect of antecedents, mediators, and interventions and their relationship to employee misbehavior. You will find Exhibit 8.2 in the Ivancevich et al. text helpful in this review.  Then, review the biblical texts: Luke 6:27-49 and Galatians 5:1-26.  Answer these questions:  How does dealing with antecedents and using interventions reflect a biblical worldview in dealing with misbehavior?  Can dealing with antecedents and using interventions be more effective than administering punishment after misbehavior occurs?  Support your answers with biblical and scholarly sources.


  • Minimum of 750 words; 2 peer-reviewed or trade journal sources, in addition to your text; APA-compliant


Economist website

Go to The Economist website and search for the Big Mac Index for a recent time period. Compare the Purchasing Power of the United States with another country. Try to choose a country with which you are not very familiar. What does this parity say about the potential standard of living in the country you chose? What does it say about the potential wage level?

shifting of industries

shifting of manufacturing industries abroad

Over several decades, some industries, such as textile and clothing, which were once a significant part of the U.S. economy, have shifted manufacturing abroad. Using the idea of opportunity cost, provide an explanation of the reasoning behind this shift. How has this shift affected economic well-being locally? How do the gains compare to the losses?

Bedside Manner Matters

Bedside Manner Matters

Review the following video  and answer the accompanying questions below carefully






REFERENCE two pages

Answer the below questions regarding the video, Bedside Manner Matters.


leadership skills

Principles of Healthcare Leadership

Chapter 3 of Principles of Healthcare Leadership discusses four necessary leadership skills. For your Module 1

Case assignment, review these four necessary leadership skills and conduct additional research.

complete the following:

  1. Explain the difference between leadership and management. Provide an example for each.
  2. Identify and explain each leadership skill in detail.
  3. Rationalize the importance of a health care leader possessing each of these skills.
  4. Identify the importance of cultural diversity in leadership and discuss two ways (actionable items) a leader could promote diversity in the workplace. Discuss the difference in internal and external diversity and provide an example of each, and how they influence the organization.
  5. In conjunction with the four identified skills, identify and explain 2 or 3 additional skills health care leaders should possess.
  6. Rotenstein, L. S., Reede, J. Y., & Jena, A. B. (2021). Addressing workforce diversity- A quality-improvement framework. The New England Journal of Medicine, 384(12), 1083-1086. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMp2032224

Criminal Justice

Quantitative methods in Criminal Justice

What are the strengths and weaknesses of using quantitative methods in Criminal Justice? How can academicians use data analysis to inform public decisions and educate public leaders on the application of quantitative methods?

Business Continuity And Disaster

Business Continuity And Disaster Recovery Plans Scenario

You are an IT system manager working for  the KION Group with the main headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany.  Forklift trucks and warehouse automation equipment are the company’s  main products. A disaster that destroys half or all of a  modern business’s data center is the worst-case scenario. This includes  all of the computers and discs inside it. While such a scenario is  uncommon, it is possible, and not just in the event of a major natural  disaster, such as an earthquake or electrical surges due to a storm.  These circumstances can permanently destroy data centers. The strength of the KION group is  determined by the quality of a business impact analysis (BIA). Because  this is the blueprint that will get you out of any situation, no matter  how big or small, you can navigate easily if the map is well-made.  However, if the information is out of date, incomplete, or otherwise  compromised, you will have difficulty getting back to business as usual. Ensuring you have offsite backups of  your data is the greatest approach to preparing your organization for a  disaster like this. If your production data is stored on-premises in one  of your data centers, you’ll need to make backups of it in a different  data center, or the cloud. If your data is stored in the cloud, you have  the option of backing it up to local storage, another cloud, or another  area of the same cloud. It is essential to restore backup data  on new infrastructure as quickly as possible. Moving significant volumes  of data via the Internet takes a long time, so it’s not a good idea in  the event of a crisis. Moving physical copies of discs from one location  to another could be faster in some situations. Alternatively, it may be  faster and easier to set up new servers in the data center where your  backup data is stored, link them to the backup data, and then use them  as production servers. Because your team is performing so well,  senior management at the KION group decided that your team must  establish a business continuity plan (BCP) and a disaster recovery plan  (DRP) to deal with difficulties that may arise now or in the future.  You’ve been tasked with creating these new plans.


Write a 3–4 page paper in which you:

  1. Summarize the primary purpose of a BIA, including why a BIA is often classified as confidential.
  2. Explain how a BIA helps evaluate data and categorize risks with  respect to technology, individuals, and the organization in regard to  the above scenario.
  3. Explain the purpose of a BCP, including how a BCP helps to  mitigate risks in regard to the above scenario, and recommend two best  practices to follow when creating a BCP.
  4. Explain the purpose of a DRP, including how a DRP helps to  mitigate risks in regard to the above scenario and recommend one best  practice to follow when creating a DRP.
  5. Use at least two quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia  and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources. The Strayer  University Library is a good source for resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For  assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing  Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Evaluate and categorize risk with respect to the technology, the  individuals, the enterprise, and the recommend appropriate responses.

Change proposal

Change proposal professional presentation

Review the feedback on the change proposal professional presentation and make required adjustments to the presentation. Present your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to an inter professional audience of leaders and stakeholders. Be prepared to answer questions and accept feedback.

After presenting your capstone project change proposal, write a 250-350 word summary of the presentation. Include a description of the changes that were suggested by your preceptor before your presentation and how you incorporated that feedback. Describe how this inter professional collaboration improved the effectiveness of your presentation. Include a description of the feedback and questions from your audience after your presentation, and how this experience will affect your professional practice in the future.



An association between diabetes and eye diseases

An association between diabetes and eye diseases

You are a licensed practical nurse (LPN) working in an eye surgery center. A new client with type 2 diabetes mellitus presents to the office, referred by their primary care provider. Consider the association between diabetes and eye diseases.

 discuss the following questions:

  • Diabetes increases the risk of which eye diseases, and why?
  • What are additional risk factors for these eye diseases?
  • How can clients with diabetes reduce their risk of vision complications?


1 page


Victimology Scholarly Article Analysis

Select and analyze a scholarly article on victimology. You may use this week’s required readings to guide you in your selection of a contemporary victimology article. In a critical analysis of the article, evaluate empirical data regarding crime victims.

you must:

  • Summarize the article’s thesis and main points in one to two paragraphs.
  • Evaluate the relevance of the data used to support the thesis of the article. In your evaluation, include the author(s) research methods and target population.
  • Provide examples of either the presence of bias or lack of bias evidenced by the author(s).
  • Critique the accuracy, acceptability, strengths, weaknesses, and overall soundness of the article. In your critique, consider whether or not the authors persuaded you with their viewpoints.
  • Explain the contributions the article has brought to your understanding of victimology.