role of cultural differences

The role of cultural differences in business communication

4.1 Discussion: Uncertainty Avoidance  (Part B)

  1. Review the internet article “The Role of Cultural Differences in Business Communications.”
  2. Paying attention to the author’s perspective on the connection between product quality and uncertainty avoidance, review the internet article “On Avoiding Uncertainty.”
  3. By the end of this workshop, read and critically respond to at least two of your classmates.
    1. Consider their reflection on the self-assessment results and application of principles related to uncertainty avoidance.
    2. Offer critical evaluation or add clarity to the posts of your classmates.
    3. Where applicable, respectfully offer alternate perspectives and provide additional clarifying commentary to add to the discussion.
  4. Each response should be at least 150 words.

4.2 Discussion: Developing a Cultural Map (Part B)

  1. Review the video “10 Minutes with Geert Hofstede on Uncertainty Avoidance.”
  2. Review the video “The right way to ask questions about your colleague’s race.” (
  3. By the end of this workshop, read and critically respond to at least two of your classmates.(
  1. Offer a critical evaluation or add clarity to the posts of your classmates.
  2. Offer alternate perspectives and provide additional clarifying commentary to add to the discussion.
  1. Each response should be at least 150 words.

Peer Review 1: (Sree Red K)

  1. List all of the various cultures that you belong to (or that you would say have influenced the way you communicate). There are no right or wrong answers. You can identify any and all cultures (as we have defined that term) that make sense to you.

The various cultures that I belong to are:

  • I am an Indian.
  • I am a Man.
  • My skin tone is Brown.
  • I am a Hindu.
  • I belong to Masculine gender.
  • I am single.
  • I am a student.

3.Graphically “map” all of the cultures in terms of their importance in your life now and their relation to each other. You can use any format you wish to map things. You may use different geometric shapes for various culture, different sizes, etc. Again, there are no right or wrong answers. Whatever mapping captures your sense of your cultures is fine.

  1. Draw points of tension between your cultures. Which cultures tend to have norms for behavior that differ? That conflict? Which cultures are most in tension in this way? Draw arrows or other indicators to show that.

4.Which of these cultural tensions are most likely to cause you internal conflict?

I don’t have much of cultural tensions in my life, because I used to adapt to the situation where I live. After I came to US, I used to look around people who follow Christianity, they are so loving and show kindness towards others, which fascinated me a lot. The teachings of Jesus Christ were something extraordinary from the other teachings which I have heard already in my religion. So, I just have a passion for Christianity and the teachings of Christ.

Peer Review 2: (Sid Gang)

Developing a Cultural Map


  • Woman
  • American
  • Asian
  • Christian
  • Sister
  • Fiancé
  • Academic
  • Athlete


  • American
  • Asian
  • Woman
  • Christian
  • Sister
  • Fiancé
  • Siter
  • Athlete
  • Academic


  • American
  • Asian
  • Woman
  • Christian
  • Sister
  • Fiancé
  • Academic
  • Athlete

(d)Between the Christian and athletic cultures, there is much internal tension. There is a widespread belief that drug and alcohol use is acceptable in the sports community. It was not easy to be the person who refused to participate more actively because of my Christian beliefs while growing up in this society. I had difficulty connecting with my friends since so many of them decided to lead this lifestyle, which I appreciated and made me feel alone (Chu, 2020).

(e)  Conflict might arise between my Asian and American backgrounds. Some White Americans harbor animosity against Asians, a phenomenon that is becoming less widespread. In elementary and high school, I watched this play out firsthand. In order to make light of the Asian culture, some people would make nasty and derogatory remarks. However, I do not think that should be allowed to go unchecked (Rozin et al., 2016).

4.3 Discussion: Masculinity vs. Femininity Societies (Part A)

  1. Watch the video “10 Minutes with Geert Hofstede on Masculinity versus Femininity.”(
  2. Examine the PowerPoint on Masculinity vs. Femininity.
  3. Read the article “‘Christian Worldview’ Drives Hungary’s Stunningly Successful Pro-Family Policies: Minister for Family.”
  4. Navigate to the discussion below and post a substantive response to the following questions:
  1. Complete the following chart based on your personal views of masculine and feminine roles. Identify each trait listed as either masculine or feminine, using your personal perspective. Copy and paste the completed chart into your initial discussion post.
Trait Masculine Feminine
Build relationships based on trust
Coach and mentor others
Culturally competent
Strategic thinker
High level of confidence
  1. Group together the traits you have identified as masculine and write a paragraph explaining your perspective. Write a second paragraph discussing your perspective on those traits you have identified as feminine.
  2. From your reading of the article “‘Christian Worldview’ Drives Hungary’s Stunningly Successful Pro-Family Policies: Minister for Family,” consider the social ramifications of espousing a Christian worldview in Hungary. What spillover effects might be anticipated when the Christian worldview described in the article and global business intersect?


  1. Your initial response should:
  1. Be 200–300 words in length
  2. Include a minimum of two properly cited references. For questions on APA style, go to the APA Style Guide.

4.4 Discussion: Assess Your Cultural Profile (Part A)

  1. Watch the video “The Culture Map” by Erin Meyer.
  2. Read the article “Assess Your Cultural Profile” by David Champion.
  3. Use the assessment tool at “Cultural Competence Self-assessment Checklist” and take the questionnaire.
  4. Navigate to the discussion below and post a substantive response to the following questions a–c:
  1. Discuss your assessment and reflect on how the assessment might shape you as a global manager. Use PowerPoint to create a short presentation (five slides) and include images of your assessment using Snipping Tool to take snippets of your assessment to share with your peers. For information on Snipping Tool, watch the following video. (
  2. What areas would you improve or strengthen?
  3. Reflect on Proverbs 3:5-6and discuss whether your trust in God is more ask-based trust (from the head) or relationship-based trust (from the heart)?

4.5 Assignment: ArcelorMittal Acquisition

  1. Read the article Arcelor agrees to Mittal Takeover.
  2. Read the article ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel complete acquisition of Essar Steel.
  3. Peruse ArcelorMittal’s corporate website for additional information.
  4. Peruse Hofstede’s Insights for additional information.
  5. Write a 5-6 page paper following APA Style. For questions on APA Style, go to the APA Style Guide.
  6. In your paper, address the following questions:
  1. Compare Hofstede’s cultural dimensions for the countries of Luxembourg, India, and Japan.
  2. Discuss Arcelor’s motivation to be acquired by Mittal and Mittal’s motivation to merge with Arcelor.
  3. Discuss the two major challenges that threatened the Arcelor/Mittal merger. Which of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions might be at the core of these challenges?
  4. Discuss at least two reasons why ArcelorMittal acquired Essar Steel.
  5. Discuss the rationale for ArcelorMittal’s joint venture with Nippon Steel.
  6. If you were a manager at ArcelorMittal, what cultural challenges might emerge in your attempts to integrate a Christian worldview in the workplace?


  1. Include an introduction paragraph, a conclusion paragraph, APA level one headings, and a minimum of five (5) properly cited sources in your paper.


Gender roles

How gender is socially constructed using cultural goods as a lens

Answer the following question

Let’s see how gender plays out in the consumer world and how gender is socially constructed, using cultural goods as a lens. First, let’s collect data to do this. Find two to three products online that are ‘for men’ and ‘for women’ to examine the differences between similar products sold for women and men. Provide links or screenshots for the produces. Second, address the following questions in your post: Are there differences in packaging? Pricing? What do these products tell us about gender norms in the male-female binary, that is, the binaristic (opposing) expectations for each gender?
Have you found that the ways in which you personally ‘do gender’ sometimes challenge this binary and its norms?


in APA style… using the sources provided only and in 550 words:

Capital budgeting

Capital budgeting

Capital budgeting can be affected by factors such as exchange rate risk, political risk, transfer pricing, and strategic risk. Select a mid- or large-sized business organization and explain how each of these factors can affect its capital budgeting. Which factor poses the greatest threat to your selected organization and why? What measures can stakeholders take to reduce adverse impacts of these factors?


Support your rationale with at least one citation from the literature.

Developing a retirement plan

Developing a retirement plan

For this assignment, you take on the role of a personal retirement planner who is preparing a memo for your client. In the memo, explain to the client the financial and risk considerations that go into planning for retirement.


Write a 4–5 page paper using the following instructions:

  1. Describe the importance of factors to consider when developing a retirement plan. These will include age, marital status, number of dependents, health, life expectancy, and other sources of income such as social security and pensions.
  2. Examine the relationship between risk and return and its impact on decisions about saving for retirement. Provide examples of the relationship.
  3. Explain how risk factors (such as age and personal risk tolerance) impact the allocation of assets included in a retirement plan. Support your explanation with examples of how asset allocation changes as the risk factors change.
  4. Analyze how fiscal and monetary policies may impact retirement plans.
    1. Research how changes in fiscal policy and monetary policy can impact retirement savings.
    2. This research should include how changes in policies, including interest rates, tax rates, and policies that impact savings (IRAs, 401k), can impact retirement plans.
  5. Evaluate the implications of the time value of money with respect to saving for retirement. Support the answer with specific examples and explanations.
  6. Use 4–5 sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

organizational change

Changing Behaviors


  1. Review the readings, resources, and lesson in this module.
  2. Include the items listed below:

Changing Behaviors

  • Outline how you understand the concept of Lewin’s (1947) theory of Unfreezing, Moving, and Refreezing in Armenakis et al. (2007), as applied to an example of your life and a change you had to undergo.
  • Explain the process from the Fig. 1 diagram on p. 235 in Armenakis et al (2007) in your own words, using an example of how it could be applied in a workplace.
  • Outline what you believe are attitudes and skills that are important to have to be able to deal with change at work in the future.

Organizational Change

Types of Change

  • Outline what “episodic change” means and how it is applied by leaders in an organization.
  • Outline what “continuous change” means and how it is applied by leaders in an organization.
  • In Weick & Quinn (1999), the point is made that “planned change” is usually triggered by the failure of people to create an adaptive organization, based on Dunphy (1996). Provide your insight into what this means.
  • In Weick & Quinn (1999), the concept that change is a constant part of your environment or not is addressed. Do you believe that a global business must address this concept more than a local one? Why or why not?

Strategic Management Process

Strategic Management Process

In a constantly and rapidly changing environment, developing and implementing a competent strategic plan is central to organization stability and viability.  Describe a strategic management process that can be utilized by a multinational organization to gain a competitive advantage over others in their industry and explain the importance of each stage.

concept of globalization


Globalization refers to the increasing integration of national and regional markets and economies and the domination of the world economy by massive multinational firms.  It has affected nearly every organization, and industry, in the competitive marketplace today.

Detail the following in relation to the changing nature of global competitiveness:

  • Define and explain the concept of globalization.
  • Compare and contrast the growth of globalization over the past thirty years, in general, and then specifically for one industry of your choice. For instance, you may present the growth of imports and exports over the past thirty years, and then detail the impact globalization has had on United States toy manufacturers.
  • Finally, evaluate how globalization has altered the competitive landscape. In particular, elaborate on how a globalized marketplace affects the profitability and productivity of an organization and an industry.

diversification decision

diversification decision

To complete this project, you must submit your completed press release template of 1 to 2 pages using the provided templates, or the document you downloaded from Soomo. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Using the template provided in the supporting materials section below, draft a press release that reflects your company’s new venture and how it affects the general external audience. Your press release should address the following rubric criteria:

  • Address the key points appropriate for external audiences.
  • Summarize the diversification decision
  • Explain why the decision was made.
  • Explain where in the marketplace the new products are      launching.
  • Identify who benefits from this product in both the      company and the community.

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Health Care

Health Care Strategic Planning Experts

Strategic Plan Part 3 – Financial Plan

Create a 3- to 5-year financial plan to implement the goals and objectives created in Part 2 of your strategic plan. The deliverables for the financial plan include a projected budget created in Microsoft® Excel® and a report in Microsoft® Word that clarifies and explains the financial plan.

Section One: Projected Budget

 Create a projected budget.

  • The projected budget should be a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet that contains a 3- to 5-year financial projection that includes detailed expenditures, income, contingency, gain or loss, capital outlay, and ROI (if applicable).

 Include budget strategies to increase volume and budget assumptions.

Section Two: Financial Plan Explanation

 Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word narrative discussing the fiscal details of the plan and the assumptions that were used in developing the projected budget.

  • Include all the elements required in the projected budget.
  • Include capital expenditure planning and contingency plans for unexpected events.
  • Budget summary: When explaining your budget:
  • Describe the organization’s current business model.
  • Evaluate the impact of internal resources and financial capabilities on the business model implementation.
  • Determine how the organization’s internal resources and financial capabilities affect your financial plan.
  • Determine how they will affect implementation of the plan.
  • Explain the details of the budget assumptions and the strategies to increase volume.


Cite at least 4 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar resources to support your information.

 Format your paper according to APA guidelines.