work activities

Analyzing Work Activities & Abilities

The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) is a source of occupational information maintained by the United States Department of Labor. The database contains standardized descriptions of various occupations. Each year, the database is updated after O*NET personnel survey a random sample of incumbent workers in a broad range of occupations. The O*NET Data Collection Program provides several hundred rating scales that are based on the responses of the sampled workers. There are four different questionnaires for the incumbent workers to complete related to occupation and employee characteristics. Personnel consultants complete a questionnaire that focuses on the sample workers’ abilities (O*NET, n.d.).

As a potential personnel consultant, you might collect this data and incorporate it into the next version of the O*NET database. You need to ensure that your rating is reliable by checking that your measure is consistent and the measurement error is reported. You can test reliability using various models. For example, you can test the consistency of your measure through interrater reliability by examining the percentage of agreement between raters.

For this Application Assignment, review work activites from ONET for the job analysis. Presume the purpose of the job analysis will be to construct a selection instrument for the job displayed in the media.


O*NET. (n.d). O*NET® data collection overview. O*NET Resource Center. Retrieved January 27, 2012, from


The Assignment (3–5 pages)

use the work activities from ONET that is attached.
Analyze the results from the O*NET generalized work activities (dataset provided in this week’s Learning Resources). For your analysis:
Calculate a mean rating for each question on the survey.
Use SPSS to calculate interrater reliability and agreement statistics (see the “SPSS Supplementary Document” for instructions).
Explain the generalized work activities scales and your ratings of the abilities scales on the O*NET.
Explain the statistical findings and the interrater analysis for the generalized work activities scales.

plan on BULLYING

Develop a health promotion plan on BULLYING 

 addressing a specific health concern within your community.

  • Competency 1: Analyze health risks and health care needs among distinct populations. · Analyze a community health concern that is the focus of a health promotion plan.
  • Competency 2: Propose health promotion strategies to improve the health of populations. · Explain why a health concern is important for health promotion within a specific population. · Establish agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health. · Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
  • Consider underlying assumptions and points of uncertainty in your analysis. · Consider the factors that contribute to health, health disparities, and access to services.

 APA 2-3 pages in length,

References to use- Please pick at least 3

Armitage, R. (2021). Bullying in children: Impact on child health. BMJ Paediatrics Open, 5(1),

e000939. Retrieved March 1, 2022, from

Bergmann, M. (2019). Comparing school-related risk factors of stereotypical bullying

perpetration and cyberbullying perpetration. European Journal of Criminology, 19(1),

77–97. Retrieved March 1, 2022, from

 Clemson University. (2022). Olweus bullying prevention program. Retrieved March 1, 2022,


 DuBois, D. L., Herrera, C., & Rivera, J. (2020). Investigation of long-term effects of the big

brothers big sisters community-based mentoring program: Final technical report for

ojjdp [PDF]. Retrieved March 1, 2022, from

 Handono, S., Laeheem, K., & Sittichai, R. (2019). Factors related with cyberbullying among the

youth of jakarta, indonesia. Children and Youth Services Review, 99, 235–239. Retrieved

March 1, 2022, from

 Kennedy, L. (2020). Effects of bullying: Implications into adulthood. Retrieved March 1, 2022,


 Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Increase the proportion of schools

with policies and practices that promote health and safety — eh-d01 – healthy people

  1. Retrieved March 1, 2022, from

7U.S. Department of Education. (2019). Student reports of bullying results from the 2017 school

crime supplement to the national crime victimization survey [PDF]. Retrieved March 1,

2022, from

 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2019, September 24). Effects of bullying. Retrieved March 1, 2022, from

 U.S Department of Health and Human Services. (2019, September 24). What is bullying. Retrieved March 1, 2022, from



Discussion Topic:

The three leaders who shaped the world from the late 1920’s tp 1945. Joseph Stalin (1879-1953) emerged as the Soviet Union’s leader following the 1924 death of Lenin (1870-1924). Adolph Hitler (1889-1945) took full advantage of German degradation following World War I. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) overcame the obstacles polio posed and became the longest-serving American President.

Compare and contrast these three leaders. How did these individuals affect the world? Why were these men able to rise to power, and maintain their leadership? Finally, interpret why each of these leaders increased the power of government?


A minimum of 250 words must contain at least (2) professional references properly cited in the current APA format.

Report to a Decision-maker 

  Research-Based Report to a Decision-maker    

Summary of assignment         


You write a report that does the following:

    • defines a problem persuasively and accurately
    • proposes a solution or solutions to the problem or issue
    • presents that solution to a decision-maker or group of decision-makers who can implement the recommendation

Topic: You will choose the same topic on which you wrote the memo for writing assignment #3.

Length: 2000-3000 words

Format: Your sources will be cited and listed in APA format.

Writing Process: You will submit a first draft of the report to the assignment folder. The first draft will be given comments by the instructor.  After receiving comments from the instructor, you will submit a revised draft.  The final draft will be graded.

If you do not submit a second draft, the first draft will be graded.

  • Components of the report:
    • letter to the decision maker (this can be a business letter OR a memo)
    • executive summary
    • title page
    • table of contents
    • introduction
    • body of the report to include headings and subheadings
    • conclusion stated as a recommendation for implementation of the solution
    • References page, with references listed in APA format
    • Any appendix (or appendices if there are multiples)

Instructions on how to list an interview in APA format can be seen at the following url:

           Primary and Secondary Sources


The report must incorporate the results of your own primary research. When integrating primary research, you must explain the method(s) you used to gather that research and insert a copy in your report’s appendices of any collection instrument you used.  For example, if you interviewed some people for the report, you would put the list of interview questions you asked in the appendix.  If you arranged for a group of people to take a survey, you would put the survey in the appendix.

The complete report should also cite at least seven secondary sources. At least three of these secondary sources should come from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals.

Students who cannot conduct primary research for safety or other valid reasons are required to provide TEN secondary sources. Of these FOUR should be from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals.

As noted above, your primary and secondary sources will be integrated into the paper to explain the problem, to provide evidence of the problem, and to support the solution.

Please note that, if you interview people for your research, you must cite the interviews in your paper.  In the paper, you cannot simply write that you “spoke with employees.”  A URL that shows how to cite an interview in APA citation style is provided in the list of components for the report.

You might have taken WRTG 393 at UMGC. In WRTG 393, the final paper is a white paper.  This assignment is different from the white paper in WRTG 393.  In this paper for WRTG 394, you are writing to a specific decision-maker about a specific problem in your workplace or community.  The audience is much more focused than that for the white paper in WRTG 393. 


Your report might benefit from graphics.  As mentioned above, pictures of your workplace or community situation might help illustrate the problem you are trying to address.  Graphs, tables, or charts might help show trends that will persuade your decision-maker that the problem exists.

Please do not incorporate a graphic for the sake of incorporating a graphic.  Include a graphic only if it helps communicate a message in your report.

Guides to Help You in Writing this Assignment:

Topic Selection:

For this report, you will write on the same topic on which you wrote the memo for writing assignment #3.  In addition, it should be related to the topic on which you wrote writing assignment #2.  The secondary research you conducted for writing assignment #2 should be usable in some form for this report.




Generic Competitive Strategies



ALL answers should from your own words or the textbook (No Internet resource allowed)

You answers must related to the textbook lessons. answers are easy to find under each chapter (pdf), just use some of your word and explanations from textbook. Also you must write the page number (where is this topic come from) after your answer.

Learning Objectives Chapters 5-8

CH.5 The Five Generic Competitive Strategies (please use pdf page1-28 for answers)

LO 1 What distinguishes each of the five generic strategies and why some of these strategies work better in certain kinds of competitive conditions than in others.

LO 2 The major avenues for achieving a competitive advantage based on lower costs.

LO 3 The major avenues to a competitive advantage based on differentiating a company’s product or service offering from the offerings of rivals.

LO 4 The attributes of a best-cost provider strategy—a hybrid of low-cost provider and differentiation strategies.


Need 2.5-3 pages answer for Learning Objectives Ch.5-8 *keep questions on the answer sheet and need answer the question one by one, don’t put all together.

Need total 1-1.5 page answer for two Discussion Questions (ch5-6; ch7-8)

Total 4 page answer

  1. 6 Strengthening a Company’s Competitive Position- Strategic Moves, Timing, and Scope of Operations (please use pdf page29-55 for answers)

LO 1 Whether and when to pursue offensive or defensive strategic moves to improve a company’s market position.

LO 2 When being a first mover or a fast follower or a late mover is most advantageous.

LO 3 The strategic benefits and risks of expanding a company’s horizontal scope through mergers and acquisitions.

LO 4 The advantages and disadvantages of extending the company’s scope of operations via vertical integration.

LO 5 The conditions that favor farming out certain value chain activities to outside parties.

LO 6 When and how strategic alliances can substitute for horizontal mergers and acquisitions or vertical integration and how they can facilitate outsourcing.

 CH.7 Strategies for Competing in International Markets. (Please use pdf page 59-88 for answers)

LO 1 The primary reasons companies choose to compete in international markets.

LO 2 How and why differing market conditions across countries influence a company’s strategy choices in international markets.

LO 3 The five major strategic options for entering foreign markets.

LO 4 The three main strategic approaches for competing internationally.

LO 5 How companies are able to use international operations to improve overall competitiveness.

LO 6 The unique characteristics of competing in developing-country markets.


  1. 8 Corporate Strategy Diversification and the Multibusiness Company (Please use pdf page 95-132 for answers)

 LO 1 When and how business diversification can enhance shareholder value.

LO 2 How related diversification strategies can produce cross-business strategic fit capable of delivering competitive advantage.

LO 3 The merits and risks of unrelated diversification strategies.

LO 4 The analytic tools for evaluating a company’s diversification strategy.

LO 5 What four main corporate strategy options a diversified company can employ for solidifying its strategy and improving company performance.

 Discussion Question (CH 5-6) (need 0.5-0.75page answer)

Think about the vertical integration strategies.  Make an argument for either “integrating backward” or “integrating forward” to gain competitive advantage.  Name a company or industry whereby your argument would apply.

Discussion Question (CH 7-8) (need 0.5-0.75-page answer)

After you read about the strategies to enter a foreign market, choose between a Foreign Subsidiary Strategy and a Joint Venture Strategy, and argue the advantages of the one you have chosen over the strategy you did not choose.  Name a company or industry whereby your argument would apply.

Cultural challenges

Cultural challenges that will be facing your staff

1.Identify as a nurse leader, the cultural challenges that will be facing your staff in the next five years.

2.Explain how you would recognize these needs and what tools you will use to develop a response to the challenges.

3.Identify a changing cultural dynamic in your community and explain how this dynamic is influencing the way healthcare is and will be delivered.

Ethical and professional standards

Ethical and professional standards

For this week’s assignment, choose one of the following legal positions: judge, lawyer, or paralegal. Then, develop a presentation discussing the ethical and professional standards for your chosen legal profession.
• Identify the job requirements.
• Identify the ethical obligations.
• Identify and discuss the legal codes that the profession must follow.
• Provide examples of potential areas of conflict.


Length: 10-12 slides, excluding the title and reference slides
References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly references.
The completed assignment should address all the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations, and current APA standards, and adhere to the Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Standards Of Medical Care

Standards Of Care And Medical Practice

Assessment Description

After completing all readings for this topic, compose a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes in which you

  1. Define the standards and parameters that health care professionals must have in order to work within their scope of practice.
  2. Describe the legal responsibility health care professionals have in relation to risk and the prevention of injury within their scope of practice.
  3. Explain the impact of negligence, malpractice, and litigation on the relationship between patient and provider.
  4. Evaluate approaches health care providers can take to minimize error, reduce risk, and improve communication and collaboration among providers. Explain how these approaches can improve the quality of health care.


Include at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed references from the GCU Library to support your positions.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Lopes Write. A link to the Lopes Write technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

deleterious impact

Resist the deleterious impact of social comparison

Explain how you might mitigate or resist the deleterious impact of social comparison as discussed.


Support your response with references to social psychology theory and research.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

This information is also found in the Student Handbook.

Develop a personal philosophy focusing on the central concerns of nursing. The fundamental elements are to be included; others may be chosen if desired. Use at least two references to support your point of view. One reference must be research based from a nursing journal.

A philosophy of nursing is by its very nature, a very individualized, personal statement based on subjective life experiences and adoption of particular world views. As such, the grading of this project will rest solely on the “depth and breadth” of the philosophical inquiry guided by the questions. Total points possible for this project are 15. This is not a simple exercise. Put thought into this. It is your personal philosophy of nursing. Please answer the questions below:

Personal Knowing 1. Examine your personal beliefs and baccalaureate nursing education.

(Write an overall introduction of your personal beliefs about being a baccalaureate prepared nurse).

Ontological Questioning 2. To develop a personal philosophy of nursing: one must focus on the central concerns of the discipline. This would include, for example, the nature of human beings and the life process. From the perspective of nursing, attempt to answer the following questions which reflect the fundamental elements of nursing and any others you may choose to incorporate:

  1. What is society – of whom is it composed, and what is the nature of the relationships among its constituents including self in the role of the nurse? Where do you, as a professional nurse, fit into the picture and landscape of community?
    b. What are your central beliefs about the individual person, and that individual’s potential? The individual’s ability to learn, change, and heal? The family? The community? Your role as a professional nurse in these processes and relationships?
    c. What constitutes the environment? How do human beings and the environment interact? What contextual importance does it have for the focus of the discipline of nursing.
    d. What is your view(s) of health? Is it a continuum? A unidirectional phenomenon? A state? A process? Achieved/maintained alone or in unison with others?
    e. How do illness and wellness relate to health?
    f. What is the central reason for the existence of nursing and your calling to it?
    g. Who is the recipient of your nursing call?
    h. How does self-discovery and knowledge development occur in nurse-client relationships.Empirical Knowing 3. From the perspective of a philosopher’s concern with knowledge, Epistemological attempt to answer the following questions that reflect the Questioning essential elements of the scientific discipline of nursing:
    a. What do you believe is the nursing process?
    b. From what cognitive base does the professional nurse operate? Critical thinking? Problem-solving methodology?
    c. How do you implement the nursing process as you define it? What is necessary in the application of knowledge?
    d. How is the theory base for nursing derived?
    e. What is the theoretical framework for the profession? Is there room for diversity of thought, or is unity conceptual?

    Ethical and Esthetic 4. From the philosopher’s concern with ethics and esthetics, attempt Knowing to answer the following questions reflecting the valuation elements of nursing:

  2. What are the essential rights and responsibilities of the professional nurse?
    b. What are the essential rights and responsibilities of the recipient of nursing care?
    c. How do your beliefs about nursing guide the research, education, administration and practice components of your role as a professional nurse?
    d. What are the governing ethical principles in the delivery of nursing care and the conduct of nursing research?
    e. What are your beliefs about the educational requirements and the focus of education for the practice of the profession?
    f. What are your beliefs about the teaching-learning process?
    g. What do you believe is needed for your continued development of esthetic knowing or responsiveness in nurse-client interactions?




Criteria 3 2 1 0
Personal Knowing Personal philosophy of nursing written from a generalist nurse perspective Written from a specialty nurse perspective Vague references to nursing Paper does not address nursing
Ontological Questioning Includes all questions and provides an in-depth reflection of self Includes all questions but there is no in-depth reflection of self Not all questions answered Does not include
Empirical Knowing Includes all questions and provides an in-depth reflection of self Includes all questions but there is no in-depth reflection of self Not all questions answered Does not include
Ethical and Esthetic Knowing Includes all questions and provides an in-dept reflection of self Includes all questions but there is no –in-depth reflection of self Not all questions answered Does not include
APA 0 mistakes 1 -2 mistakes 3-4 mistakes More than 4 mistakes



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