history of cryptography

history of cryptography

In the writing assignment, you will evaluate the history of cryptography from its origins. Analyze how cryptography was used and describe how it grew within history. The writing assignment requires a minimum of two written pages to evaluate the history.


You must use a minimum of three scholarly articles to complete the assignment.

APA formatted with a separate title and reference page.

High quality work needed

Cultural Identity

Cultural Identity

 Students will write a 4 – 5-page paper (not including cover page and reference page) describing your own cultural identity and how it will impact your practice as a social worker

In this description include:

  1. your personal experiences with race, gender, immigration, culture, religion, education, socio-economic status, family, sexuality, health care, community, and relationships; discuss how you experience your cultural identities in relationship to others and within society (3 points)
  2. the areas in which you have experienced privilege; discuss power lines (3 points)
  3. your experiences with intersectionality (critical race theory); discuss meta-and epistemic cognitions (3 points)
  4. discuss your family of origin’s history, values, norms, attitudes and beliefs, and the significance of economic, social, and political factors on those values, norms, and beliefs(3 points)
  5. highlight the similarities and differences between your family of origin’s perspective and your own perspective; (3 points)
  6. discuss how your cultural identity will impact your work as a social worker including a discussion on your own cultural biases, limitations, and experiences in value differences and conflict as it pertains to social work practice. (5 points)
  7. All information must be included. Sufficient information provided to support all elements of the topic. Clear and appropriate organization, with effective transitions, introduction, and conclusion. Consistent and appropriate writing style, there are no grammatical errors, there are no spelling errors. Appropriate punctuation used.


  1. References used appropriately in paper, no errors in references, correct use of APA style references.  (5 points)

A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ME (THIS PART IS JUST TO GUIDE YOU): my name is Janina Lopez. I am 26 years old, and I’m from Colombia. I came to the United States 12 years ago with my parents looking for a better future. I live in Miami Florida, and I am majoring in social work.

I am a Hispanic woman; my religion is Catholic due to the beliefs of my parents, and I respect that and the religion of each person. my sexuality is heterosexual. I am a bit introverted; I like to read a lot and my state of health is very healthy and I have medical insurance. In Colombia, we lived in the middle class, but we lived very well. My parents and I had the opportunity to come to the United States. At first, it was very difficult for me to learn English since it was a new language for me since I suffered from bullying in middle school for that reason, but in the end, I was able to learn to speak and write English, which I am proud of. I like the way my parents think because they taught me that studying is very important and having a career to get ahead is not only getting married and being a housewife and having children but not depending on anyone and putting myself first and thinking about every step, I take to become the person I want to be. My family and I value things very much and we always say that things are obtained by fighting and working honestly. My family and I believe in democracy, and we do not agree with the injustices since we come from a country where many injustices are seen, and human rights are violated. That was one of the reasons why I wanted to be a social worker to respect human rights and raise my voice for those people who cannot.


Quality Improvement Project

Quality Improvement Project

  1. Readiness for Change Score and significance: _______

   1– 15 Not ready for change now Red   _____

16– 30 Possibly ready for change Yellow  _____

  • – 45 Ready for change Green  _____

 See Module 1 for Readiness for Change Survey

  1. Quality Improvement Project Topic

                Topic: __________________________________

Choose a topic based on a need identified from the Wheel of Life assessment (See Module 1)

  1. Write a Short and Long-term goal
    1. Short term SMART Goal (action oriented- active tense, positive language)written as clear and concise sentence addressing one behavior change.  Must be written to complete in four-week time frame:

Goal should be S.M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Timeframe


Example: I will eat at least one green vegetable at one meal every day for four weeks in order to improve my GI health. 

  1. Long term SMART Goal written as one clear and concise sentence:


Example: I will include 2 green leafy vegetables at 2 out of 3 meal times everyday to improve my mental clarity and overall health over the course of 1 year.

See this reference: https://acewebcontent.azureedge.net/assets/education-resources/lifestyle/fitfacts/pdfs/fitfacts/itemid_2637.pdf

  1. Evidenced Based Practice Resource


  1. Is this an expert opinion from a website or is this a journal article?
  2. Title of the article
  3. How does this article apply to your SMART goal?
  4. Summarize article content with a minimum of 5 sentences.
  5. What was the purpose of the article?
  6. What was the major takeaway from this resource?
  7. When was it written (or date on website)? Must be within the past 10 years.


Cite Reference in APA format. Include article as attachment.

 This site includes instructions on how to cite a reference in APA format: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/reference_list_electronic_sources.html


Screening Strategies

Screening Strategies


The NIAA’s training “Clinician’s Guide Online Training: Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much” offers case examples of the way a social worker might decide to use a specific screening while working with a client. This training can be accessed in the objectives, readings, and resources section of this module in canvas. This discussion is your opportunity to apply your learning about diagnosis and screening to a specific client case.

Please respond to the following:

Think about one client in your current (or previous) practicum/workplace who is (or was) at risk for a substance use disorder. Provide background information so that other classmates can understand who the client is, why you would be concerned about substance use, and the setting in which treatment would be taking place.

The NIAA’s training “Clinician’s Guide Online Training: Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much” offers case examples of the way a social worker might decide to use a specific screening while working with a client. This training can be accessed in the objectives, readings, and resources section of this module in canvas. This discussion is your opportunity to apply your learning about diagnosis and screening to a specific client case.

Please respond to the following:

Think about one client in your current (or previous) practicum/workplace who is (or was) at risk for a substance use disorder. Provide background information so that other classmates can understand who the client is, why you would be concerned about substance use, and the setting in which treatment would be taking place.
Determine the screening tool or screening tools that would make the most sense for determining the client’s substance use disorder. Provide research-based evidence to support your reasoning. You can look to screenings we have discussed in class and/or do research to determine if a better-fit screening tool is available.
Pretend that you conducted this screening and answer the screening in the way you believe the client would answer. Using these results to inform your decision making, offer the client a DSM-5 diagnosis (or explain why the client does not meet criteria). Be sure to describe the way the client meets the diagnostic criteria.
Offer a reflection of the utility of this screening tool with your client population and whether it is helpful for determining risk-level and diagnosis. Please share any other reflections or questions you might have about screening tools and diagnosis here; remember that your classmates are a wealth of information!


Initial Post Prompt:200 – 300 words in length. Be sure to use APA style and format If you use in-text citations and references. You should also include a descriptive subject line in this initial post.Determine the screening tool or screening tools that would make the most sense for determining the client’s substance use disorder. Provide research-based evidence to support your reasoning. You can look to screenings we have discussed in class and/or do research to determine if a better-fit screening tool is available.
Pretend that you conducted this screening and answer the screening in the way you believe the client would answer. Using these results to inform your decision making, offer the client a DSM-5 diagnosis (or explain why the client does not meet criteria). Be sure to describe the way the client meets the diagnostic criteria.
Offer a reflection of the utility of this screening tool with your client population and whether it is helpful for determining risk-level and diagnosis. Please share any other reflections or questions you might have about screening tools and diagnosis here; remember that your classmates are a wealth of information!


Initial Post Prompt:200 – 300 words in length. Be sure to use APA style and format If you use in-text citations and references. You should also include a descriptive subject line in this initial post.

Case Study

Case Study

  1. Obtain a copy of your hospital’s organization map. Most of them can be found online or you can ask your administrative office for a copy. If you are not working right now, then look up the map of a local facility near your home or any county; facilities such as Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami are usually available on the internet.
  2. Post (copy/paste) the map and, then answer the following questions:
    1. Describe what kind of organization you believe this to be?
    2. Is this mostly vertical or horizontal?
    3. Why do you think that this organization level was selected?
    4. Does the size of the hospital have anything to do with the organization’s structure?


  1. Your paper should be:
    • One (1) page
    • Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards
    • Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file


Labor Powerpoint

Labor Powerpoint

For this exercise, you will be serving in the role of a trainer of shop stewards for a local chapter of a National Union. You have been asked to present an online training instructing shop stewards on one of the laws(Any labor laws such as Railway Labor Act, Wagner Act, Norris-LaGuardia Act,Taft Hartley, etc. You choose.It doesn’t matter)


The training should be 6 slides, not including references.

Please include the following elements:

  • Introduction
  • Course Overview and Goals
  • Summary of the law
  • Impact of the law on the National Union
  • Impact of the law on local Union/Management relationships
  • Conclusion
  • References

For this exercise, you should review role of a shop steward* attached below. Your powerpoint must have at least two scholarly sources.

Principles Of Finance

Principles Of Finance


What is the difference between a stock dividend and a stock split? As a stockholder, would you prefer to see your company declare a 100% stock dividend or a 2-for-1 split? Assume that either action is feasible.


One position expressed in the financial literature is that firms set their dividends as a residual after using income to support new investments. Explain what a residual policy implies (assuming that all distributions are in the form of dividends), illustrating your answer with a table showing how different investment opportunities could lead to different dividend payout ratios.


Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. If the statement is false, explain why.

a.If a firm repurchases its stock in the open market, the shareholders who tender the stock are subject to capital gains taxes.

b.If you own 100 shares in a company’s stock and the company’s stock splits 2-for-1, then you will own 200 shares in the company following the split.

c.Some dividend reinvestment plans increase the amount of equity capital available to the firm.

d.The Tax Code encourages companies to pay a large percentage of their net income in the form of dividends.

e.A company that has established a clientele of investors who prefer large dividends is unlikely to adopt a residual dividend policy.

f.If a firm follows a residual dividend policy then, holding all else constant, its dividend payout will tend to rise whenever the firm’s investment opportunities improve.



Define each of the following terms:

Capital structure; business risk; financial risk

Operating leverage; financial leverage; break-even point

Reserve borrowing capacity


What term refers to the uncertainty inherent in projections of future ROIC?


Firms with relatively high nonfinancial fixed costs are said to have a high degree of what?


“One type of leverage affects both EBIT and EPS. The other type affects only EPS.” Explain this statement.


Why is the following statement true? “Other things being the same, firms with relatively stable sales are able to carry relatively high debt ratios.”

GPower calculations

GPower calculations

Calculation of the number of participants to reach saturation is needed. I am looking at analysis using G*power to identify the number of participants for my dissertation process. I am using Quantitative methodology.

Power Analysis  – study utilizing the G*Power program to determine participants’ sample size with an effect size is needed to estimate saturation number.


give me this analysis with citations and references.

IT operations

IT operations

Assignment Content
You can use the Reynolds case for this paper. But be specific. This isn’t a high-level summary; you need to get into the weeds and offer a plan on how specific technology can be innovative in the environment you choose. I’d lean toward using Reynolds since you’ve done so much work on it already. It’s a long-range plan; where do you want the company to be in the coming years.
For this assignment, you will write a 3-page proposal detailing how you, as a senior IT manager, plan to create a culture of innovation in IT operations and integrate IT innovation into long-range strategic planning. The audience for this plan is senior leadership. Your proposal should include recommendations for specific technology innovations and a rationale for how you expect these innovations to drive business success.


Format your plan according to APA guidelines.